It can't be

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They weren't entirely sure she was there, but it was their only clue, and Gjaki was more than willing to follow it. The problem was that it was a very large area that had to be covered by four. Before, they were only three.

Nonetheless, Gjaki was more efficient than any of them. While everyone had their methods, the vampiress' winged scouts were too good. Not even the spirits that the barbarians could summon could compare, let alone the cat mage, whose tracking skills was rather poor.

However, Merlin could recognize magical clues. He was also more than competent at defending himself, even if he had to hold back from burning the forest.

They separated, although they were always in contact by telephone. Gjaki took over the largest area, as she was the one who could cover the most ground. It didn't take long for her to find the first clues, which were totally invisible to her allies.

"Vampires. They aren't very powerful, but they're probably Krovledi's servants," she told herself.

She hadn't seen them, but had felt traces of their auras, of their blood. It hadn't been many days since they had been there. Some, just hours ago. At the same time, several Bats were inspecting a kilometer around her.

She continued to explore the jungle for hours, and followed the auras. She headed for where they were most concentrated. Although, for this, she had to retrace her steps several times.

Finally, she discovered one of them. She was hiding behind a tree, keeping watch. Her Bats hadn't seen her, but her aura couldn't be hidden from an ancestral vampiress.

She continued on her way, as if she hadn't noticed her. Gjaki hid in Darkness as she stepped behind a thick trunk of a several-hundred-year-old tree. Then, she backed away, and approached her cautiously.

The lesser vampiress found herself with a dagger to her throat, pinned down with Blood Bind, and the pressure from Bloodline.

"Dammit! What happened?" Gjaki cursed.

For no apparent reason, her prisoner had died. She soon discovered a substance in her mouth. It was a poison that had been triggered when her teeth had broken the magical seal that contained it. She had committed suicide.

"It seems that I won't be able to obtain information. One thing is clear, someone is very careful, and doesn't care if their servants die. It could perfectly be Krovledi. The worst thing is that this may've alerted them," she lamented.

She left, but slowly, hidden in the shadows, and often in Darkness. It didn't take long for her to see two strange birds similar to crows, but they smelled of blood.

"They're similar to my Bats. They're going to the one that has committed suicide," she supposed.

Gjaki decided to head in the direction they seemed to be coming from. It seemed the most reasonable choice. When one of her scouts discovered another vampire, she decided to activate Darkness full time.

After a while, she had passed the discovered vampire, and another one. There was no doubt that she was getting closer on whatever it was they were protecting. Therefore, she kept going, slowly, avoiding any place that might look like a trap. In fact, she ended up Gliding from tree to tree.

Finally, one of her Bats discovered some ruins that didn't look as abandoned as they should. Within them, the movement of some shadows could be seen. When it tried to get closer, it was struck down by the shield that protected the place. That confirmed her suspicions. She just hoped it hadn't alerted them, that they'd think it was just a bird or an insect.

There were vampires and some ruins protected by magic. It would be quite a coincidence if Krovledi had nothing to do with it, although she couldn't guarantee that she was there.

"Guys, come to my position, I think I've discovered something. Let me know when you're close, there're lookouts," she called her allies.

"Heard," Crushy answered.

"I'm coming," Merlin assured.

"On the way," Smashy reported.

Immediately, while she was still hidden in Darkness, she Glided to another tree, then another, and another. She did so until reaching a branch from which she could directly see the ruins, and study their movements.

As the vampiress was keeping watch, by chance, one of her Bats discovered two figures that had appeared from the shadows. Their Camouflage had just been deactivated. They were crouched, and like her, they were observing the ruins.

"It can't be..." the vampiress was surprised.

The newcomer was a golden-haired young elf, and was accompanied by a powerful feline, a lynx. She didn't quite believe what her Bats were showing her, but she had no choice but to do so. Gjaki had recognized both the elf archer and her companion. She couldn't help but smile. She even momentarily forgot why she was there.

The blood warrior climbed down from the tree, and headed straight for them. She only revealed herself after getting close enough to them. She didn't want to be seen from the ruins.

"What is an elf like you doing in a place like this?" the vampiress greeted with a huge smile. She had always wanted to say it.

However, even though she seemed to be joking, her eyes were beginning to water.

The lynx took a step back, as if intimidated by that presence. The elf, however, opened her eyes wide. She couldn't believe what they were showing her.

"Gjaki..." she muttered, unable to hold back her tears.

"Goldmi..." the vampiress approached, also beginning to spill them.

They hugged, with Gjaki emotional, and Goldmi looking heartbroken.

"Gjaki... Gjaki... Help me... Elendnas... I need your help," the elf sobbed, still hugging her rediscovered friend, her hope.

The vampiress was surprised, though it somehow explained why she was there.

"Tell me what happened. I'll help you, don't doubt it," she assured.

"They've taken him. They want to do something to him. I think he's inside," Goldmi looked at her with pleading eyes.

Gjaki nodded, and called her allies.

"Change of plans. I have to enter. When you arrive, attack," she informed them.

They listened to her surprised, although rather relieved. Caution wasn't their forte. Attack head-on was.

"Attack to see how they react. I'll cover you," she told Goldmi and the lynx.

"Do you want us to act as bait?" she asked, while wiping away her tears, and turning her face solemn.

Her friend smiled. She had really missed her. They understood each other perfectly.

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