Nick straight drove to his favorite spot, the park, to calm his nerves down and be as close as possible with his mother, just like any child would seek their mother's lap when they were scared or restless or having any type of problems.


He screamed in full of pain and anger. 

"Why this is happening to me? After a long time, everything was going well in my life, then why are you taking that happiness away from me, God? Why do you have to be so cruel?" 

Tears were flowing from his eyes, but there was no one to answer his worries or comfort him in his  misery. He was all alone, or so he thought. After spending some time in peace, he thought of facing the reality again. Deeply inhaling the fresh air and exhaling it slowly, he went for  his car. After entering into the car, he was securing his seatbelt, when his eyes fell on his mobile, which he kept in the car this whole time. He reached his phone and switched on, just to frown to see many missed calls from Gina and.... Anne? Anne never calls me before.

He thought and started to dial her number, when Gina's call came through. He picked up immediately. Before he could even  say "Hello", Gina's voice boomed in the car.

"Sir got heart attack."

Nick's frown deepened again, but for different reason this time. 

"What? Dad got heart attack? When did this happen? How is he now? Did Doctor come? I'm coming home right now." He asked everything without breathing while started his car towards his home.

"He is already admitted in hospital. Anne went with him in the ambulance. I wanted to go with them too but she told me to stay at home and called your number as she couldn't reach you. I too was dialing your number for a long---" Gina was talking non-stop in worry, when Nick stopped her.

"Send me the hospital name and location. I'm on my way there." Nick reached his phone to cut the call, but stopped to reassure her. "Don't worry. He is a tough fighter. He'll survive this. I'll keep informing you about his health." He could hear the quiet sobbing on the other part before cutting the call. He swallowed the forming lumps of sorrow and focused on the driving, but his mind kept drifting off.


                Nick came back to the present after hearing sound of lift's door opening. He came out of it and walked the way receptionist told him. He was frantically searching the room when his eyes landed on Anne, sitting helplessly in front of a closed door; A red light was on top of the door and below the "Operation Room 3C" text, indicating the operation was going on. He crossed that path in two steps and stood in front of her. Anne was so worried that he didn't feel any presence around her until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Nick and broke into tears. She was holding herself till now, trying to be strong for her husband, but the moment she saw Nick, she couldn't hold herself anymore. She hung her head low and covered her face to muffle her sobs. Nick never saw her this broken before; Though it'd lie that he ever gave his attention towards her. He never did; He never looked her straight in the eyes. He always blamed her for the reason of his ruined family, but never searched for the truth. But now, after knowing the whole truth, neither he could blame her, nor hate her. It was rather awkward for him to approach her, but in this tough situation they both needed each other more than anything. So he just sat on the empty seat beside her, thinking what he should say to give her some type of comfort. But she talked first.

"How did it all happen again!! Why is this happening again?" She wept out.

Nick was going to say something else, when something struck him.

" 'Again'? What do you mean by 'again'? He has been hospitalized before?" He looked shockingly at Anne. She nodded her head slowly without looking towards him.

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