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The sudden appearance of someone claiming to be Countess Kilthana caused chaos in the palace. Perhaps, she would have been ignored, or even sent to the dungeons, were it not for the fact that she was accompanied by an extremely powerful bodyguard. They didn't know that it was a summon of someone even more powerful, who was on her other side, and who had Disguised her level.

Evidently, they didn't fear a frontal attack. The castle's defenses were sturdy enough, but they couldn't just ignore a formal request for an audience.

A small entourage came out to greet them. Among them, there was the count's son, for he could recognize her.

"Kilthana! It's really you! What a pleasant surprise to see you again!" he greeted her, while looking her up and down lasciviously.

"Kerthlon," she returned his greeting, coldly.

Ignoring the hostility in the countess's voice, he approached in a friendly manner, but Gjaki didn't think so. She didn't know if he had hostile intentions, or was just a pervert, though she didn't care which. She ordered her Blood Clone to step forward and release some of its aura, while she remained in the background discreetly.

Kerthlon stopped short, and a cold sweat trickled down his back. Despite it, he was able to maintain his composure.

"This way, follow me," he finally invited, while hoping he would have better chance.

The countess followed him. She was trying not showing how strange it seemed to her walking side the Clone. Gjaki followed close behind, while looking around carefully. She noticed the guards and the defenses, but was especially attentive to her sensations.

In some of the rooms of her own mansion, she had noticed how her link to the Gates was severed. It prevented her from summoning them, and they were their ticket out. She didn't want to risk going into a place where they would lose that trick.

He led them into a large room, which was occupied by a long table. At one of its ends, the count was waiting for them, along with several soldiers at level 80 or higher. Without a doubt, they were among the most powerful he had, although far from the Blood Clone, and even more so from Gjaki. However, there was a barrier between them, and a door through which they could escape.

Gjaki guessed that, in case of trouble, there might even be magical traps against them. She wasn't afraid of them, but didn't know if she could protect the countess. However, it was unlikely that they would act for now.

Kerthlon sat down next to his father, and was still looking at the countess. He even glanced over at the Blood Clone, whose silhouette was just like her creator's, and could be perceived behind the armor. He paid no attention to Gjaki, whose disguise was meant to be inconspicuous. They had checked it with the woman who had sheltered Jiknha in the past, and who had been sent as a refugee through a Gate.

"Well, countess, what brings you here?" the count asked.

Since his son had recognized her, he could not doubt her identity. News of her mother's death and her inauguration had reached him, so he had even sent more spies. He had wanted to know how weak they were, if he could attack them. At least, if he could take some land.

However, the presence of that high-level bodyguard indicated that she probably had someone behind her, someone powerful. He suspected they weren't Krovledi, so he guessed they were one of her siblings, though not the one who supported him. If so, he would have warned him. It was evident that she was highly valued, as she had such protection.

Another thing that worried him was how they had gotten within feet of the castle without being discovered. However, he wasn't going to ask. He knew they wouldn't give him that information, and he preferred to leave open the possibility that they thought he might know. He could not imagine that the visit was totally improvised.

"I haven't been the new countess long, as you know. Therefore, it seemed convenient to me to go talk to my neighbors. There were old quarrels and conflicts with my mother that perhaps we can approach," she offered.

Actually, she had thought about talking to her neighbors, but before that there were many things to do. Since she had the opportunity, and it served as an excuse, she had decided to bring it up.

"Oh, it's easy. Just give us back the Scarlet Mountain, and we'll have all the problems solved," the count offered, not without greed.

That place on the border had valuable mines, and had been in conflict for years. While it is true that the land had belonged to them in the past, it hadn't been so in an even more distant past. In fact, it had changed hands so many times that it was impossible to decide who had been the original owner.

"That's all? Then it's easy, we'll be happy to give it to you," the countess offered, to the surprise of her interlocutor. "In exchange, you'll return the Pyrite Forest to us, won't you?"

The count frowned for a moment. He had truly believed that he could get great benefits from this inexperienced countess at no cost, and was already planning what else to ask, now or in the future. However, the counter offer showed that it wasn't going to be that easy.

"Ha, ha. I don't think it's possible. You know, there're families living there that we can't ignore," Kerhdal, the count, denied with a forced smile.

"Oh, no problem. We'll welcome them, as I suppose you will do with those who live in the mountains, right?" Kilthana argued. She was beginning to have fun. He had underestimated her, and he was paying for it.

"Why don't we make it easier? We can marry and unite our counties," the count's son intervened suddenly.

The countess had to suppress a look of disgust on her face, though she couldn't help but let her smile fade.

"I'm afraid there're no weddings in my plans right now," she assured, although it wasn't entirely true. "Well, what if we stop playing and get serious? It's clear that neither is going to give up their land, but we can establish trade. You want what comes out of the mines, and we want the resources of the forest. How about setting up a trade corridor? We'd all benefit. It'd be better than years of fruitless conflict."

The count looked at her thoughtfully. Without a doubt, it was an interesting offer, which he had wanted to make more than once. However, the animosity with the previous countess, and that of their parents, had made it impossible.

"What would the conditions be?" he asked.

"It can be discussed. You send your representatives and I send mine to take care of the long and boring details. We declare a ceasefire, and let the negotiations take their course," she suggested.

"It could be done. Let me think about it. Is there any other matter to discuss?" Kerhdal asked.

"Yes, a more personal one. I heard that Jiknha was here. I'd like to visit her," she asked, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

However, both she and Gjaki were carefully watching the count and son's reaction. It was only an instant, but enough to realize that something was wrong.

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