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The elevator dings alerting the passing officers. No one really expected A bright eyed pink and blue haired three year old skips into the precinct holding her cat. She wore a light pink jumper with blue tights that had rainbows all over them, she had her white and pink cowgirl boots. Her boots tap the floor much like high heels as she walks. She smiled kindly at those around as they turn in the direction of the sound but quickly moved in the direction of where her mummy worked.

"Mills" Finn said in shock being the first to see the young girl "Finn" she smiles racing over being careful not to drop her cat

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"Mills" Finn said in shock being the first to see the young girl "Finn" she smiles racing over being careful not to drop her cat. "What are you doing here" "Bertie wanted to see where mummy worked" she smiled so innocently "Your mummy did a good job with your hair Millie" Amanda said making her smile gleefully "I wanted pink and blue it pretty right" "oh it's the prettiest I've seen" Sonny said making her nod "where's your mum kiddo" Finn finally asks "she ask me to come up and up here" she glances at the door "a man called her and she told me to come up to you guys said speak to no one else and to have Aunty E pick me up" she adds before frowning "is mummy ok Mandy is mummy hurt I don't like when mummy is hurt she never wants me to call Aunty E she busy being a fancy FBI lady I seen her office it's super cool" "hey Liv I think he broke pattern" Finn called "what's Aunt E's office look like" Amanda asks me "uh it big it has the fluffiest blue carpet Bertie likes the carpet she has photos of me everywhere and mummy and grandpa and uncle J and Auntie Ollie and Danny but mainly me she says I'm her favourite" I said smiling gleefully "MillieMoon" I spin around my face lighting up instantly "grandpa" I squeal shoving Bertie into Finn's arms before running over jumping into his arms. He lifts me into the air smiling "I miss you does mummy know your here we were planning a surprise but it not a surprise if your here" "we came as a surprise" he told me "mummy will be happy but I don't know she talk to a man I never seen told me to come up and call Aunty E but if your here we don't need Aunty E right" "right" he smiles "oh but we might need Aunty E to give us the keys I need to show you my rock collection and all my toys" "hey MillieMonkey" my face lights up only one person calls me that "daddy" I jump into his arms smiling.

"Have you guys met Bertie" "yeah take the cat" Finn said shoving him into my arms, I'm still in daddy's arms. "His so cute mummy almost hit him he was stuck in a hole we saved him" I smile holding him up showing daddy. Bertie meows at him. He smiles at me "if mummy's not here who's going to read the book" "I'm sure your Aunty E or one of these guys will read it to you" Liv told me before going back to talking to grandpa "Aunty E doesn't like it" "what book is it" daddy asks Amanda, Sonny and Finn laugh. Daddy puts me down and I run down the hall to mummy's desk. I open the bottom drawer and pull out the giant book. I struggle to carry it along with Bertie. Daddy comes over and takes the book looking at it "natural history" he said making me nod. I smile "it has animals and plants I love it mummy tells me all the things that aren't in there about the ecosystem but she says it's mostly in there just bland because it's not on one topic but she has other books and we look at them...we read it here and then when we home she show me her books she even drew how the inside grows for me cause the picture was hard to read" I smile he kneels down opening the book "we are here with the pretty flowers" I say opening the page. "Mummy said that these lines are pointing to all the parts of the flowers I didn't know that they had so many parts" "I didn't either" daddy kept glancing at Liv and grandpa who were over with everyone else. "Is mummy in trouble" he takes a breath "is the man bad is that why mummy made me run" I ask "hey Flo slow down" Sonny said I smile taking a dramatic breath.

"Aunty E" "marshmallow" she said picking me up. She was dressed in a nice outfit with her usually leather jacket. She tightly held me in her arms. "I think mummy's in trouble but they won't tell me the man he" "hey marshmallow focus it's ok you have everyone here and grandpa and daddy's unit hey I'll even get my team all looking for your gorgeous mummy she will be ok" Aunty E told me making me nod "i see you have Bertie" she said to Adam as she walked over to grandpa. "Hank" she goes to put me down but I squeeze her neck. "Ok ok" she said holding me tight. She hugs grandpa before saying hi to everyone else.

I followed Aunt E around like she gave me air until I started to feel tired so they let me lay on the couch in an interview room. Bertie was laying with me.

Outside the room

"I'm surprised she's following you around and not him" Amanda said to Erin pointing to Jay "yeah she worships him" Finn adds from his spot across the desk "I'm her constant without her mum she's scared she's latching onto the bit of normality she has...she gets up earlier sometimes and we have breakfast we snuggle every Saturday she's seeking comfort" Erin shrugs

Back to MillieFlorence

I was tired but I couldn't sleep. Not without mummy. I was so scared for mummy. "Daddy" I said quietly as I come out of the room I was scared to interrupt them it seemed they were busy. They were busy finding mummy I didn't want to ruin that. "Hey princess" he said coming over he sighs kneeling down brushing my hair back with his fingers. "I can't sleep without mummy" tears build up in my eyes threatening to fall. He sighs rubbing his face picking up. I hold Bertie in my arms my head resting on daddy's shoulder.

Third person pov

"Can someone grab the cat" Jay said noticing his daughter falling asleep on him. It warmed his heart, she hadn't fallen asleep on him in forever. It was alway Delilah-Jo. Kevin leaps forward grabbing the cat before MillieFlorence dropped him. "Aww this is a cute cat" "yeah Lilah almost hit it freaked out to did not know what to do. And now we have Bertie" Erin said "do we know anything about the guy outside" "so no one asked her" Hank asks everyone shaking their head. They weren't prepared to wake her up. Jay stood rocking side to side with MillieFlorence snuggled into him.

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