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Gjaki left Goltrak to go to Narzerlak, the elven kingdom. It was the closest place she wanted to check. Her travel plan was simple. She wanted to find places hidden enough to set Exit Gates, and then return to the mansion. There, her friends and Chornakish were waiting for her.

Since it wasn't urgent, she took it easy. Anyway, she was always on the lookout for news about Krovledi, but all her traces seemed to have disappeared.

She also knew they were doing a cleanup in Goltrenak, though she wasn't too interested in the details either. In fact, Cligajia was taking advantage of her status as the king's fiancée to exert more influence.

The vampiress regretted not being able to go near Khaladok, as she was curious to see the city in reality. However, the dwarfs were on high alert after the invasion attempt, so it wasn't a good idea. It was unlikely they would let her in.

"If only I could make beer like Goldmi..." she lamented.

Though her regret was suddenly cut short.

"Look. A small. Sure, friend of dirty dwarfs be," a troll appeared to her right.

"Me eat legs. Like more," another added. He was coming out from the other side.

"Me hands and head," a third one requested.

Gjaki had discovered them with her Bats a while ago. She had decided to head straight for their ambush, as she wanted to know what they were up to. She had heard that there were factions that were friendly, but a few were wildly aggressive. They undoubtedly belonged to the latter.

She looked at them with disdain, as if they were corpses. From their conversation, she could infer that she wasn't the first one to be attacked by them, although this time they had the wrong victim. The vampiress doubled their level.

She easily dodged a Club Slash, and went under the legs of the one which had tried to crush her. In doing so, both daggers cut deep into the ankles. Trolls' regeneration ability might be high, but the Bleed curse was their nemesis.

Behind him, she jumped with the help of Blood to the Feet, rose to the height of her enemy's head, somersaulted in the air and, relying on her momentum, delivered a powerful kick to his head. Although it may seem impossible, due to the difference in size, thanks to her level, her Martial Arts and Blood Overload, she snapped his neck.

She pushed herself on the collapsing body, and headed with extreme speed towards another of the enormous beings. Gjaki began to spin on herself, while reaching out with her hands and daggers. The troll, who didn't have quick reflexes, didn't have time to react to the fast attack with Drill.

"Have hole?" he looked at his stomach, incredulous. An instant later, he fell lifeless. Gkaki had gone through him, and had come out from behind.

"This's disgusting," she cursed, covered in blood and guts.

She was forced to use Darkness Blast, not to harm her enemies, but to get rid of the mixture of substances that covered her. While it didn't clean her completely, she did get rid of quite a few of them.

The two surviving trolls stared in disbelief at the corpses of their deceased comrades. Panic seized them, and they fled each to a different direction.

As she was trying to unbind her sticky hair, the vampiress didn't follow them. Nonetheless, it wasn't necessary. One Blood Hound for each was enough to finish them off.

The next thing she did, while the little Gjakis were collecting the remains, was to look for a place to leave an Exit Gate. There was nothing suitable nearby, so she placed it inside a Shadow Protection. There, it should be protected long enough.

After that, she returned to the mansion. Since Diknsa was busy, she asked Coinin for help.

"Really... How did you do this to your hair?" her friend rubbed it, incredulous.

"I went through a troll from side to side. I didn't expect this," she shrugged.

Her friend looked at her without really knowing if Gjaki was joking or not. She soon realized that the answer was no. She sighed, partly horrified, partly wishing she had watched it.

"Couldn't you put on a hood or something when you're going through enemies?" the rabbit demihuman suggested.

"I'll keep that in mind," Gjaki assured.

"Although, in a way, it's funny. Troll's Revenge! They make your hair a mess! Ha, ha," Coinin laughed.

"It's not funny at all..." the vampiress, whose hair no longer seemed so silver, protested.

However, unfortunately for her, she couldn't help but end up laughing with her friend at her absurd occurrence.

"Thank you Coinin. I'm going to go a little further. The portal I left was a bit precarious," Gjaki said goodbye.

"Be careful, especially with your hair," her friend teased.

She stuck her tongue out at her, and stepped into the Gate, thus appearing under the Shadow Protection. What she didn't expect was to see her spell surrounded by half a dozen elves.

"No sign of the trolls, just this strange spell. It seems to protect something or someone, be careful," one of them warned.

"What do you think it could be? It's very well hidden, we discovered it by chance," another asked.

"I'm not sure. It can be a temporary shelter or something more permanent. If it's the former, there'll be someone below. If it's the second, perhaps it hides the entrance to some place," a third elf reasoned.

"It'll be better to keep an eye on it," the first proposed.

Gjaki watched as the elves and half-elves moved away, and hid behind the trees, cautiously. They didn't seem hostile, but she didn't know what they would do if they ran into a vampiress.

Therefore, with the Costume and clothes that she had for the occasion, she transformed into who was called Goldki in the game, Goldmi's little sister. She was a blonde elf, with blue eyes and fair skin. She wore a long braid, as her friend used to, a bow on her back, and a dagger and a sword at her belt.

Goldki undid the spell, and appeared before the eyes of the hidden elves, with her level Disguised.

"You know, you're too noisy. You aren't letting me rest," she protested. "If you're looking for four trolls, I've dealt with them before, when they tried to attack me."

A half-elf emerged from her hiding place, while the others stayed hidden as a precaution.

"Who're you? What're you doing here?" she asked.

"I'm Goldki, I'm passing by. And you?" Gjaki answered amicably.

"Quilxia..." the green-haired half-elf replied.

Quilxia didn't quite know what to make of the stranger. All she knew was that, if what she had said was true, that Goldki was strong. At least, she didn't seem to be their enemy.

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