A not so peaceful Walk

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I was walking holding Justin's hand

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I was walking holding Justin's hand. He walks slower and also is attached to me, so it works. Jay was chasing Alvin and Lexi Rose who were giggling up a storm. We decided not to bring the pram. Jay said he would just carry both twins if the they get tired. The only issue would be is if MillieFlorence wanted to be carried. Jay has already proved (not that he needed to) that he can carry Alvin and the twins. If we add MillieFlorence into the mix I feel bad. I can't carry them for long periods.

The twins and Alvin were playing on the playground, opposite the school. We are a bit early so we let them play. I could also sit on the bench and rest. "You ok we can call Erin" "I'm good jay" I assure him smiling "moons going to be so excited we never both pick her up" "yeah it use to just be me she would get excited for" "that's because I always picked her up" I said rolling my eyes. Jay also never walked. "I want another jay" "what" "a baby not yet the twins are only one and I don't think either of us could deal with a two year old two one year olds and a newborn but I do want one" I smile at him "singular if you impregnate me with twins again" he laughs pulling me to him kissing my head. "Daddy look" Lexi Rose yells making jay instantly turn. I loved that about him, the moment any of them call him it doesn't matter what his doing they have his whole hearted attention. I smile watching her and Alvin play with jay, jay grabbing Justin Henry so his involved to. I wonder if my babies subconsciously know who they are named after Alvin and Lexi Rose are always together, Justin's always around me or building with Daniel. It's how their namesakes were, or maybe I'm just reading to much into it because it makes my heart happy.

Jay held Alvin's and Lexi Roses hand, I held Justin Henry's as we cross the road to the school. Jay already told Lexi Rose and Alvin that if they run and don't listen his going to carry them. "Mummy my mummy is here" I hear MillieFlorence squeal excitedly before running over and hugging me "I miss you so much" she said "I missed you to baby moon" I got in trouble once upon a time for just calling her baby because baby is Lexi Rose. She pats Justin's head before skipping over to her dad and hugging him. "Mummy did you know we learn about plants and miss honey said I'm the smartest she was super duper shocked that I so smart" "that's cause your mummy is so smart" Jay said taking her bag from her "we learnt that some plants can't grow in Chicago because it gets to cold on that and plants don't have jackets like us" she said falling into step with me. "I told her that my mummy has a whole house full of plants and it's super cool can I take pictures for her" "of course you can baby I also tell her I love flowers and have lots but I think leaves are just as pretty" I smile I love picking her up I had truely missed this. "I impressed her that I knew how plants grow but I say my mummy is super smart and taught me" "I just love your getting all this acknowledgement baby" Jay said sarcastically making me laugh "I told her my daddy helps me water the plants because sometimes I don't know how much they need I also say that daddy brought us a tree and it's growing bigger and bigger" she said smiling she radiated happiness. "Why isn't she like this when I pick her up" Jay said "cause you aren't as smart as mummy also it's plants" i laugh I go to speak but Alvin decides now is the time to run, which makes Lexi Rose want to run.

A moment later Alvin is pouting holding jays hand Lexi rose racing over to hold my hand and MillieFlorences. "They can run it will tire them out" Jay shrugs "they always run think about we should teach them to walk with us sometimes" I nod "whatever you say but if they specifically him have to much energy tonight and can't sleep your dealing with it" "well I'm not his favourite person so maybe it might be you" I just laugh.

We walk to the fire station. "Matty" Alvin yells running over "your daddy is super smart I think beside your grandpa his one of the smartest on the team mummy is just a different smart...daddy is very smart at solving cases you should ask him his also very smart with" I pause she's five how do I flatter jay and tell her his incredibly smart without telling her about war how how good of a shot he is. "Daddy a genius like mummy" "yep he just doesn't know plants and all the things mummy knows but his learning" "he genius like grandpa and knows how to help people and catch bad guys" "yep" I said right as Kelly came over "where's Alvin" "oh his found the food and is getting a food tour by Herman" I laugh if he wasn't running around his eating. "Is uncle Kelly a genius to" MillieFlorence asks as Kelly picks her up. Justin Henry and Lexi Rose were off somewhere with jay, probably by Alvin and the food. The twins were far more shy than Alvin who was a chatter box. This was his family though. It's the twins to but Alvin is blood related so it's a tiny bit different. "I was telling her that daddy is a genius at solving crimes and catching bad guys his just not a genius like mummy" I explain "I think Kelly might be one to" she said rubbing her chin thoughtfully "really" he questioned "yep you tell me when the fire was to hit you genius" I hold back a laugh "you know what I think your daddy and uncle Kelly are more" she looks so intrigued "brave they save people" "that fire was hot...and daddy does stop bad guys " she said thoughtfully "is everyone brave" issue asked looking at the fire station "is grandpa Kim Addy and Kev brave" she was so excited and intrigued "they stop the bad guys and uncle Kelly and everyone in there stop the hot fires and save people" I answer Kelly looking at her lovingly "that's so cool is uncle Will and aunt April brave to" "sometimes" she nods thoughtfully "you can add input you know" "I know I have just missed watching you talk to them" I smile at him "uncle elly do you think I be better firefighter like you or a tective like daddy or his boss like grandpa" he gets a combination of uncle Kelly and uncle elly. The second one is more habits for MillieFlorence. The twins just can't say the k yet. "You know I think you could be all of them it would keep you busy but your smart like your mummy so I think you'll be fine" she smiles "Vinny says he be squad like you he have lots of fire trucks" she told him. Alvin does say that but despite being on the go and always moving his my sensitive boy so we'll see. I know Kelly knew that to. We both including jay didn't care what any of the children became. Despite being one and clingy I'm getting the impression Justin Henry prefers to be alone hoping he doesn't bottle everything up. Unless his crying hysterically we won't know if something happened he isn't over sharer as Jay puts it. Apparently me and most of my children overshare, again according to Jay who secretly loves it. Lexi Rose was the wild card. Nobody knows what to expect from that one. We just remind ourselves they are children who are living out fantasy's they can do what they want.

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