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I had left

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I had left. I spent two hours wondering if I should leave my babies but I ended up. They couldn't see me like this and it was safe for them to stay. Doesn't mean it didn't break me though.

She sat in the cabin Dan had brought me to. I seriously wonder if he lived here. "Are you ok need anything I have drugs" I snort "most will probably react to all the meds I'm on" "the weed didn't when J gave it to you" I sigh "I remember it relaxed you really didn't well" he mused taking a puff of his smoke. He hands it to me and I hesitantly take a puff myself. Slowly but surely the voices disappeared. Justin worked out it helped when I followed him to a party. His lips kiss me forcefully as he pushes me against the door. His hands roam my body causing all kinds of fireworks. He effortlessly picks me up slowly walking over and placing me on the soft comfortable bed. I was in a bliss of euphoria as he kisses every inch of my body. I shake my head trying my to push the memories away.

A week that's how long I spent crying and ignoring the world. No I hadn't been getting high the whole time, just that first day. After that it was more of a roller coaster. I smile at Dan getting out of my car walking up to my door. The house was so quiet. I could tell someone had be coming watering the plants. I wonder who's been watching Alvin, I knew MillieFlorence would go to the district when she wasn't at preschool. But Alvin I didn't know. I instantly felt horrible, like I wanted to curl up and cry all over again.

I let my wet hair out of the towel walking out of my room. After more crying I ended up showing. I wanted to go see my babies but I knew I couldn't like this. I heard noice outside making me turn towards the door. I don't know why I didn't move, I just stood there waiting. Listening as they opened the door. There footsteps got closer and closer I never moved, dumb I know. "Mummy" MillieFlorence squealed making me flinch back lucky she didn't notice "I miss you so much are you ok I water all the plants for you daddy help me with the big ones" I just held my daughter not speaking. Holding her in my arms taking it in. Jay gently takes her "go outside and water the plants Millie while I talk to mummy" he waited till she left before turning to me "are you ok" I nod "where have you been I get you have all these issues but you just left them you know how freaked out I was when I got the call" he ranted and I just took it I deserved it. I had hated myself for a whole week over this. I kept wonder if it would have been better if I stayed. "Mummy are we going to read our story I've been waiting I saved it" "actually Millie your coming back with me" he hated me I could feel it. I was a mess still in my mind combined that with hormones am I even ok to see her.

I delicately knock on the door. "Lilah" Kelly said shocked "I can I see him" "yeah yeah of course are you ok" I nod he led me inside "you could have called I would have brought him over" "I know but ah Jay he took Millie and I just wanted I didn't want you to take me" "I would never jay his just he wants to protect her and he doesn't get it" he told me. He did have a point Kelly had seen it all been there from the beginning. Kelly saw the good and bad jay hasn't.

Kelly passes me Alvin who I held close. He was babbling like crazy bring an instant smile to my face. He was so much bigger and happy. I smother him in kisses making him laugh in delight. "You want to stay" Kelly asks "if that's ok" "hey I don't blame you I know you made sure they were safe you can't always help what happens but you make sure they are safe and that's all I care about...that came off rude I care about you to but I know you I know you are safe always and know how to deal with what's going on" he told me stroking my hair he just held me. He knew I was like jelly when I reappeared. The simplest things could break me. It was like because everything comes out all at once's, I needed to rebuild my strength. "How are you" "I'm a mess I cried for a lifetime" he just smiles hugging me as we both listen to the happy babbles of Alvin. "Moon looked so heartbroken" "she probably was but I seen that child when she's not happy she's definitely your child and he will be going through hell" Kelly said "I'm pregnant" he chokes and starts coughing like crazy. "I'm sorry I thought you just said you were pregnant" "I am date night" "wait Arizona date night" I nod "so that means" "two months" I said "it's twins I don't think his realised that though" "twins...I mean wasn't your meant to be a twin so it's possible" he shrugs "his not letting me see he though so how" "hey just let it blow over his scared for Millie and himself he loves you but you disappearing reminds him how unpredictable it can be and that's terrifying even for me" I sigh "when your dad called and told me I knew what happened instantly all I cared about was that you did your job and kept them safe...I was worried about you don't get me wrong and I probably could have found you if I went through your brothers friends however I knew you needed space" I smile at him "it's just reality of what it's like being with you or have a child with you...the last time you disappeared was when you were pregnant with Millie" "that's because every time it happened I was alone at home so i never felt suffocated" "hey you can drop him off at the firehouse I won't ask any questions if you need" I smile "that would probably be good because dad can just tell and he doesn't like me to leave when I am like that it's gotten worse since" "hey drop them both off and I'll call him if you need a minute or Alex" I nod against him.

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