Chapter 45: Morning After

Start from the beginning

She quickly went out onto the guard towers walkway and grabbed her jacket from the railing. She came back inside and placed the jacket on my shoulders gently, rubbing my arms as she did so.

"Ooh, a cowgirl's jacket. Now all I need is the hat and boots."
She rolled her eyes.
"Try a shirt first."
"Fair point."
I put the jacket on properly and held it tight across my chest.
Maggie softly caressed my cheeks.
"Warm enough?"
I nodded and walked over to the hatch.
"I can put something warmer on in the cell anyway."
She nodded and held the hatch up for me.

I began to climb down, catching her gaze as I did so. I examined her appearance, then my own. I felt my cheeks grow warm and I sighed and began to climb down.

"We might want to avoid everyone..."
"Oh, why?"
"Uh, Mags...have you seen what we look like?"
She chuckled and began to climb down after me.
"Well, I've seen what you look like, but not myself."
"We're a mess. We...Mags, we've got..they can see..."
"The hickeys?" She questioned.
She sighed in thought.
"I don't really care if anyone sees us...though...I'm a bit worried about my dad..."
I bit my lip as I reached the bottom, the both of us going silent.

We both quickly got to the bottom of the tower, and as soon as her feet touched the floor I embraced her.

"I don't care if people see us either, but, when it comes to Hershel, your family, I don't want you to fall out with them because of me..."
She hugged me back and shook her head, resting it on my shoulder.
"I don't...I don't know what dad will think of us...But I won't leave you just because of that..."
She pulled away and grabbed my hands, holding them gently.
"We'll work it out. Wether dad approves or not, okay?"
I nodded and kissed her cheek.
"What do you want to do then? Are we...
She kissed my hands, then sighed, slowly letting go of them.
"Of course we are, you idiot. But, it's best we keep it least until I know for sure how dad feels about...this kind of thing."
I nodded at her and rubbed her arm, trying to comfort her.
"I don't mind that. As long as you're happy, Maggie."
She smiled and kissed my forehead.
"My dad's sweet, you know that, hopefully it won't bother him. I just...I..."

She looked down and hugged herself. I could tell she was scared. She was scared of what Hershel and Beth would think of her if they saw us. She had never liked a woman before, so her fear was understandable. Seeing her worried expression made my heart ache immensely. I hated seeing her like that, in any kind of pain or broke my heart into a million pieces.

Hershel and Beth were good people, I knew that, they wouldn't hate Maggie over something like this, but...I still wasn't sure how they'd react. Hershel was a strict father. A loving father, but a strict one, and on top of that he was religious. Of course, a religious person could approve of us, of this, its just that he was quite a devout believer that it made me unsure of how he'd feel...Or perhaps I too, was just too afraid of the answer he'd give...

Maggie and I quickly tidied ourselves as best we could, then made our way back to the cell block. On the short walk back, I realised that the sun was actually halfway in the sky. We had slept until midday...Though, despite the time, no one had come to wake us. Perhaps they thought we were tired? Perhaps they forgot us? Or maybe...they knew what we had done...My thoughts made my heart race in panic, I knew I was over thinking it all...I guess the topic of Hershel had made me uneasy...

Luckily, when we got into the cell block, no-one was there, making both Maggie and I sigh in relief.
"They must be having lunch in the cafeteria." I sighed in relief.
She nodded and walked ahead of me, making her way to our cell.
"Guess we're lucky."
"Definitely. I think I'd die from embarrassment if Daryl asked where I got these bruises..."
Maggie sniggered as she walked up the stairs.
"Oh, I'd love to see that."
"Of course you would, wicked witch of the west."
She scoffed, turning around and gave me a playful smack.
"Little devil."
"Mn, you still like me though." I sang.
"Who'd like an idiot like you?"
"An idiot like you."
"What did you say you little..."

She turned around, a huge smirk on her face. She quickly tackled me, locking my head in her arms. I grinned and fought back, tickling her stomach, making her let me go in a fit of laughter. We continued to tackle and fight our way into our cell. Eventually, I won, tackling her onto the lower bunk bed, pinning her down.

She looked up at me laughing and smiling, her hands wrapped around my neck. I smirked down at her triumphantly.
"I win." I sang.
She rolled her eyes, continuing to laugh.
"Alright, alright. You win, y/n."
I hummed and brushed some hair out of her face.
"Damn right. But, now I really do need to get dressed. " I chuckled.
I tried to get off her, to get dressed, but she pulled me back down and gave me a quick, but soft kiss.
"Now you can get dressed."

I rolled my eyes at her and got up, taking off her jacket, throwing it onto her lap. She got off the bed and pulled the jacket on, then walked over to me as I was shuffling through my clothes, looking for a clean shirt.

She gently grabbed my shoulders and kissed my cheek.
"I'll go to the cafeteria and eat lunch with the others."
I nodded as I continued rummaging.
"Mhm, okay. I won't be long"
I heard her begin to walk out the cell, but pause halfway.
"I'll save you some lunch, okay? You need to eat after last night."
"Yes, mom." I sassed.
She chuckled and then walked off.

I eventually found a clean shirt and jacket a short while after she left. The big pile of ripped and dirty clothes that piled at my feet reminded me that I needed to hand my clothes over to Carol to wash, and that I needed to find new ones...especially since it was getting colder.

I looked at my appearance in the mirror, dusting myself off and making myself look a little more neat, well, as neat as one could look in the apocalypse. I made sure to hide as many love bites as possible. Of course I was scared of Hershel seeing them, but, I mainly did it because of Daryl. If he saw even one of them, then, Lord take me now, cause I'd never hear the end of it...

I sighed as I finished tying my hair up.
"Let's go have lunch...and please for the love of kittens and puppies, let Daryl not notice anything..."

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