Big Dreams

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Delilah-Jo Camille Voight

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Delilah-Jo Camille Voight

She was always the baby of the Voight family. Born two years after Justin. She was always smiling no matter what. She was her parents shadow. She loved doing anything and everything throwing herself in for new experience.

She became a forensic scientist/forensic pathologist/Arson scientist. Her work was her everything. She wanted to change peoples lives in a way people thought wasn't possible. She's constantly weather, water, plants, impact points, fire patterns. She is always seen with a new book or research papers, studying writing notes. It was who she was her whole world was based around new research, and learning. She loved learn particularly this. The more she knew the more she could help.

She that's where she was opposite of her brother and father. They all had this need to help people. Justin rarely ever showed that side, his sister only saw it. Her dads way was finding justice putting the criminals away by any means. She wanted to learn to help people. She was kind and caring in a way that neither her brother or father had, she got it from her mother. She was willing to just sit and listen for hours to people talk, she loved hearing their stories. She had this unspeakable respect for everyone she met. You would think working about death and horrific situations you would think she wouldn't hold  this love, this kind caring nature. She was the definition of humanity. She would put everything aside to insure a victim was ok. Dr Charles is forever telling her how she would be a brilliant psychologist. He had seen her a number of times at the hospital as she comes to check on victims make sure they were ok, many victims found a comfort in the fact she wasn't a cop.

When she was eighteen she was on a ride with her best friend when someone lit it on fire. The ride was running diving people to their death. He pushed her out of the cart saving her life. She was stuck in this dark ride with carts coming every few seconds. Listening to the screams of those burning alive. Eventually the smoked knocked her out waking up a week later in the emergency room with Erin beside her. Her father and brother in prison. That's when she would find out her best friends actions to push her out saved her like, he was burnt alive. They never caught the people who did it. Erin wouldn't let her out of her sight. She had sever ptsd. Waking up from the screams, the sight of fire no matter how small sending her into a panic, the smell of smoke sending her body into shock. The first thing Hank did when he got out was just hold her, he never wanted to let her go. The phone calls from Erin tore his heart out. Justin held her to, he wanted to protect her keep safe. He made her a promise that he would do didn't make much sense but she somehow got it. Got that her brother all he really wanted was to make her proud, to make her look up to him like she did when she was little and he intended to do that.

She lived with Erin. She tried to move out but she accidentally burnt some food sending into massive flashbacks of that day, luckily Erin was coming to visit and came in before she burnt her whole house down. That was the turning point, she was never allowed to be alone not for long periods. Some might say that's harsh but she was scared to alone. Scared she would do something because of her flashbacks. When major bushfires happens it sends her over the end. It's hard for her.

Despite all this she puts her best foot forward. Is always smiling. Wanting to know more and never giving up. She puts everyone else first. Fixing up the gruesome problems that no one wants to deal with tying it in a nice bow for the cops, or the firefighter. She give herself to everyone else ultimately ignoring her own problems, but that's who she is who she's always been.

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