Guide (I)

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At level 29, she had regained the Shadow Protection spell. With it, she could create a place to rest, as long as it was placed in some shade. The shelter was hidden from the outside, and protected by the interplay of dark and blood magic. Since it was at level 10, it could last up to ten hours.

At 30, she had unlocked Blood Mark. With it, an individual can be marked and be tracked. The biggest drawback is that the target must be physically touched to mark them.

About skills, at 29 she had re-gained Climb. It made use of the fingernails to deform them and grab hold of rock ledges, thus making climbing easier.

Finally, at 30, there was Pierce, one of her most used skills. For just half a second, it doubles the piercing power of her weapons, so great precision is needed to execute it successfully. In fact, she had had to train quite a bit to be able to use it naturally.

"Once again, we thank you for your help. I'm Kroquia, daughter of the Count of Kronardhi. If there's anything I can do to pay you back, just say so."

"I'm Kruloz, archer and county guard apprentice. You've saved our lives. I owe you."

"My name is Krinia, county mage apprentice. Their words are mine."

"I'm Krogo. I won't forget my debt."

They all introduced themselves and offered their aid to the vampiress, with a sincerity that she didn't expect. Their reptilian aspect might be a bit strange to her, but their attitude was more human than some humans she had met. She felt a bit overwhelmed.

"I am Kigja, a nightwalker. I was just passing by. It's time to leave," she said quietly, and turned around.

Her discreet tone voice did indeed give her a mysterious aura, although that wasn't her intention. Rather, it was shyness, and her lack of social skills.

With the goblins, it had been easier for her, perhaps because of the circumstances. Maybe, because they were smaller. Maybe, because she had hit it off with Tili, and the young goblin had helped her open up to others, or had simply not allowed her to run away from social interaction.

However, this wasn't the same situation. She didn't feel comfortable, plus she was a vampire, and they were at a higher level. She feared that, if they knew of her nature, they might turn against her. Therefore, she decided to leave, so that everyone follow their own path.

For their part, the reptilians were surprised. The nightwalker profession was as rare as it was mysterious. All of those were loners, had strange abilities, and didn't usually show their faces. Therefore, in the past, she had chosen it as a cover, as it was very convenient.

They didn't doubt her false profession. After all, Kigja was mysterious, her abilities were strange, and their gratitude was sincere. They were only sorry that she was leaving so soon, but they couldn't hold her against her will.

"Wait a minute," Kroquia called suddenly. "My brother is badly injured. Do you have a way to heal him?"

Gjaki turned for a moment. She now remembered that she had seen one of them lying on the ground, although she was unaware of his condition.

"I'm afraid not, sorry. Don't you have potions?" she denied.

She had a healing spell, but she couldn't use it for now. While it wasn't convenient to show it, the main problem was that she hadn't unlocked it yet.

"We can't make him drink it. He has to be conscious," Kruloz replied, dejected.

"We have to get him home as soon as possible. If we arrive in time we can heal him," Krinia suggested.

"We'll do that, but we'll have to wait for daylight," Kroquia intervened.

She more than anyone wanted to take her brother back, but walking at night, at the mercy of dangers they couldn't see, was suicidal. Instead of saving one, four more would die.

"But... Kroco..." Krinia wanted to insist, but in the end she held her tongue.

She also understood that it was impossible. However, she also knew that every second that passed was a second that brought the healer closer to death.

Gjaki sighed. She wanted to leave and stay out of trouble, but she couldn't just walk away. Had the vampiress known, she would have tried to capture the enemy healer alive.

"Prepare to leave. I'll guide you at night. I have something to do, I'll be right back."

With that said, she disappeared into the shadows of the night, and left the reptilians stunned. On the other side, she had also renewed their hopes.

The first thing Gjaki did was change her armor by wearing the level 30 one, and applied the previous style to it as well. It looked the same but new, so she threw some dirt on it.

Without stopping and at full speed, she reached the tomb of the crimson gorillas. She didn't want to waste the remains, especially the blood that might be needed later. However, she couldn't delay either, so she was thinking how to dig them up quickly.

Unexpectedly, It wasn't needed. Her assistants took care of it efficiently. In fact, one that she had never seen before appeared, with a huge shovel that seemed impossible for it.

When she came back, they were waiting for her. They had stripped the corpses of their most valuable belongings, and piled those corpses without bothering to bury them. It was fine if they were eaten by the forest beasts. Traitors deserved no better.

Gjaki was offered to take whatever she wanted, and the rest was stored in a spatial backpack. It was an object not available to everyone, which allowed large quantities to be stored. If two of them weren't the count's children, they couldn't have afforded it.

Gjaki ordered her assistant to draw the blood from the corpses, but not to bring it. She couldn't just discard it, as it might be too valuable in the future. So, she walked with them a few meters before stopping.

"I forgot something. Back in a moment."

They looked at her strangely, while wondering what it could be, but they didn't stop her. Therefore, she was able to get to the corpses and collect the blood drawn by her assistant, and her own assistant too.

Shortly after, she returned to the group, where the mage and archer were carrying the unconscious healer. Warriors could react faster if something suddenly attacked them. If they needed range, they would probably have time to put the makeshift stretcher on the floor.

Gjaki was at the front. She was wearing glasses that were passed off as a device to see in the dark. She didn't want to give any more clues about her true identity, that of a fearsome silver-haired vampire.

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