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MillieFlorence had followed me around the house since we got back

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MillieFlorence had followed me around the house since we got back. "I made daddy water all the plants so they couldn't die before you came back" "thank you baby" she smiles gleefully like it's the biggest achievement of her life. "I don't like daddy's house mummy" I pause spinning to look at her properly. Her eyes were filling with tears and her lip quivering. Thankfully Alvin was sleeping upstairs so I don't have to worry about him. I drop to the floor "why's that baby you love dad and he loves having you around" she sniffs dramatically I sit on the floor hugging my overly dramatic four year old. "I have a secret to tell you" she looks at me excitedly I see the same twinkle in her eye that her father has when his excited. "Only daddy and grandpa know so no telling anyone yet" she nods quickly "remember when Vinny was in my stomach" she nods "well there are two babies in there" "two how but me and Alli are just one" "yeah well there are two babies this time" how the hell am I meant to explain this to a four year old. A smart one to. "They are made the same way one baby is just with two" that was the dumbest thing I have ever said. "I hope there girls I don't like brothers" "why not" "Aunty E said they have yucky germs" thank you Erin for turning my children against each other. "I think your brother is to young to have all those yucky germs" she just shrugs "I don't know Aunty E just told me" I laugh "why don't you like daddy's house" she pouts "she's mean she steals daddy" after seeing Hailey quiet literally move her body to shove my daughter out of the way I knew there was something more. Problem was despite being so articulate and smart she has one fatal floor. The same one I have articulating our feelings into words and understanding. I have gotten better with age, it's why I'm so precise and explain every emotion. She's four so she hasn't developed that ability yet and I don't know the first thing of how to get it out of her without making her sad or panicked. "Want to go visit grandpa" she nods quickly.

"What are you doing here" I watch my daughter run past my dad into the house holding Alvin on my hip. "I need your help" "anything you know that" he opens the door "no no I got another angle I need you to try and get your favourite granddaughter talking about what she did at her dads" "why" "she doesn't want to go back I saw hailey move her body to shove her into a wall I just get the feeling something is happening but I don't know the first thing about asking her without making her cry and you had all this practice with getting my emotions out of me and she loves you your quiet literally her favourite person" "what are you going doing" "just check on the situation you know relax I'm perfectly capable of snooping I learnt from Erin" "don't I know it" he sighs "Camie do you think you could be seeing things your come back and" "no I know what I see and I know that I'm not making it up out of thin air the same way you are praying I'm wrong because if I'm right that makes you wrong and you hate being wrong" "think I can be wrong to you I trust you" he told me tickling Alvin's side making him giggle before hugging me "grandpa it's Millie and grandpa dad mummy has to leave" I gasp as my father laughs. I hug my daughter tightly and give her a kiss before leaving.

I knock on the door patiently waiting. "Oh Uh we weren't expecting why are you here" "I need to talk to Jay he here" "just getting food you can come in" I follow here in "you want a drink or something" I shake my head "no thank you" "we can't take MillieFlorence" "oh that's not why I'm here you can relax" she nods "hey sorry I didn't" "Jay I came unannounced it's ok" I said instantly "want to go for a walk" he nods leading me out.

"So why did you show up on my doorstep" "because my daughter our daughter told me she doesn't like it there and quiet literally almost started crying at the thought I wanted to know why" "I couldn't tell you" he had a pure look of concern and worry written all over his face. I turn and face him smiling at Alvin who's holding his hand and stumbling beside him. Turns out me carrying twins walks at the same pace as Alvin who's doesn't walk unless his holding someone's hand. "I saw hailey move her body to push Moon and I'm not saying anything I could have seen something that wasn't there because I missed her so much I guess what I'm trying to say is that my mind is going on overdrive trying to figure out why she doesn't want to be here a place she loved before" he smiles "I'm worried about her and when I worry about my babies" "you overthink I know" he held my hand making me smile "they are kicking the babies I mean if you want if it's ok with Hailey you can stay I remember you loved when I was pregnant with Moon some of my happiest pregnancy memories are when you would sit up eating ice cream with me even if I was eating pickles with it" he laughed "also Moon Will love you there" I will to but let's not say that out loud. I could also win you back nope not saying that either. "I'll see what I can do have to say I did love the random conversation you started at 2am when you wanted chilies pineapple and toast" "stop reminding me of the weird things I eat while pregnant" he stumbles as Alvin pulls him making us begin to walk again. "Craving anything yet" he asks making me laugh as I rub my stomach "just bananas on toast" i turn pointing to him "don't you dare show up on my doorstep with that" "it's my job as baby daddy to supply you with an endless amount of food you crave" and love that's also an option. The one thing I want more than anything is for his amazing hot arms to wrap around and hold me tight. Also would love so many other things his hot body can do but we'll keep it PG.

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