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I felt broken to say the least

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I felt broken to say the least. I hadn't spoken since Jay practically kidnapped our screaming daughter. Peter had sat with me and just held me for what felt like an eternity. I imagine this isn't how he would want his first day out of prison to be. I am happy he finally got to see her despite everything. I let him drag me out. I heard him on the phone, on my phone. He didn't have his own, Getting direction. I felt like I was in a trance, this felt far worse than when my mother died.

I didn't speak as he had his arms around me leading me into the house. We were in the country or almost we weren't in the busy bustling city I was use to. Shawn walks out wrapping his arms around me pulling me to his chest. He holds me tight. "Hey handsome" I hear Jennifer say no doubt talking to Peter "wow you got hot" I hear him muse I just squeeze Shawn feeling his arms tighten.

I sat on the floor I don't even remember coming in. Shawn probably pulled me inside. I didn't know where Jennifer or Peter went than again they were flirting, he hasn't had any thing outside of talking in a really long time so I think we can all just guess. "Hey princess I heard" Kelly said he had come charging in full force. "Here" Shawn said passing me a glass of what I can only assume to be whiskey. "How you will get her tonight" Kelly assures me but honestly I don't think Jay will back down. We're both to stubborn. Each other's worst enemy if you will.

"Hello" Shawn says "yeah yeah she's here hang on" "it's Justin" he hands me the phone "hey" my voice was quiet. It was the first time I spoke since. I didn't feel like the strong Voight I had been before I felt like i don't know a coward maybe. I just wasn't myself. "Millie" I heard him sigh in relief "I've been calling" "I don't know where my phone is" "it's ok listen is banana girl there" "no why" I sat up "dad called cause him and Al couldn't get you someone took her and because I went off at him he now thinks that your buddies took her and she's with her" "someone took my daughter" "it's looking like it ask them because when I spoke to Peter earlier he said that he would kidnap her to see you smile again" "that would mean she would be with me and she's not I'm here drinking whiskey because of how much my heart hurts" that's when it clicked if Jay thinks I have her no one is looking for my baby. I hung up chucking the phone at Shawn "we have to go" "what where" Kelly asks "someone took my baby and Jay thinks I have her" I could see them thinking "no one's looking" Kelly gasps at the time they all realise.

Kelly runs up the steps into intelligence. "Why aren't you guys looking for Millie" "she's with Lilah guess the plan worked" "I was there there wasn't any execution Jay Peter joked about it to cheer her up I've been with them she's not with Lilah" "where's Dede" Al asks "trying to find her daughter with Shawn Peter and the others are all looking just thought you should know they don't know where she is" Kelly told they they all sprang into action.

"Who would want to take her" Shawn asks driving his truck down another street filled with abandon buildings "she's a Voight and a Halstead you take her you can get them to do anything" I said looking around "we should go get your dad or one of them to help" "no they are around him and his the reason for all of this" I snap pulling my phone out dialling someone I knew would only tell my dad.

Shawn pulls the car up behind one i learnt to love. "You right Dede" Al said hugging me smiling it wasn't his normal one however. It was more of a relief type of smile. "Why is he here" I ask noticing Adam "hey" the man in question said "he won't tell the only one who knows is your dad" Al assures me "how did she get kidnapped" "Jay said Will was getting ice cream with her" I nod "is Will ok" "as far as we know" Adam said I sigh walking over hugging him "Shawn this is Officer Ruzek and you met Al along time ago" "Adam this is Shawn" "where's Peter and Jennifer Kelly" "there down by the docks looking uh Corey is going on an adventure with Ellie looking at all the parks and kid friendly places for her Justin's driving out to the silos" "seems like you deployed an army" Al smirked "don't act like you wouldn't I called Jackson his with the fbi he said when he gets to the office he will start looking I think he called Aidan though" "so what are we doing" Adam asks "looking in every abandon building every location you can hide a child" "you can hide a child in houses to" "I don't have the resource to do that Adam" I snap "does Flo know how to get home to your place or the address" Al asks trying to calm me "yeah" I ask confused before gasping "we have to go to my house" "go we'll look for anything suspicious" Al said making me nod and run to the truck luckily Shawn was right behind me so I didn't have to Hotwire his truck.
"Millie Mills Millie honey" I yell running around the house like a crazy person. I practically collapse clutching her favourite tigger. She wasn't here the house was nothing but silent.

"De" dad said I didn't hear him come in. I didn't know how long I was crying on the floor clutching the tiger. I got it for her when she was a baby it's been the only things beside her elephant she takes everywhere. She wants the tigger and elephant to know the world to. I didn't know where the elephant was Justin probably has it, she gave it to Daniel a week ago. Dad just held me "I know" "she needs to come back I need her" I said practically begged "I know" "no you don't" "I do don't worry I do she will be in your arms no matter what" dad told me wiping tears away. He knew that if we didn't get her back live I wasn't going to make it. I could see in his eyes he was worried and scared. He didn't want to loose his daughter and granddaughter. He knew if they didn't get her back he would be finding his daughters body. He held me all the more tighter for that soul reason. He poured all the fear into the hug.

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