Mansion defense (I)

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"The boss was right! The shield is giving way! A hole has opened! Let's go! We'll be the first! Ha, ha!" one of those attacking the shield rejoiced.

She and four others managed to enter. The gap behind them closed, though the layer of mana which had blocked the hole looked weak. It seemed that it would give way again with a little more pressure, that it was just an improvised patch.

In other areas of the mansion's perimeter, something similar had happened shortly before, or would happen shortly after. In all, several dozen invaders had entered, though all were low level, and hadn't entered at the same time.

"Look, there! Don't let them escape!"

"Run after her! She'll be our first catch!"

Once they had entered, they soon discovered the inhabitants of the mansion, who ran at the sight of them, even screaming. They were in the gardens and orchards, and seemed to have been surprised by the newcomers, by the unexpected weakness of the shield.

They ran for cover in a small hut where tools were kept. Maybe in a warehouse where the grain was stored. However, none of these buildings was designed to withstand the harassment of their pursuers.

"Why haven't we seen any holes?" Cluasde cursed. She was the vampiress in charge of the invading forces.

"It's bad luck. They must have entered almost forty, maybe more. The yielding areas close soon after, but they don't seem very solid. It's about to fall completely," Fangorm hoped.

"Dammit. Those servants better leave some without biting," she cursed again.

For half an hour, gaps had been opening in the shield. Its weakness was evident. They had no doubt that the explosion of power a couple of hours ago had been the prelude to this.

However, while many lesser vampires had entered, none of the more powerful ones had been lucky enough to find a hole. They were starting to get impatient

"Ha, ha. Coinin, you scream wonderfully," Diknsa mocked.

"He, he. You have to give everything," she said. She was visibly amused.

It was the second time she had been chased, or rather, the golem she was controlling. They weren't very powerful, but with a little clothing and from a distance, they could impersonate the mansion's inhabitants.

"That's not fair! It's my turn!" Coana, one of her sisters, protested.

"Let me finish... I'll lead them to the trap, and I'll leave it to you," her older sister assured her.

"Okay! Hurry up!"

They had long feared the attackers, feared they might break in, feared being forced to leave their home. So now that they could get even from the safety of the mansion, they were more than willing to lend a hand. In fact, they were looking forward to it, and even enjoying it.

Gjaki had activated those golems that were supposed to help with housework, and had been deactivated to save mana. They could be controlled from a distance, or be ordered to repeat a task previously done while directed. They could also be used as bait.

Gjaki was in the control room. She was creating weaknesses in the shield, to let the weakest pass. They were the enemies she knew that, in the worst case, she could take care of them herself.

There were really powerful weapons, but they used up a lot of mana, and they needed time to recharge. Therefore, she saved them for more important moments.

For now, the golems led the invaders into simple, classic traps, which were very cheap in the game. Traps like the ones where the earth split open were something every fortress should have. At least, the silver-haired vampiress thought like this.

Once created and installed, it was necessary to add the sharp spikes at their bottom. An automatic blood collection, equipment and cleaning system was also needed.

Gjaki didn't quite understand why, but her enemies deaths gave her experience even if the keep's weapons took care of them. She didn't know if it was because she operated them, because it was her mana that activated them, or because she owned the mansion. Either way, she was leveling up with ease, at the cost of the gem's mana, which was hers after all.

In fact, she was starting to open entrances for higher level invaders. Once she had tried one of the mana cannons, or lasers as Eldi had named them, she understood there was a powerful ace up her sleeve.

She also wanted to try all the different types of traps, like a girl with new toys. The one with two walls that crushed those who passed between them had specially impressed the inhabitants.

"So many times I've been there..." a human with purple hair had murmured, while a shiver ran through her body.

"Tell me about it!. And above those spikes... What about those trees...? Who would have thought... Wait a minute! Leave the golem already! It's my turn!"

"Ok, ok..."

It is worth mentioning that there were several guardian trees in the mansion, which had been rescued in a unique mission. She had given them a new home, and they had returned the favor with their loyalty.

They were extremely grateful for the care they received, and their fruits were delicious. They would never attack the mansion's inhabitants or their guests, but enemies were quite another issue. Gjaki's return had excited them, and they had been delighted by the expectation of a juicy meal. They were more than willing to lend a hand, or some roots.

Although Gjaki didn't gain experience when they fed on invaders, she wasn't so selfish as to deny them food and exercise. Thus, she had planned for an enemy of the appropriate level to pass near each of them.

It must be said that, in addition to the exterior shield, there was another interior that protected only the mansion building. Therefore, even if one managed to slip away, they weren't in danger.

Furthermore, around the mansion there were ornamental armor guarding all of its entrances. As it is easy to imagine, they were more than just an ornament. Unlike the golems they were controlling, those armors were truly fearsome.

Apart from the golems, the inhabitants of the mansion also took turns in some cabins that were in each of the towers, and that had been sealed until then. From there, they could fire mana projectiles, and also gain some experience.

Surely, it wasn't a good idea to attack that mansion when it was at full capacity, and being operated by its owner and some helpers. Unfortunately for those outside, they had no idea what was going on inside.

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