Stir Crazy

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I lay in bed sighing

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I lay in bed sighing. I was so bored. I had only left the bed to use the bathroom or get food. I had changed scenery sitting in the living it outside but my bed was my home.

"Mummy mummy" MillieFlorence yelled jumping onto the bed careful not to hurt me as she crawled over. "We brought you food" she smiled making me looking over at the door seeing Jay standing there with a bag. I smile at the man "did you water the plants mummy" "not yet" I answer sitting up "how's baby is baby ok" she asks putting her ear on my swollen stomach. "Hey baby it's Moon" she said waiting for the baby to kick. "Thank you" "well Will kinda told me to be her father" I smile "I heard...Erin has been keeping me up with the gossip" "Aunty E" MillieFlorence exclaims jumping up rushing away. She was out of the room long before I could tell her Erin isn't here. "Thank you" I said again taking the bag of food "I seriously don't know how you did it now I get why you were so tired" he said sitting beside me on my bed. I immediately start munching on the chips "I don't know how to take that" "it's was meant as a compliment...Mill wanted to get you fruit because it's your favourite sorry but I didn't feel like taking her to a supermarket" I laugh throwing my head back "DADDY WE HAVE TO WATER THE PLANTS" MillieFlorence shouts making me laugh. I get up with the help of Jay. I didn't need his help but I wasn't going to say no. "Moon" "mummy uncle Will say you have to sit and that I need to help" I gently slap Jay "damn your brother" I mutter loud enough that he could hear. "Your uncle Will is very dramatic just like your daddy" "I'm not dramatic" I send Jay a look of disbelief "like me to" she said smiling happily she didn't quiet get that being dramatic wasn't always a compliment. "Exactly now let's water some plants" I said taking my watering can MillieFlorence taking her own.

I go to pick MillieFlorence but Jay beats me to it. "I got it" he said sending me a look like he couldn't understand I was even planning on it. "Higher higher" she giggled "mummy I'm so tall look" "I see you baby" I assure her watering the lower plants as she directs Jay to what plants she wants to water.

"Let's go for a walk" "you can't mummy" She's so caring and worried "I can baby don't worry" "ok daddy coming to" she demands making me laugh. I grab my phone and keys before leaving.

I walk slowly watching Jay chase after. It was a perfect imagine that I rarely ever see. "Come on mummy your so slow" MillieFlorence runs up dragging me. My legs feel like they can barely keep up "Mill Millie" Jay rushes over, "you remember how mummy's pregnant" she nods "yeah with my brother or sister" "well that means that mummy might walk a bit slow but that's because her body is working really hard to make the baby grow we can't pull cause she might fall over her legs can't go fast anymore like ours" Jay said picking her up "but that just means we walk slower doesn't it" he adds her hair flys in forward and backwards as she nods. "So I can't run" "if you do I'll chase you but mummy won't" "we can't leave mummy" she pouts "how about you run forwards and than back to me" "I like that idea" her eyes light up as she wiggles out of jays arms to start running. Good hope it tires her out. "You just want to see me run" Jay muses smirking "what can I say I know what's hot" I shrug smirks "your playing a bad game" "am I get running Halstead" he laughs running after our crazy child sending me a wink before he got to far.

"Mummy I'm winning I'm beating daddy" MillieFlorence shouted running up to me "hear that got to run faster Halstead" "if you had of been my drill Sargent I would have never made it through the army" I laugh shaking my head my heart beating loudly in my ears.

"Run baby" I encourage my daughter. We had walked to a field where the two were now racing back and forth between two goal post. "I don't know if your loosing on purpose" "what do I get if I win" "to deal with our upset child" I shrug not loosing my smirk he just shakes his head. Despite everyone's feelings he was the perfect father. I always knew he would be.

"You know your brother tried to take her" I was so confused "thought that because I haven't been her dad in a year that I would want him to take her" "well if he had of ask me I would have said you were fine and an amazing fathers" "he brought up how I let you go" I laugh shaking my head forcing him to stop and face me. MillieFlorence looking between us confused. "Jay you let me go because we couldn't live with each other anymore you never checked out on being her father sure you were in a different state but you called her every morning and night never missing one it actually made my heart urn for you like you wouldn't visited we visited you never stopped being her dad and never will I for one will say that I think it's a very attractive look" he smirked hearing the end "the most attractive" "ohh maybe I do love seeing you with her but you running back there" "should we do more running" MillieFlorence asks no clue what what were talking about just hearing that I loved seeing them running. "No no daddy's legs might fall off" "not even if I say it's your most attractive look" I ask "unfortunately not even for that" I pout making him laugh leaning down and kissing my lips startling me. MillieFlorence held both hands skipping along always making not to move to fast.

Jay ended up carrying her for most of the way home. I instant went to the kitchen to get a drink having run out of water long ago. Jay was laying in MillieFlorences bed reading to her just having some quiet time. I walk into the bathroom with my glass of water running a bath for myself. I sigh moving about my room finding clothes and a book I feel like reading. "She's asleep" Jay said making me jump "sorry" "it's fine you know your welcome in here right that goes for the whole house move in if you want" "you want me to move in" he smirks "right now I want my relaxing bath but yeah I think it would be great if you moved in" "just great" "well I can think of some other amazing words but right now I want my bath" he smiles nodding "if you need anything" "is that your way of asking to join me" he laughs rubbing his neck "because I think if you do my answer would probably be a yes given that I can't exactly do much else even if I really do want to" "when this baby is out of you the things I'm going to do to you" "or is it the things I will do to you given that I'm the deprived one" I smirk "ok we need to get you into that bath before you say more things to turn me on and can't help me fix it" I laugh as he shoved me into the bathroom. "You know we aren't together you can go to someone to help fix your issue" "I know but if I can't with you I'm going to wait" "you are also aware that I probably won't be able to for a month maybe more after right so that's like a minimum of three months...I won't hold it against you if you do go to someone else" "so you won't get jealous" "well I can't say no but you did once say how hot it was...I can however promise I wont hold it against you though" "Dellie I'm not going anywhere promise" I nod starting to strip to get into the bath. "Now while your in here I'm going to make an awesome dinner" "your not joining" "as much as I want to you need to relax and I don't know how relaxing it will be with me" "very also probably turn me on a lot" "I'm going to make dinner" he said laughing as he leaves. Im left smiling as I lean back feeling the hot warm water slowly start to relax my entire body.

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