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It wasn't difficult for the vampiress to find the elves she had saved from the corruption. They wanted to thank her, so they had invited her to their village. She being a vampiress no longer mattered. Gjaki had shown that she was on their side, and they owed her their life.

Therefore, Gjaki took the opportunity to accept their invitation, and took Coinin, Diknsa and Chornakish with her. She wanted their help to fulfill her goal, plus they always said they wanted to go with her.

Some elves looked reluctantly at the three vampiress. However, most of the glares were respectful for the vampiress who had saved their children, parents, siblings or friends. Besides, more than one could not avoid glancing at Diknsa, whose voluptuous body wasn't hidden by her clothes.

"Wow, Diknsa, you have many admirers," Coinin mocked.

"I didn't remember how uncomfortable those glares were," she sighed. However, she acted as if she didn't notice.

By far, the most timid was Chornakish, who was right behind Gjaki, hiding. In the mansion, everyone was family, and in the neighboring town, almost everyone was acquaintance. There, he felt like a stranger. However, after a few hours, they all seemed to have fit quite well.

Gjaki could see, through her Bats, how Diknsa seemed to move like a fish in water among the preparations for the banquet. In fact, she had prepared several new recipes for the elves, while being watched and listened to with great attention. In return, she had managed to learn some of the elves ones.

Gjaki couldn't help but admire her adoptive mother's charisma, as she had seen her frequently laugh along with her group of middle-aged elven women. There were elven men, too, but they weren't always included in some of the conversations.

Coinin was with the young elven women of her age. What they were talking about was something Gjaki had no doubt about, since she had been dragged into the group a couple of times. They had even made her make some ribbons and, secretly, some somewhat elaborated lingerie. Besides, she had had to claim ownership of Chornakish, as some found him cute.

He, for his part, although timid at first, had ended up being abducted by the young elven men. That group and Coinin's often exchanged glances. In fact, more than once, the silver-haired vampiress had felt that some of them was watching her.

She, for her part, had a more delicate mission.

"Are you sure? Won't she hurt him?" an elf woman asked.

"She's harmless, even too naive. I don't know what'll happen, but it's worth a try," Gjaki assured.

"Well, Lotno is quite naive too. In that, they would be a good match," another elf laughed, Lotno's sister.

"I don't know which of you two is worse," the first elf sighed.

"Come on mom, I like them with two legs..." her daughter complained.

"Yes, you like them too much... It's time you settle down, and bring us grandchildren," her father intervened.

"Here we're again... We were talking about Lotno... Sounds good to me," the sister changed the subject.

"Well, I guess there's no other choice. If we don't try something, he'll stay single forever," his mother agreed.

During the banquet, Lotno was seated next to Coinin, Diknsa and Gjaki, which made him feel uncomfortable. Especially, due to some somewhat personal questions.

"If this is my parents' doing, I have to warn you that I'm not interested in two-legged women. You're all beautiful and nice, but you aren't my type," he said suddenly halfway through the meal.

The three vampiresses looked at each other, as they found it quite surreal. Coinin was the first to laugh, and it wasn't long before the other two did. Even Chornakish did. Lotno was looking at them between confused and indignant.

"Ha, ha. Sorry, it's just that... Ha, ha," Coinin tried to apologize, not very convincingly.

"I heard that you like women with many legs. It seems to be true. How's that?" Diknsa asked. She was able with difficulty to contain her laughter.

"Because they're amazing! As a kid, an octopussa once visited us, with her eight tentacles. I'd never seen someone so magnificent! Although it's nothing compared to the arachnes. I've seen pictures of them. They not only have eight legs, they have eight eyes!" he exclaimed enthusiastically.

Normally, no one wanted to talk to him about his tastes, so when he was given the opportunity, he couldn't miss it. Her sister rolled her eyes.

"Have you ever tried to meet one?" Gjaki inquired.

His face suddenly took on a sad, depressed look.

"I did research on them. It seems that they mate to have children, and then leave. I don't want that. I want to have her by my side, to be able to caress all her legs. I want to have precious children with several eyes or legs. However, they..." the elf lamented.

"What if I knew an arachne who wasn't like that, who wanted something more permanent?" Gjaki implied.

For a few long moments, he stared at her, his eyes wide, not knowing how to react. For the first time, she was giving him hope.

"What if she doesn't like me? What if she turns out she's not my type? What if I'm not hers? What if we aren't compatible? What if...?" Lotno doubted in front of the Gate.

"Oh, come on, stop whining. If it can't be, then it can't be. Now, be a man and go in!" his sister pushed him.

The rest watched the scene with amusement, and only Gjaki followed him. On the other side of the Gate, the elf stared at the web wall in amazement.

"Gjaki? Is it you? How have you come? Weren't you with some elves?" a voice asked on the other end.

"What a sweet voice," the elf murmured nervously.

Gjaki smiled wryly, and opened the door. The spider's voice was actually quite high-pitched, almost annoying.

"Hi, Spi. I've come to introduce you to someone," the vampiress announced.

"Oh? Who?" the arachne asked curiously.

"He's Lotno. She's Espi," she introduced them, while taking him by his arm to prevent him from hiding.

As soon as Espi saw him, she stared at him hard. She couldn't take any of her eight eyes off him. She didn't even notice that her cheeks were turning red.

He wasn't much better. Totally stunned and with his mouth open, he looked up and down the arachne. For more than a minute, the two of them stood frozen, looking at each other.

"Hello?" the vampiress intervened and shook them.

"Ah... I... This... How's it possible...? How can you have eight such beautiful eyes? And those legs are so... amazing. I never would have thought that in reality you'd be even more beautiful," he said without thinking. Immediately realizing what he had said, he felt extremely embarrassed.

Espi shyly looked away, and moved closer to Gjaki.

"What's he doing here? Why have you brought such a handsome elf...?" she whispered.

The vampiress looked at them really surprised. She didn't expect their first meeting to have gone so smooth. She smiled mischievously.

"I'll leave you alone for a while, so you can get to know each other. I'll come back later."

"Wait!" they both exclaimed in a panic.

Nonetheless, the vampiress was already gone.

"How evil of you..." Coinin laughed when her friend returned and recounted the encounter.

"Ha, ha. A little. But it seems to me the best. Let them face it. You've already done enough" Lotno's sister laughed, in a very good mood. She had given up hope of finding a match for her brother, until now.

They all found it quite funny. They were just impatient to know what the outcome would be.

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