Rivals in the dungeon (I)

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They were surprised at how quickly she changed her clothes. She had barely gone upstairs to her room at the inn when she came back downstairs. Little did they know that she could change them through the inventory, and that she didn't need to pack. Gjaki was wearing the same clothes she had when accompanying them some days ago, those of her nightwalker identity.

They had no problem entering the six of them into the dungeon. Perhaps Gjaki's level was a bit low, but everyone had seen what she was capable of. They even suspected that she was hiding her true level.

"Will we meet other adventurers inside?" asked the vampiress.

"It wouldn't be weird. Normally, they won't get close though. On the lower floors, there're fewer," Krinia explained.

"It's a nuisance to fight like this. Hmm. I guess I can keep an eye on the area."

During the trip, she had already been seen secretly summoning the Bats. Therefore, when they saw them appear, it was only Kroco who stared at them, amazed.

"Can you also create these?" he asked, as he had only been told about the hounds.

"They're very useful to explore. Do I look for enemies or do we avoid them?"

"Can you search for lone ones or in a group of two?"


She had summoned four, two to watch and another two to scout. She wasn't worried about wasting a little blood since, after her experience in the other dungeon, she was more than prepared.

Her first idea had been to buy whole animals of different levels that had been hunted, so that she could draw their blood. The problem was that she had to pretend that she had some kind of backpack to put them in, a large one. That might have drawn too much attention, perhaps even someone would have wanted to steal it.

Fortunately, she had discovered a more efficient and cheaper method. Many of the pieces brought weren't treated, so they were bled first. That blood wasn't used, which was undoubtedly a pity.

She had sneaked in where the corpses were hanging, and her assistant had handled the collection of blood. She had gone twice every day, morning and afternoon, so she had managed to get a lot from various levels. 49 had been the maximum level, although the quantity had been low. There was a little more at 48. Below 47, there was more than enough.

It is true that those in charge had been a little surprised that there was so little blood to clean up during those days. However, they had been more than happy to have less work, and hadn't made a big deal out of it.

Thus, before the astonished look of her companions, Gjaki showed her true face for the first time. It is true that a non-reptilian one was already exotic to them, but it was by no means the first time they had seen one. However, the silver hair and blood red eyes were more than striking and exceptional. If their ideal of beauty had been more human, they would have found her not only exotic, but attractive. Although, without a doubt, what most caught their attention were her fangs.

The enemies in that dungeon were similar to insects. Specifically, on the first floor there were a kind of level 35 cockroaches, one and a half meters long. Its body was tough, and its Push was dangerous, in addition to having pointed legs and deadly jaws.

Gjaki had blessed Kroquia and Krongo's weapons with Dark Touch. It not only made them more effective, but she could gain experience without lifting a finger.

They had no major problems when facing single enemies or small groups. Three was the maximum against which, for the moment, they had dared. As long as Kroquia could block them, it was easy for the rest. If not, if the warriors couldn't control the escapees, the mages might be in trouble.

Gjaki was mostly using the whip, as the bludgeoning damage was more efficient. What she hadn't realized was the extent to which her versatility amazed her teammates, who were currently quite relaxed watching Krongo fight.

When they came across only one, they used it to practice and test skills or spells. While it was a bit slow, Gjaki wasn't particularly worried.

Right now, the warrior was using a huge club. It wasn't his weapon of choice, but it was efficient against those enemies. Also, he could gain some expertise with it.

Krinia, who was talking to Gjaki about her electrical spells, was surprised to see the vampiress' body suddenly covered. She was unable to understand how she had put on the nightwalker outfit. When Gjaki had taken it off, she had pretended a bit more.

"A group is approaching. They're seven. They'll be here in a couple of minutes."

Krinia and Kruloz reacted quickly, and attacked the cockroach from a distance. They didn't want to find themselves fighting when the other group arrived. Dungeon encounters were usually not hostile, but there were exceptions.

"Hey! It was mine!" Krongo complained when his companions intervened. Nonetheless, he had to settle when they explained the situation.

They all stood looking at where they would come from, with their weapons lowered, although prepared for what might happen. What the vampiress transmitted to them didn't reassure them at all.

"They all wear uniforms. With an emblem that looks like the head of a blue dragon. The skin of five of them is also blue. The one in front looks like the boss. She wears leather armor, two metallic blue maces, a necklace also bluish with a dragon's head..." she was explaining, while her companions were frowning.

"She has to be Drigca," Kroco guessed. Disgust was evident in his voice.

"Do they wear official uniform? Where do they think they're? The rule is not to wear badges in the dungeon! Even less foreigners!" Kroquia growled.

"Do you think they'll try something?" Kruloz worried.

"They won't do it directly. They'd have to be sure that no one is going to escape. But they could make things difficult for us. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to ambush us," Krinia concluded.

"Shit. Are we going to have to leave?" Krongo cursed.

"They're here," Gjaki announced.

They all fell silent, while glaring at the approaching group. In that group, there was one more, and their levels were slightly higher. Therefore, in the event of a fight, Gjaki's group had the losing side.

However, they had stopped at a crossroads, thus leaving them a free path to follow, and with an escape route behind them.

They could have tried to hide, but from their attitude, the vampiress' reptilian companions suspected that they knew they were there. They assumed that the newcomers were looking for them, probably to intimidate them. To hide would have been to acknowledge that they were afraid of them.

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