In group: last boss (I)

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This time, she felt it more clearly. When she released the blood knight, something formed inside her. Rather, it should be said that it advanced a little more in completing itself. She didn't know what it was, but she didn't feel it was anything harmful.

Unlike her, her companions were overwhelmed every time a door was opened. The pressure of the aura was suffocating and distressing. However, it was only unpleasant to her, like the smell of a sewer might be.

One after another, she opened the doors, freed the occupants, and sent them to the world of the dead, whatever it was. Perhaps a world apart, perhaps the wheel of reincarnation, or perhaps an existence that she couldn't even imagine. Nonetheless, she wasn't prone to philosophical or existential dissertations, so the vampiress didn't spend more than a few moments of her thoughts to it.

The last one was a knight with feline ears, although she wasn't quite sure what type of feline to attribute her to. She felt an enormous peace while watching her vanish, as if a great weight had been lifted from her, as if she had finished a complicated and exhausting task.

She also felt something complete inside her. Gjaki didn't feel stronger, or more agile. In fact, she didn't feel any difference, but she knew that something had changed.

She opened the virtual screen of her stats, and searched for any alteration, any clue. There, no stat boosts could be found, no new skills or spells. There was only one new title, "Redeemer". The description said the following:

The one who had fulfilled her promise, and freed us from our prison of darkness. Therefore, we give her our blessing, so that she recovers her power as soon as possible. She will be able to use it as a weapon against our enemy. Double experience is gained.

She was surprised. The effects were more than desirable and unexpected, but the description was moving to say the least, perhaps shocking. It was as if the dead themselves had sent her a message. Maybe, they had.

She stood there for a while, while looking at the empty stone coffin where the body of the last of the blood knights had lain. She could still smell the scent of blood, but the aura had completely disappeared.

Since she hadn't returned, and the aura had disappeared, the reptilians entered reluctantly, as they were worried about the vampiress. It wasn't until she turned around and smiled that they breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's done. They've left. I think that, since we're here, we could take a look at the last boss," she suggested.

In truth, there was no special reason to confront it other than to test their own abilities, to see what they were capable of. Although the vampiress did have an additional reason.

In theory, there was nothing beyond the boss, but in the game there was always treasures and an exit portal. It was the latter that interested her the most, as she was a little worried about what might happen to her after leaving. She feared that the counts wanted to interrogate her, and she preferred to avoid trouble. If it existed and took her to a secluded place, it would be the best.

The final boss was a swarm of those wasps, each one four times the size of the ones they'd been killing so far. There were over a hundred of them.

The group of reptilians wanted to collaborate. They had been proving themselves after reaching level 40, and thought capable of protecting themselves. Therefore, they wanted to helped out a bit.

The level 40 equipment that their companion had lent them was of very good quality. However, it barely covered some needs, since she didn't have enough for everyone. Therefore, they were encouraged at the thought that their strength would increase with the right equipment.

Gjaki placed a pair of Dark Walls in front of them, in front of Kroquia. With them, they would be more protected, and their efficiency would increase considerably. Apart from the damage they could inflict, there would be the damage from the walls.

She decided to stay with them, and first wielded a level 45 bow. She and Kruloz began shooting, while the rest waited. It should be said that he had better aim and skills, but his level and his weapon's was lower, so the damage was more or less even.

All the wasps reacted at once, not just the attacked ones, and turned towards those who were challenging them. They all moved in unison, flapped rapidly, and created a sonic attack towards all of them. It wasn't a powerful attack, but it was very annoying. It could deafen them, as well as cause them sharp pain.

If she were alone, the vampiress would have had to dodge it, to get out of range. She might have taken the opportunity to try to ride one of them while they were busy.

Since it wasn't like that, she chose the simplest option. She hid behind Kroquia, behind her shield. While the shield alone wasn't enough, the reptilian could easily stop the attack with the help of her tank's skills.

It is true that there was a noticeable difference in level, but that sonic attack wasn't that powerful. It was useful for slowing down unsuspecting opponents, but little more.

Kruloz and the vampiress came out soon after. They started firing again, damaging them a little more, taking advantage of those moments before the wasp swarm got serious.

Meanwhile, Kroquia was prepared for what might come. Krinia was waiting for a more propitious moment, like Krongo. Kroco had blessed his companions, and stayed a little farther back. He was ready to heal them if necessary, or to defend himself if one came to him.

The wasps changed formation. Until now, they seemed to float in a seemingly chaotic arrangement, with none too close to each other. Now, they were organizing themselves to form a kind of spearhead. As soon as they finished creating the figure, they all rushed towards them together, without breaking formation.

Three of them were on the tip, next to each other. They were flying backwards and showing their stingers. The others were on the outside of that spearhead, so it was empty inside.

In addition to heading towards them, they also moved to simulate the rotation of that spearhead, as if it were a drill. This made them more difficult to attack, and added more danger to their charge.

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