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I sat on my bed with MillieFlorence laying in my legs

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I sat on my bed with MillieFlorence laying in my legs. She was smiling and wiggling. Jay was kneeling on the floor his head resting on my leg as he stared at MillieFlorence. "Are you ok" he asks after a moment. I had an episode earlier I ended up screaming at when before I stormed away crying. I couldn't even tell you when something in me just snapped. "I should ask you that" he just hums not taking his eyes off our baby girl "I think we should break up" he stares at me in shock "what no" he began begging "I can't put you through all my ups and downs it may seem fine now but it's going to tire you out. My dad and Justin couldn't even deal with me half the time" I say quietly "I won't keep our baby from you you could problem even get full custody if that's what you want" I had tears in my eyes again "hey I don't know what this is but I'm not going anything or going anywhere because this is my place sure it might be frustrating and exhausting but that's just me learning navigating through this" I smile he was perfect.

I was doing everything. Jay was out all the time but that was just work. He would come back and it was utter bliss. I was slowly unravelling. I knew that so I did what I thought was logical, go to the lab before the need to run. I was in the lab working the forensics of a DEA agent. MillieFlorence was on a bench opposite me she was in a little baby seat kicking her legs and smiling.

Dad called me to tell me he was the one who found the DEA agent. I didn't know what to think. I of course came only to hear he was sleeping with her. That's what really unravelled me. I didn't care who she was it was the action alone. I now understood why he had been out so much.

I left not long after that. I was at Luke's house he was a friend of Justin's. No doubt he messaged to say I was here. I was pacing holding MillieFlorence I hadn't let her go. My phone had been blowing up, I had only told Justin to not tell Jay. I knew Matt didn't know where I was. Sighing I switch my phone off before sitting down. Luke lives in Lincoln park according to everyone one I didn't know anyone in Lincoln park. The house wasn't even in his name. "Is she ok" "she's fine baby""who even is she she just showed up" "she's my sister" "I thought you only had a brother" I roll my eyes god her voice is so whiny. "I do she's my best friends little sister my sister just leave us baby go on your shopping trip" "Will she be here when I get back" she sounded like a bitch. I hadn't even payed attention to her and I hate her. "I don't know even if she is she will only be here for a few days" "fine but only cause I love you" I roll my eyes. Right now love makes me sick. I hold my baby girl a little tighter. She's only a month old and everything is falling apart.

"LilahJo" he said kneeling in front of me as I sit on the couch. "What happened princess" I weakly smile he always joked I was his and Justin's princess and they wouldn't let anything happen to me. "It's all falling apart" "deep breath how bout we start with who this precious bean is" "bean I like it...this is MillieFlorence Moon my daughter" her big bright blue grey eyes stare at him as he runs his finger along her face. "It was perfect Lu but nothing ever lasts in my life" "hey what happened I can call Justin he will be over in a second" "surprised you two still talk" he rolls his eyes smirking "we never stopped his my brother what happened" "he cheated" I don't realise until he grabs my arms that I was holding MillieFlorence a little tighter. "Let me hold her" I let him take my baby from my arms. I knew I wouldn't but it was the possibility I might. I didn't trust myself in this state. "Don't let him get her" I said making him nod.

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