Single Arachne seeks... (II)

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"What's this?" Espid asked, as she picked up a translucent nightgown with no much cloth.

"I'm sure your beloved will like it. You'll be quite sexy," Gjaki explained with a grin.

She didn't quite know when, but she had started talking like her new arachne friend was really going to meet him. Although she still doubted that it would even happen.

The arachne took a few seconds to understand, then she blushed. Despite all she had said, she had no experience.

"It's too daring!" she refused.

"Oh? So you want me to undo it to do something else?" the silver-haired tailor proposed.

Espid looked at her. She looked at the nightgown. She turned even redder, but hid it behind her.

"It's fine, I'll keep it... Just in case..." she said in barely a whisper.

"Okay, do whatever you want. I have to go now," Gjaki said goodbye.

"Will you visit me again?" she asked, almost crying. Actually, she felt very lonely there.

"Sure. For what have you made me a room to set a portal?" the vampiress assured.

The cave was big. Therefore, isolating a webbed area was an easy task for the arachne. Therefore, Espid said farewell to her unexpected friend, while already missing her a little.

She then pulled the spider nightgown from behind her back, and stared at it. She was wondering if she should try it on or not.

"I don't know what we're going to do with you," Diknsa sighed.

"Really... You're late because you didn't want to leave your new friend alone... Haven't you thought you could invite her?" Coinin scolded her.

The powerful vampiress looked at them somewhat embarrassed. She had explained to them that she had stayed a while longer because of the arachne, who made her feel pity. She hadn't even thought of the simplest solution.

"I... Well..."

"Ha, ha. Sometimes so smart, and others so dense..." Coinin mocked, as she relaxed her tone.

"Why don't you go to bring her?" Diknsa suggested.

It didn't take much to convince the arachne. At first, she was a little reluctant, in case her future husband, whom she hadn't met yet, came. However, she agreed to do so as Gjaki put up a sign: "Espid, the arachne, will be back soon. Please, wait here for me, darling!"

The truth was that the vampiress was holding her laughter back. The arachne was too naive, too innocent. She was beginning to fear that someone would come, and take advantage of her.

It should be said that Espid was shy at first, but she soon integrated easily. Her personality was extremely outgoing, as well as generous. She didn't hesitate to offer her silk, so that Gjaki could make clothes for everyone. Nonetheless, it would take her a while to generate enough.

Therefore, she would soon become another regular visitor to the mansion, and Gjaki would be the taxi driver.

The next day, she left the arachne in her shelter, said goodbye to her, and went to the other cave. She was convinced that it was the correct one. Espid had said that it was very deep, that it seemed to have no end. That was the reason she had preferred to find another for herself, for her love nest.

It didn't take her long to find it. She perfectly remembered the place from the day before, the path that her Bat had travelled. What she didn't expect was to see so many elves around.

The previous day, she had discovered one nearby, although she supposed it was by chance. Today, there were fifty. Their levels were relatively high for the area they were in, but much lower than the vampiress'. They stopped her when she approached.

"You can't pass. It's dangerous. There's going to be an invasion of spiders soon," an elf armed with a bow blocked.

There were five others in that group. On the ground, there were hundreds of arrows, ready for battle.

"Come with me, sweetie. You'll have the honor to be protected by me. Later, we can have fun," another called.

The vampiress looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He was a blond elf, moderately handsome and athletic. Compared to the others, it was evident that his clothes were much more luxurious, as was his bow.

"Another smug rich fool..." Gjaki, who was disguised as Goldki, sighed.

"What did you say?" he got angry.

"Oh my... Did I say that out loud?" she shrugged, brushing it off, even dismissively.

"How dare you!?" he approached, threatening.

"Right, how could I dare?" Gjaki continued sarcastically, while turning her back on his.

The rest watched the scene without knowing whether to intervene. They didn't dare to oppose the elf, for he had a lot of influence. In fact, they were in that group because they were his subordinates. Although that didn't mean that everyone liked him.

What they didn't understand was the attitude of that elf woman, who seemed oblivious to fear. She hadn't hesitated to provoke their boss. He may have been overbearing, but she hadn't avoided confrontation either.

In fact, she ignored them all and kept walking. As they were distracted for a moment by their boss, she had passed them by, disregarding their warning.

"Where do you think you're going, damn...!?"


The elf had wanted to stop her by grabbing her shoulder. Somehow, he flew off, while the rest watched in amazement. That elf's movements had been extremely fast. She had caught him by his forearm, and flung him forward in front of her.

"Shit! You've alerted them!" one cursed.

Until then, they had been careful to remain silent, to wait, to ambush them. They were waiting for the spiders to come out unprepared, perhaps fighting among themselves, in order to start attacking them. Now, those spiders had heard something that could be prey, so they rushed in the direction of Gjaki and that group of elves. They were hungry, and were a few dozen.

Invasions were an event that happened every few years. The spider population grew too much, and there wasn't enough food for all of them. That made the tension increase, and many devour each other. Fleeing from the fighting or looking for food, a considerable number came out of the caves.

It had no point of comparison with what they would want to provoke many years later in that same place. Nonetheless, the presence of those predators was still dangerous for the inhabitants of the forest, the elves among them.

Despite having been prepared, dozens of spiders heading directly towards the group at once was terrifying. The other groups didn't have time to come to their aid. At best, they could decrease the number of spiders, but they were fast enough for it to not be enough.

Everyone was scared, except Goldki. She grabbed the elf by the shirt, and threw him forcefully back towards his companions. The ease with which she did it surprised them. She might have disliked him, but she didn't want to kill him either. Another thing was to hit and bruise him a little.

She looked then towards the spiders that were approaching menacingly, and grinned.

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