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I was at home

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I was at home. I had been badly sick, Pregnancy sick. Not morning sickness though because it's like all the time sickness. Leaving me to spend a lot of time at home. I was just thankful Jay took MillieFlorence as often as he did. He even offered to take her more I don't mind as long as I get to snuggle with her of a night. Justin had even taken her a few times claiming she needed to spend more time with him and her favourite cousin. Justin also said she had to make said cousin smart like her. Needless to say new routine went out the window. I was just glad I had my new team all up and running so they could do the work without me.

I was laying on my outdoor lounge. I needed sun I knew that or, at least that's what I was telling myself. MillieFlorence was running around the small backyard in her own world. I didn't feel well enough to sit up so I just lay in the warm sun watching her skip around and talk to the plants. "How are you feeling" Kelly asks I didn't even know he was here. "Ok sun is warm" I said "uncle Elly" MilleFlorence yelled happily jumping into his open waiting arms. "You been taking care of your mummy" "yeah she's been sick" she said nodding "look what I brought" he said walking over to the back door carrying her to show her the plant he brought. I lift my head slightly so I can see. "I love it mummy look my favourite" I'm seriously starting to wonder if she does have a favourite or if all plants are her favourite. "It's a fuchsia" I tell her "mummy we looking for this forever" a week maybe less given how sick I've been, that's how long I've been looking with her. "Mummy told me you were looking for it" "I love it can it go beside my bed mummy" I sit up to properly see, bringing my legs to my chest and resting my head on them. "Yeah baby but make sure it gets lots of light there if it doesn't we might have to find another spot" she smiles running off to check the light. "You didn't have to buy it" "I know I wanted to your not well because of my child and she's my godchild" he said sitting beside me. I sigh leaning over laying against him. "How did everyone take it" "good as far as I know but they aren't exactly going to tell me how much they hate it" he nods running his fingers along my back. It was tickled but not enough to make me laugh, it was more calming. It made me sleepy.

"Mummy are you tired" I open my eyes I wasn't sleeping just relaxing. "No baby just enjoying the sun" "do you think daddy will come over so I can make him a flower jar" she asks "how about you grab my phone from the dining table and we'll call him to see" she smiles running off. A moment later she comes back handing it to me. I unlock it pressing to call Jay before hading it back. "Daddy" I see her smile gleefully "I good I wanted to know when you see me I want to make you are jar of flowers" "mummy's sick but don't worry I look after her and uncle Elly is here to but I would like daddy you want me to call grandpa and tell him I need daddy hugs" I quietly laugh knowing very well my father can't say no to his granddaughter. She's was special my girl. She could make the Hank Voight laugh, something that's almost unimaginable.

"Daddy daddy" MillieFlorence squeals running over to him. I don't think we would ever lose this or want to. She's always so excited to see him mainly him because I'm always around her. She does do it for me when she's been with someone else. "How are you doing I brought you some biscuits" Jay said walked over passing them to me. "Thank you" I said smiling. They were the kind I ate when I was pregnant with MillieFlorence and feeling sick. "Come on daddy" MillieFlorence said pulling him making me laugh. Kelly and Jay shake hands as hello before Jay follows after our daughter. I didn't care that Jay was here. His daughter lived here most of the time so he was more than welcome, even if we aren't together. Hailey and certain other people thought it was very weird that I allowed my ex to walk through the house like he owned it. I didn't care though, if he wanted to stay the night I was even more ok. His daughter was here and I do wonder if I'm like this because I love him so much. Is it normal for people to allow their ex to move about their house like they own it. I do wonder that but it works for us and MillieFlorence is more than happy. That's all the matters. I don't care about anything else really just my daughter happiness.

"Here mummy" MilleFlorence handed me a vase of flowers and leaves. "Daddy help me I picked them though he just cut them and made sure they stay standing for you" I smile "well thank you both it's very beautiful" I said MillieFlorence smiling gleefully. "Will it make you better" I laugh "it's already working baby" "told you daddy mummy always feels better with flowers" I stare at Jay smiling "are there any plants left" "yeah I only made daddy take one of each" she said certainly "what happened to daddy's one" "mummy needs one more it make her feel better and baby likes it" "oh really what else does the baby like" "His moon" she smiles Kelly laughing behind me Jay quietly laughing behind MillieFlorence. "And mummy what will baby call daddy" I look up at Jay "whatever he likes" I had explained to her that Kelly was the babies daddy. As you can imagine that was a very confusing and complicated for her to understand. She's three she didn't understand why her daddy isn't the babies daddy. However after telling her that would just mean her uncle Kelly was around more which made her smile. Although I don't think she fully gets it. Later she will make a comment about Jay being the babies daddy.  We don't push to much she will get it eventually. I'm not that far along so she has time to understand.

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