The brother

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I get wheeled into the hospital

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I get wheeled into the hospital. I had gotten into a serious car accident on the way to work. I couldn't feel anything, but Kelly kept telling me I was going to be ok so I assumed something was wrong. I had to be cut out of the car. "Female 28 large laceration to the head potential internal damage" Sylvie said rattling off other random stuff or what I find random like bp, heart rate that kind of thing I just want to leave. "On my count" a red head in a white coat said he must be the doctor "1 2 3" Im lifted across my bed "I'm doctor Halstead can you tell me your name" he shines a light in my eyes "Delilah-Jo" he starts ordering different scans and what not before looking at the cut on my head.

My head was patched up I ended up getting twelve stitches. The results on my potential internal injures came back that there were none but there was only three broken ribs. I was just waiting on the results on my ankle. "It's a clean break so we are going to strap it you just have to be off it for six week" Doctor Halstead said causing me to nod. He immediately gets to work wrapping my foot up. "Is your brother jay" he smirks up at me. A very similar smirk to the one I love. "What makes you say that" "well 1)your last name is the same 2) he told me had a brother 3) you have the same smirk" I told my fingers up as I list each he laughs "how do you know him" "we're close" i say like it's a question. He gives me a look that he doesn't believe me. The same look jay give me when he doesn't believe me "ok fine we're together but you can't tell anyone it's a secret like life threatening secret" he laughs "I mean it my dad will kill him and that's not even a casual thing like the saying it's an actual threat to life and I happen to like your brother a lot so keep your mouth shut" he nods smiling I could tell he doesn't believe me but he will soon. "Princess Voight are you ok" Kelly said let's just say my name has been princess Voight since I was six. "Voight" Doctor Halstead said "you didn't know she was a Voight" Kelly asked "she just said her name is Delilah-Jo" "you didn't ask for my full name" I smile innocently "what's your name or do you want me to just call you Doctor" "Will" I nod "well Will it's a pleasure to meet you my name is Delilah-Jo Voight Hank Voight is my father I'm his princess his most prize possession" I say he smiles "it nice to finally meet you" he wrapping my foot up finishes standing back "I called Erin so she can tell your dad" Kelly said sitting down "until then I'm here" I shake my head "I have Will my new friend" the two smile. "I'm sure you get the whole threat to life thing now" Will nods "kinda have to warm dad up to the idea it's a process and my brother is a who other story" Will nods Kelly just watches like it's a tennis game. "Could you call him tell him how I am no doubt my dad will only allow Erin Al and the doctor in" he nods going to walk away "you can tell him everything" he nods "I see if he tells me" "he won't" I say confusing Kelly very much.

I had spent a day in hospital before being released. After a lot of arguing with my dad I finally convince him to let me stay in my apartment. With Erin's help of course we went on about how there's no stairs. He almost had Justin stay with me but I assure him I would be fine. Also couldn't have Justin here if Jay was going to come over. A knock at the door made me groan. I get up from the couch using my crutches to hobble to the door. I look through the little spy hole before smiling. I open the door resting on the crutches as I lean back. I can barely register what's happening as I was suddenly in his arms "I was so worried" I smile wrapping my arms around him allowing the two crutches to fall to the floor. "Why do you think I had Will tell you everything" he smirks looking at me "yes you met my brother without me and told him our secret" I laugh "I'm sorry ok I figured it out and then he asked how I knew you and he gave me that look you give me when you don't believe me even if I'm right so I told him" I whine "I also told him to tell you everything didn't want you thinking I was dead cause my dad wouldn't let you in" he just leans down kissing me before walking over to the couch. "Hey I dropped the crutches to kiss you kinda stranded here now" I say causing him to let out a loud obnoxious laugh. He walks over picking me up effortlessly carrying me back to the couch. He then dramatically walks over picking up my crutches, making sure the door was locked. He walks over to me "your majesty" he sarcastically bows handing me the crutches causing me to laugh. I take them putting them beside me. I reach forward pulling him, well he more like fell beside me. I snuggle into his chest "never get hurt again I hated not seeing you for a week" "only if you stay out of hospital" he laughs knowing how accident prone he is. I lean up kissing him before rest my head on his chest. "I missed you though like a lot I considered murdering my father when he even suggested Justin move in here" he smirks "lucky you convinced him otherwise we wouldn't be able to do this" he leans down kissing me again.

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