Suppressed Fury

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It was difficult to know what had infuriated the vampiress the most, if the fact that they were harassing her friend, or the mere existence of those thugs. In the past, at school, she had often been bullied, not to mention her death.

She might not have been very sociable back then, but that was no reason to insult or push her. Therefore, the behavior of that group struck a chord with her. That they were bothering Tili made it unforgivable.

She activated Bloodlust and directed the aura at the group of thugs, so that neither Tili nor Lika could feel it. The difference in power and the fact that she was a vampire made her presence totally terrifying. Even some of the goblins that still remained in the area hurriedly left.

"Who. You believe. You are. To bother. My friends?" she asked threateningly.

None of them responded. They were unable to speak. Their legs gave way and they fell to the ground, from where they tried to back away the best they could.

Lika wasn't as close as Tili, but she knew the vampiress. Besides, since the aura didn't reach her, she didn't feel any fear. In fact, she was excited. Tili's friend had been saved in the past by Gjaki too, and her arrival was almost miraculous to her. She was looking at her with devotion.

Tili, for her part, had tears falling. Seeing the vampiress again had thrilled her and, while she could tell that her friend was angry, she didn't doubt the reason.

"Gjaki... You're back..." were the words that came out of her greenish lips.

"Hi, Tili. Hi, Lika. I'm sorry, I've been late. Can you explain to me what this is about? What are those scum?"

The tone of her greeting was friendly, but in the last sentence, it could perceive the hostility towards the group that was on the ground, and looking at her in terror.

At the same time Tili was explaining, the pressure on these thugs seemed to increase, the hostility towards them. They felt that the newcomer wanted to kill them, and they weren't far off the mark. Besides, she was only a couple of meters away from them now.

It was then that a new group of armed goblins, whose highest level was 16, hurriedly arrived.

"You must be that Gjaki. Leave my son and his friends alone," the goblin who was commanding the newcomers demanded.

Gjaki was in no mood to explain. Immediately, the aura of Bloodlust also enveloped the newcomers. They were experienced warriors, and their level was higher than the group of thugs, but all of them took a couple of steps back. They felt a deep chill, and were barely suppressing their fear. With more or less intensity, all of them trembled.

"Can you explain to me why your trash son was harassing my friends?" she asked him with a tone so cold that they felt their hearts chill.

Perhaps, in that place, only a goblin was delighted to hear those words. After the fear that she had felt, Lika would have jumped for joy if she had been in another situation. The fact that her idol had included her in "friends" had suddenly erased these last minutes of suffering.

"Nothing important... They were just trying to fraternize a little..." Hrako's father tried to play it down.

Gjaki gave him a suspicious look before asking accusingly.

"Did you know it? Did you know that your son has been harassing Tili and Tado?

"It's... It's just a youngsters' thing... It's none of our business... We shouldn't get involved..." he defended himself.

"So you knew it... I decide what is my business. Maybe I should teach you a lesson too?" she threatened again, as she took a step towards the goblin.

Gjaki was furious, and wanted to beat up father and son, and anyone who was involved in that

"You won't dare! Do you think you can handle all of us!?" the goblin threatened, although he didn't stop trembling.

Suddenly, the aura disappeared, as did the vampiress. They looked everywhere, surprised. They didn't know what to think, whether to believe that it had been a dream.




Suddenly, the two goblins beside Hrako's father had been disarmed and fell to the ground. Gjaki had disappeared into Darkness, by taking advantage of the confusion of Bloodlust's disappearance. Then, she had simply used her overwhelming level difference along with a couple of martial arts to disarm and bring them down.

Immediately, she had used Supreme Knee on the father, which was really just the name she and Goldmi had given to a simple knee to the groin.

"Yes, I can, it's not that difficult," she finally answered the question, once her anger was a bit vented.

She then went towards Hrako and his thugs, who were still on the ground, not daring to move.

The vampiress reached down and used Scratch to grow her nails. One of them grazed the young hunter's chin, thus forcing him to look into her eyes.

"Don't go near them again. If you or any of your trash cause any trouble for them, Tado, or any of my other friends, you'll be my dinner. Have I been clear enough?

"Y... Yes," the thugs agreed one after another.

"Someone, take them away. And bring something to clean the floor, it's a little wet..." she announced, thus making clear the humiliation that they would have wanted to hide at all costs.

She turned for a moment to look at the father, who was still in pain. Her gaze was accompanied by Bloodlust once more. She didn't say anything, but her threat was clear.

She got up then and went towards Tili and Lika. A smile appeared in her lips for the first time.

"Let's go somewhere where we can talk," she invited them.

Tili smiled back, nodded and led them on, while Lika seemed somewhat lost in her thoughts. They soon moved away from the incident, which would soon be the talk of the goblins.

After a while, Lika turned, staring at Gjaki very closely. Her eyes seemed to glow.

"Am I really your friend?"

Gjaki stared at her in surprise, not knowing what to say, while Tili was holding in her laughter.

"So, no?" she asked again, though this time she looked depressed.

The vampire didn't know whether to laugh or cry at that attitude, which on the other hand she thought it was adorable. They might be the same age, but Lika was very innocent.

"How can you not be?" she replied.

"Really!?" she wanted to confirm the words of her idol.

"Of course. Although... What do you know about vampire stuffed toys?" she inquired.

"Er... I didn't make them!" she quickly denied.

"It's not what I asked you," Gjaki insisted, while trying not to laugh. That goblin was too easy to read.

"I... I didn't suggest anything... I didn't even suggest the hair..." she denied again.

"Ha, ha. You've practically confessed," Tili couldn't take it anymore.

"Don't be mean!" Lika almost panicked.

"So... You conspired against me... You deserve a lesson. Mmm. I may have a good idea...– murmured the vampiress with a mischievous smile.

Lika looked at her a little scared, while Gjaki approached Tili and whispered something in her ear.

"Ha, ha. She'll get what she deserves!" the goblin laughed.

"What... what're you planning!?" she panicked again.

However, neither of them answered, they just stared at her. Anyway, they didn't last long before bursting into laughter, as Lika pouted at them.

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