In group: last boss (IV)

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Krinia had been using her spells without holding back. So, when she ran out of mana, she took over for Krongo. Then, he stood right behind the vampiress. That way, she could leave the dying ones for him to finish off, and focus on the rest.

For several minutes, the pressure of the dozens of wasps attacking at once was fierce. If she were alone, Gjaki would have used an entirely different tactic, one that was also considerably slower. Now, she had them all together, so she could attack them continuously, but it was also more dangerous.

Her daggers moved endlessly, while blocking and tearing her enemies' bodies, especially their wings if they were within reach.

She had put on some extra protections on her elbows and knees that she didn't usually wear, because they reduced her agility. However, they now served her to block and attack. She even wore a helmet with which she could hit, but it was mostly protecting her.

Kroco had a hammer next to him that he picked up from time to time. It was a more effective weapon to finish off those that fell on the ground. The rest of the time, he wielded two axes.

Kruloz kept firing. Beside him, there was a mound of level 40 arrows that had shrunk in size, but was still more than abundant.

Krinia left her post to cast a Lightning Storm whenever she gathered enough mana, with Kroquia's consent. Only the warrior knew whether there was too much pressure on them. She was also looking with some apprehension at the cracks that had appeared in the shield.

Kroco, for his part, was looking at the warrior out of the corner of his eye, and also at the vampiress, although she didn't seem to need his help. With her sister's permission, he occasionally healed him.

Finally, the number of wasps decreased slightly. Gjaki was the first to notice, and she couldn't help but smile.

"Only these remain," she reported.

They all breathed a sigh of relief. They just needed to hold on a little longer.

It didn't take them long to notice how the pressure were diminishing. When a wasp fell, it was no longer replaced by another. They soon finished off the last one, after which they all dropped to the ground, exhausted. It had been a very demanding fight, but they felt satisfied.

"Sorry, the shield has been broken a bit," Kroquia lamented.

"And a lot of arrows," Kruloz added.

"The axes are a bit dull," Krongo reported.

It wasn't strange. They were weapons below the level of their enemies, so despite the quality, it was normal for them to suffer. Actually, the quality wasn't very high from Gjaki's point of view, but not so from the reptilians'.

"No matter. If they're useful to you, keep them, I don't need them. If not, I'll take them. It'll be easy to repair them when I return..."

Everyone felt somewhat sad after those words. Clearly, the time had come to part ways, and they had all taken a liking to the vampiress. She will also miss them.

It was a different relationship to Tili's, because she was her friend, while the reptilians were more like her comrades-in-arms. Still, she felt comfortable with them.

One after another, they all activated the exit portal. Gjaki had told them that she would do it later, and had asked that no one wait for her. Besides, she would surely go out at night. Nonetheless, it would only be done if her plan failed.

In fact, she soon began to despair. She had summoned several Bats, but none had found anything that might resemble what she was looking for. As much as the Oracle had told her that there was something hidden, and that visitors could find it, there were no trace

Time was running out, as the final boss would soon reappear. While she wasn't ruling out a one-on-one session with them, the vampiress doubted she would be able to find it later if she didn't now. In a last desperate move, Gjaki ordered her scouts to charge the walls, hoping to find a passage hidden behind an illusion.

She didn't find it, but one of them hit something different. She quickly approached there, but found no way to go through that somewhat special wall.

"Perhaps some kind of key is needed? But all I have is the in-game pass for the dungeon. Well, there's no harm to try..."

Actually, she didn't have much hope, so the light that shone on the wall surprised her. Despite that, she didn't hesitate to step into the passageway, though she frowned as it closed behind her.

It was dark, but not a problem for someone with Night Vision. In fact, after her companions had left, she had put the lamp away.

She didn't hesitate to collect ores and mushrooms that were found along the way, more out of habit from the game than needing them. After all, she didn't need to make an effort at all, as the little Gjakis took care of it.

The passageway opened into a small room with a puddle in the center, and a stalactite above it. At the tip of it, the moisture gradually collected until it formed a drop which fell into the puddle. More mushrooms also grew there, which were also collected.

There was something strange about the water, so she reached out with a fingernail and dipped it into it. To her surprise, the fingernail was quickly corroded.

"Aah!" she exclaimed, as she quickly pulled it out of the water.

Self-Regeneration soon returned the fingernail to its normal state. It was obvious that this wasn't water but acid, or something similar.

"Weren't there some containers...? Let's see... Maybe it'll be useful in the future..."

She pulled out some vials that appeared to be made of glass, though they were actually a mana-infused substance used to hold dangerous liquids. She carefully dipped one of them into the dangerous water, and smiled when they didn't dissolve like her fingernail. After that, she filled as many as she could.

Gjaki looked around, but she didn't find anything else she could take. It was the habit from the game to hoard everything that was within reach.

Afterwards, she summoned the tent to look at the clock, which told her that it was late at night. Therefore, she went to the transportation circle and imbued mana into it.

A light enveloped her. When said light disappeared, the room was empty again.

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