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They found me

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They found me. I knew they would. After a week of torture I wasn't willing to talk to anyone, I didn't even go to the hospital. All I needed was my baby girl.

"Snowflake" "mummy" she yelled throwing whatever she was holding and running over to me. I fall to the floor just holding her crying "she wouldn't go without seeing her" I hear Erin say. "Mumma sad" MillieFlorence said wiping my eyes "you need glasses" she said surprised running off probably to my desk. I watch her open my draw grabbing my spare glasses taking them out. She carefully walks them over before attempting to slide them on. I reach my arms up grabbing helping her slide them on, don't want to get poked in the eye now. "I miss you so much" she wiped her eyes before hugging me "daddy came same with grandpa and everyone so him and grandpa have been staying with an Aunty E...Aunty E and I laugh watching them try to do things it's funny daddy fails a lot" she told me her arms around me "hey" Jay exclaims making me look over at him. I wanted to be in his arms, for him to just hold me and make all the pain go away. "I have to go to the hospital snowflake" "I come uncle Will has teach me to be doctor he ring daddy a lot" she said "ok come on Dr Snowflake" "no me be like mummy and daddy and work for police" she said shaking her head "but grandpa said I'm smart like mummy" she adds as we make it to Erin's car.

"Mummy ok" MillieFlorence said from her spot beside me. "I'm perfect snowflake" I kiss her head. She was cuddled up into my side. My dad did try to get her to leave, take her to get food while I was getting checked. She screamed the whole time. For someone who was held hostage for more than a week, I kinda lost track of time I was ok. Although I don't think my dad would say that. I have a dislocated kneel, broken collarbone, broken ribs but other than that I was fine and perfect.

MillieFlorence was asleep cuddled up to me. Jay cautiously walks in "want me to take her" he asks I immediately shake my head "she's fine" I smile at her. She was my home. "You need to come back to Chicago" he pled making me look up at him "let me help you I didn't realise it before but having you both living in another state is torture" he told me "I seriously don't know how you do it I had to have Erin or your dad help me" "I imagine she was extra challenging because I wasn't there" "she did scream at us that she wanted us to leave and you to come back" I laugh imagining a three year old trying to put them in their place, specifically my dad. "Her and your dad have a plan to get you to move back" "I don't doubt those two would conspire together" "she's perfect Lilah you raised an amazing girl" "hey do put yourself down you see her just as much and have a massive impact on her just as much as me and Erin" he nods holding my hand rubbing his thumb across it.

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