Black Wolf: number one fan

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After leaving, he could for the first time feel what it meant to have enhanced senses. The sounds he could perceive were unimaginable to the human he had been, both in quantity and volume. Now Black Wolf could hear what he couldn't have dreamed before.

Even more incredible was the sense of smell. As a human, it hardly served him except for specific occasions. Now, he could pick up a range of scents that defied his knowledge. The most awesome fact was that he could easily distinguish one from the other. Besides, one of them was delicious.

Following the trail, he soon found a level 4 woolly boar. It was two levels higher than him, but he didn't hesitate to attack. After all, he was an "extraordinary being."

It was a young and inexperienced boar, but also agile and with reflexes. It turned after hearing its enemy approaching, and Charged.

Black Wolf, or Blackwo, as his clanmates called him in the game, hadn't expected his prey to attack. Despite this, he decided to face it directly. He trusted in his physical might, and relied on Dash.

For the first time, the visitor had no doubt that this wasn't a dream. The impact had been terrible, and the pain was very real. His enemy was two levels higher, which made up for the powerful physique of the wolfish demihuman with excellent lineage. His arm might even have been broken.

However, the boar didn't escape unscathed either. It was confident in the difference in level, and hadn't expected its opponent to be so tough. It was injured too, but, unlike Blackwo, it didn't have an innate Regeneration skill.

Unable to bear the pain, Black Wolf didn't stop screaming until his skill managed to mitigate it. He couldn't remember ever feeling so much pain. He was a little tired, as Regenerate drained energy from him, but he was also furious.

"How dare you!?" he angrily accused the badly injured animal.

He pounced on it again with Dash. It was his usual tactic in the game, to use that skill over and over again. Then, in melee, Shred. It was as brutal as it was effective.

He continued to attack the animal even after it was dead, to vent, blind with rage. He wasn't aware of how dangerous it was to waste his energy like this in that place. Other beings more dangerous than the herbivore could be lurking.

He sat on the ground, panting with exhaustion. He was looking in surprise at a small version of himself. It was wearing a white coat, and was cutting and salvaging what it could from the animal. After that, the materials were brought into the inventory.

It was then that he heard something behind him. At the same time, he was hit with the sweet scent of what looked like perfume.

Blackwo got up and turned suddenly, to find a woman dressed in tight clothes. They outlined her voluptuous body, that was moving sensually towards him.

"Hello. You must be Black Wolf, right?" she asked expectantly.

"Yes, I am. Who're you? What do you want?" he replied, somewhat intimidated, but wanting to appear sure of himself.

All his instincts told him that this woman was very dangerous, as her level was much higher than his. It would be very different after reaching level 100, but now he was only at 2. Besides, he didn't know if there was resurrection like in the game.

"Oh! I knew it! Who else could fight so bravely, without fear, against something stronger!? I was already your fan before, when you were just a visitor! Now that you're back, would you let me come with you? I'll do whatever you want. My name is Krovledi," she assured, seductively.

She moved closer to him, while he didn't quite know what to do. With her hands, she caressed her black fur sensually, and entangled a strand in one of her fingers.

"Oh. It's so smooth, and you're so muscular... Let me help you get your power back. We can have fun while we're on it," she offered.

He couldn't believe it. That woman out of nowhere was undoubtedly tremendously attractive, like an actress, like a model. He had never had someone like her so close, much less offer herself to him blatantly.

Of course, he, in that body, was a hero, an idol of the masses, a being that everyone could only idolize. At least, that was the perception he had of himself. Therefore, after a few moments of doubt, he considered Krovledi's reaction completely normal. Blackwo convinced himself that it was like if a fan met the famous singer they idolized. At least, it was as he imagined it would be.

"Of course. It'll be a real pleasure," he assured, while putting his paws on her ass without hesitation.

Krovledi was finalizing her plans to attack the mansion. The visitors were gone, and the first tentative attacks had been met with no more resistance than a barrier that protected it. It didn't look like they could counterattack. Therefore, the vampiress wanted to grab it as soon as possible. Maybe, she would find what she was looking for.

It was then that the alarm at one of the places her father had put her in charge of raised.

"So soon?" she was surprised.

The vampiress suspected it might be a false alarm, but she had to check it anyway. So she hurried out, and took the gate built for that purpose.

It had seemed wasteful to her to create those gates, but her father believed that these visitors were important. What no one had imagined was that two could arrive so soon, almost at the same time, and being supervised by the same person.

Therefore, as she had gone to check the first alarm in a hurry, she wasn't there to attend to the second. None had been assigned to watch it yet. Little did she know how that would affect her future.

She arrived to watch the end of the confrontation with the wild boar, which was as rough as it was brutal. Without a doubt, it showed that this visitor had a powerful constitution, that he had potential. If she could seduce him, she could control him beyond her father's plans.

Therefore, Krovledi changed her elegant clothes for a more daring dress, with a wide neckline, and which outlined her curves. She then moved closer to him, spoke passionately, suggestively, as if she had fallen head over heels in love with him.

The vampiress smiled to herself after seeing his reaction. He was inexperienced, and easily coaxed with just her natural charm. If she also used her blood abilities, he would never be able to escape from her clutches. Maybe, she could even use him for fun, if he was as gifted as he looked like.

It was worth cultivating her relationship, while helping him grow stronger. That way, he would become a powerful weapon at her disposal.

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