A beautiful Life

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I was still in my bed, Alvin cuddled up into me

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I was still in my bed, Alvin cuddled up into me. We were having a quiet morning. MillieFlorence was with Jay and I probably wouldn't see her unless they catch a case or just overall miss me. The two had also conspired and stolen my cat but that's a whole other issue. We had been back two months and we were settling into our old routine. Hearing my phone vibrate makes me sigh. I expected it to be a message about Jay bring her over but was pleasantly surprised. Seems the two have been doing crafts and making vegetables. Oh to be a fly on the wall in that room with the smart crafty girl and Jay who constantly tells me his fingers are to fat to play with our child's toys. They both also get really frustrated if you do it the wrong way or not how they want it to be. Truth be told I'm a bit like that when I'm working. In other works out child has no hope in that department.

I frown seeing my cat that jay claimed because it makes our daughter happy

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I frown seeing my cat that jay claimed because it makes our daughter happy. Cool bring my cat back. "Should we do something special to send daddy and uncle Jay" i ask Alvin like his going to answer "let's make uncle Jay jealous" I said picking him up.

Setting up on the grass for our activities. Basically just paintings I'm not putting effort in. I take his pyjamas off letting him paint in just a nappy. I watch him smiling as he mixes the colours and uses all the tools I had given him. I take a few pictures sending them to jay practically begging him to show MillieFlorence, knowing it's one of favourite things.

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BabyDaddyJay: no I will be keeping her until further notice and we are going to make better painting BabyDaddyJay: i think he might have your hair babe maybe his more like you than you think

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BabyDaddyJay: no I will be keeping her until further notice and we are going to make better painting
BabyDaddyJay: i think he might have your hair babe maybe his more like you than you think

I also sent it to Kelly. I also send Kelly an enormous amount of photos of him doing absolutely nothing. Erin claims it's weird but Kelly assures me it cheers him up and needs it. He normally doesn't reply but I don't need one. I have to now think of something better an eleven month old can do. Why did I have to have a baby with someone so competitive, why can't he just take what I say and not challenge me. Totally irrelevant but this picture is turning out way better than anticipated as long as he doesn't add dirt or plants to it, it could be wall worthy.

"Hello" I said walking over hugging Elise. She was my Nanny. A lovely young red haired woman. With just MillieFlorence I figured it out. But with two I felt i couldn't get anything done. When Alvin stopped crying he needed attention, MillieFlorence wanted attention. Overall I seemed to never get anything done. So I hired Elise when Jay is working and they can't have MillieFlorence at the district, Kelly is working and can't take Alvin she comes over they do all kinds of things. Jay had caught a case and I had an appointment to get get to. One that I didn't want my talkative daughter at. "Hey we will have the best day" she assured me. I knew that I just hated leaving my babies. "I send you a thousand images" I laugh she had become another sister to me.

"Where's my niece" Will yelled scaring the absolute crap out of me "with Elise" "so why are you here" he questioned staring at me "Should we take this back to the hotel" Jay questioned "oh yeah I much prefer a bed to hard dirt floor" I shake my head hoping the memory of what the date night turned into would leave my head. "Uh Natalie" I said rushing over leaving Will there to come to his own conclusion. He would no doubt come to very correct conclusion, I however don't care.

I walk into my house "mummy" MillieFlorence yells running down the hall with Alvin not far behind, his not running his crawling. He can walk but his quicker on all fours. I can hear him saying "mmmumma" if I strain my ears over MillieFlorences happy squeals. "We miss you so much" "I missed you so much more" "can we go see daddy and grandpa" "I did offer to take them but they wanted to stay here so we made brownies didn't we" "thank you so much" I said picking Alvin up who gives me a massive slobbery kiss. "You know I love them and they are easy so I don't mind" I laugh picking MillieFlorence up as well. "Just wait till they are both grump or sick and I have to go" she laughs. Truth was if they are sick the world better be ending if I have to work.

I had just given them a bath, I was drying them off getting them ready for bed. I usually give them a bath together as it's just easier. "Daddy" I sigh while Alvin was ready to pass out. Give him a bottle and he would be out. MillieFlorence wouldn't be. She was half dressed jumping around excitedly. Jay walks over carrying her "you know you could have picked her up in the morning she probably won't sleep now" "it's ok I'll lay with her" I sigh picking a barely awake Alvin, he instantly rests his head on my shoulder. "I have to make his bottle" I said going to walk around him "are you ok" he asks "yeah" "your lying" "Jay I'm not going to talk about it in front of my children" he nods "well let me put her down you put him to sleep and we can talk" "she's not going to stay jay she's excited your here" "I got this" he assures me making me sigh. Truth was nothing was wrong not really I was just tired.

Alvin held the bottle drinking it as I rock him tapping his bum gently. I wait till his completely asleep before putting him in my bed and leaving the room. No doubt MillieFlorence will end up joining us or Jay if he stays. "Ok we probably have ten minutes at most shes on her bed reading" Jay said glancing back "nothing is wrong I'm just tired Jay maybe a little bit frustrated you showed up right when you did but I'm ok promise" he flashes me a smile. "Sorry I wasn't going to but" I look at him confused wondering why he paused "Will called said he saw you there demanded for Nat...are you pregnant Will thinks you are and if you are" "I am" I said cutting off his rambling "I had this feeling I was and went to see Nat" I told him handing him the ultrasound "Jay I haven't been with anyone other than" "I figured I mean you may have two baby daddy's but you never slept with one so close to the other" "I don't know whether to be impressed or uncomfortable but you are right" he smiles "DADDY" "go mister number one" "hey I'm not only her number one" he smirked making me slap his arm causing him laugh "maybe I'll go for the trifecta" he adds "you are not being this babies number one" he just laughs loudly going towards MillieFlorences room. "Hey you can stay" "I was planning on it but it is better to hear you say it as opposed to me coming to ask later" I roll my eyes "you don't have to ask you know this" he smiles disappearing into MillieFlorences room. I turn around going into my room carefully laying down cautious of a sleeping Alvin.

*Changed Alex to Elise*

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