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We all found out around the same time

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We all found out around the same time. Shawn had spoken to someone who knew something. I don't know and I didn't care, nor did I care how dad or he team found out. We all kinda arrived at the same time though. Al held me stopping me running inside. I didn't think it was far I didn't see Jay anywhere. "Haileys got him his not going near either right now" Al said reading my mind.

I let out a scream seeing my dad carry my baby. There was blood I didn't know where it came from but there was so much blood. She was so lifeless. Dad gently placed her in my arms while we wait for the ambulance, I could distantly hear someone asking where the ambulance was but I didn't pay any attention. I felt Jay come beside me however my soul attention is on our baby. "Moon baby" I gasp out wishing for her to say anything, to squeeze my arm move anything.

I didn't want to let her go not even for the paramedics. I knew I had to do I unwilling let go dad holding me tightly. I don't know where Jay is if someone's having to hold him back but I'm not exactly looking for him either. My soul attention was my lifeless baby girl. "We have to get her to the hospital" Sylvie said making me struggle out of my dads arms jumping into the ambulance. I stroke her head basically cradling it not wanting to disturb the wires on her body.

"Flo" I hear Will gasp he was beside Jay, there was a little more distance between us. I mindlessly watch Dr Rhodes and Dr Manning work on my tiny baby girl. She's a baby she shouldn't be fighting for her life. "She will be ok Lilah she's a Voight" April said making me nod she squeezes my arm before going into help the doctors. Who would do this, what type of person.

"The bullet missed an vital organs it did cause a tiny bleed one which we did stop while extracting the bullet. She is currently unconscious but should wake up soon" Dr Rhodes told me that's all I heard that she would wake up. He went on to talk about her other injuries and what not but I wasn't really listening. I knew my dad, uncle Al, Jay or Will would tell me if there's anything I need to know. I also knew Connor knew I was listening. I sat beside my baby stroking her head "I wish I could take it all away baby girl" I mumble my head on the bed just touching her, not enough to hurt or disrupt her in anyway.

Jay sat opposite me we both probably share the same look. A look that told everyone we weren't leaving without our baby. I stand back as Natalie changes the iv. I watch like a hawk not because I didn't trust her more because I just didn't want to take her eyes off him. "Are you ok Delilah" she asks glancing over at me "yeah yeah I'm fine" she finishes putting the IV in before looking over at me "let me look at you" "I'm fine Nat promise" "your pale you look sick" "I just got my baby back I haven't exactly been caring for myself like normal" "let me give you fluids in here I won't ask you just to give you your strength back" I nod going to walk back to the chair I was previously sat in. I fall to the floor before I can comprehend what was happening. I was awake and aware but everything suddenly felt like it was miles away. My head felt so cloudy. "I need you to stay calm for me Delilah" everything was spinning.

I woke up to beeping. I don't even remember passing out. I sit up wanting to be with my daughter "Delilah" Natalie ran in grabbing my hand gently stopping me from ripping the iv out. "I need to get to Millie" "Jay and your brother your dad was also in there she hasn't woke up" she assured me "I need to see her" "ok ok first can we talk" I was so annoyed and beyond confused what on earth is so important that I can't see her right now.

"Delilah have you been experiencing dizziness or feeling lightheaded or" I stop her "I get it's your job to ask but I honestly don't know I was so forced on my baby that I couldn't tell you one way or another if I had been dizzy or lightheaded or anything else a lot. I know I felt it just before in Millie's room that's it though but that's it" she nods "I need you to take a breath because I'm about to tell you something that I know you don't expect" I was so confused why are doctors so cryptic. "All the dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, feeling extra hungry yes it could have been because your daughter was missing but I think it was more to do with something else" "Nat I love you but just tell me" I snap "your pregnant I took blood test check three times" I was in shock she lifts my shirt up "look" she shows me the usual grey, back and white swirls. That could of meant anything, it wasn't until I heard the heartbeat I knew she wasn't lying to me. Then again why would she lie. "Uh can can you keep this to yourself for now" "of course" she smiles "not even will no one can know" she nods assuring me "can I see Millie please" "yeah of course let me just take that out" I nod. "I know you and Jay are having issues I just wanted to ask do you know who the father is" "yeah please" "I won't tell" she promised making me smile at her.

I don't say a word as I walk in sitting beside my baby. I felt like a jumbled mess. My baby was unconscious and there was a baby inside of me how can. I sigh stroking her head over and over again in some kind of trance.

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