Black Wolf: fiancé

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The vampires and their allies quickly pulled the strings, so that the exploits of the new hero would spread throughout the kingdom. They even arranged more events, like saving some merchants from bandits. There was also the rescue of kidnapped children.

In fact, they not only deceived the kingdom, but the protagonist himself. He was unable to realize that Krovledi had taken him to the right places at the right time, but he didn't care either. The visitor was where he had always wanted to be. He was the hero, the center of attention, and was idolized and praised by everyone.

Soon, voices began to rise that he was what the kingdom needed, a real king. With the proper manipulation of public opinion, it ended up being an outcry.

"Cligajia, you must make a good impression on him. It's important for everyone," his father put pressure on her.

She nodded. The young woman secretly resented being practically named the fiancé of someone she hadn't even met, but she couldn't object either. At least, it seemed like he was someone interesting, a hero, strong and brave, or so everyone said. Of course, she knew how things worked there, so she couldn't be sure how much truth was in the stories.

Nonetheless, she was just resigned. Since childhood, she knew that her marriage would be arranged to seal some alliance. Love was a luxury she could only dream of, that perhaps would sprout towards her designed betrothed. Maybe, she could fall in love with him.

They were presented at the party that was held when he arrived in the capital, to celebrate his victories. All the nobles rushed to introduce themselves, to flatter him, to leave a favorable impression. By now, it was apparent who was going to be the king.

When he saw her, he was immediately smitten with her. It was her elegance, her fine features, her beautiful brown eyes, her little white ears that stood out over her reddish hair.

He didn't hesitate to try to impress her by showing off his battles, his "indestructible" body, all his feats. She listened attentively with a smile on her lips, as she had been taught. Cligajia was always kind, always attentive, thus making him believe that he was achieving his goal.

Although it didn't matter. Soon, she would be announced as his betrothed, and he would believe that she had fallen in love.

However, the reality was different. She plopped down on the bed as soon as she got back, while feeling terribly exhausted.

"Egomaniac and ordinary. At least, he's handsome," she consoled herself, as it could have been worse.

However, that night, something happened that changed her conception of him. She despised him, and cursed her luck.

Blackwo had been led to his room by a servant woman, a demihuman with bear-like features.

"Does the lord need anything else? Do you want me to bring you something to eat or drink?" she suggested.

"Yes, I want something else. You," he said suggestively.

"Hey? No! Wait! Don't do that!" she cried in panic.

However, he had caught her and pulled her close. From his point of view, any woman would be delighted to have his attention, even more so a servant.

It was no use crying, begging or resisting, apart from making him angry. He couldn't understand why she wasn't just elated by her luck. He was the hero, the center of the world.

He had no hesitation in brutally raping her, without compassion, in letting himself be carried away by his instincts. Black Wolf didn't even feel guilty when he realized that he had ended up killing her. From his viewpoint, she deserved it for not knowing her place. Nevertheless, he did feel nervous. If they found out, he could be in trouble.

Krovledi took care that this didn't end in a scandal, somewhat worried. She didn't care about the death of the servant, that he had raped or killed her. She was expendable. However, it could disrupt her plans.

"Honey, that bitch deserved it, but there're others who might not understand it. Some could even use it against you, and your position as future king isn't yet stable. Next time, leave it to me. I'll make sure she understands that opening her legs for you is the best that can happen to her," she assured him.

It wasn't easy to convince him, and she didn't have complete confidence that he wouldn't get carried away again. Therefore, she opted for an alternative plan. The vampiress would choose suitable servants for him, always ready to meet his needs if she wasn't around, even yearning. It was necessary to avoid trouble.

Undoubtedly, Krovledi acted discreetly, but she couldn't completely hide what had happened, there were too many spies. Of course, there was no proof, and none of those who knew the truth had a reason to act, or the power to do so. Many of them had disregarded worse crimes, or had even been the protagonists.

However, one of the people the information reached was Cligajia. She lay down on the bed, heartbroken.

"Am I... Am I going to marry a monster?" she asked the pillow.

Her first impression of him hadn't been exceptionally good, but he wasn't much worse than dozens of arrogant heirs she knew. Now, she felt only fear and contempt towards him. She now knew to what extent he was violent, to what extent he was inhuman, a monster.

"Do I really have to marry him? Is there no other way?" she asked her father the next day.

"My child, he's going to be the king. What do you think will happen if we reject someone as violent as him?" his father answered helplessly.

He had also found out. Despite his ambition, even he didn't want someone like that for his daughter. Her father had hoped to give her and his family a good future, but now he regretted it. Unfortunately, there was no turning back.

The marriage proposal had arrived, and it was evident that the future king had taken a fancy to his daughter. He didn't even want to imagine what he would do if they didn't accept. What was worse, their enemies could take the opportunity to destroy them, and give his daughter as a slave. With the complicity of the new king, it would be very difficult to avoid.

They were at a dead end, where giving his daughter to a cruel and violent man was the least bad option. There was no way out.

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