Third floor's boss (II)

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As expected, once adapted to the situation, the battle was decided. While it was quite tiring, it wasn't enough to wear her down. Inexorably, the floor boss's vitality dropped to 25%.

Just as she expected, as it had been in the game, they split again, thus doubling their number and dividing their speed. They were still very fast, but now she could easily dodge them.

The only problem was that there were four of them at once, so she could be attacked from multiple directions simultaneously.

However, more than a problem, it was more fun for her. She now no longer needed to focus on the patterns. Instead, she could simply dodge them directly. She had to be very fast and agile, but wasn't that her specialty?

She took a step forward as she placed the dagger behind her and let the Flash be pierced by the blade. Immediately, Gjaki crouched down and swung both daggers over her head, thus piercing the next one.

Shortly after, she jumped back, with her body curved towards the ground so that one passed over her and the other in front of her. It was just a few centimeters from her feet, which allowed her to rely on Surprise Dagger to attack that one. Immediately, she rolled to the side three quarters of a turn, so she could use both daggers against the third.

The Flashes passed through each other sometimes, as if they were ghosts, and without doing any harm to each other. They didn't even change trajectory. Perhaps it was strange, but Gjaki didn't waste a second wondering why. All her focus was on watching and dodging them.

Her blind spots were covered by Bats that were in impossible to reach areas of the ceiling. At least, her enemies hadn't gone there in a while. She had already lost about twenty of them after positioning them on other places.

The vampiress considered for a moment to stop doing damage. She found that situation quite amusing, so she was tempted to drag it out a bit longer.

"Never mind, I'll come back another day," she surrendered to the evidence, after a burn.

Although she could hold out for a while longer, Gjaki was beginning to feel the effects of the exhaustion after the prolonged battle, especially on her focus. She had already failed a couple of times, even if only just, and it could get worse. It was better to end the fight as soon as possible.

Therefore, she continued to dodge, as if she were dancing among the Flashes, as if she were playing with them, caressing them with the edges of her daggers and Dark Touch.

Little by little, the brightness of her enemy was diminishing, as its vitality decreased, as the mana that formed it vanished, as its existence was disappearing. As soon as it did, the path to the next floor appeared. It had been hidden until then by a rock that was actually part of the boss itself.

She practically dropped after eliminating it completely, as the weariness she'd been ignoring overwhelmed her. Gjaki may have had some energy left, but she felt physically and mentally exhausted.

Although not so much that she couldn't bring out some goblin sweets and something to eat. The vampiress would have stayed there to sleep, but she wasn't sure when the floor boss would reappear. Therefore, as soon as she had recovered a bit, she got up and went down to the fourth floor.

She sent a couple of Bats to investigate, and headed to the rest area as soon as it was discovered. As usual, it wasn't too far from the passage.

"Oh, spiders. Goldmi loved them," a smirk appeared on her face.

One of her scouts had been caught by something, and soon one of those spiders had attacked it. Under other circumstances, she would have gone to avenge it, but she felt really tired.

So, she entered the rest area, summoned her tent in the form of a dark castle, and went inside to flop down on the soft mattress.

"Oh, I should put on pajamas. I need something comfortable, something soft," she murmured, already with her eyes closed.

Her clothes changed in an instant to a somewhat childish worm-shaped pajamas. It wrapped around her completely, and didn't even have arms, but was warm and soft. Inside it, she soon enjoyed a deep and restful sleep.

"I wonder if I can still sell them or do something with them."

As she left the rest area and summoned the Bats, she was looking at a half-filled mana stone. A few of them had already been filled, so she had taken a higher capacity one.

In the game, they were traded in the Guild for gold. They could also be used to craft weapons or jewelry, although the latter was something she had ignored at the time.

In the beginning, she preferred to get resources, and just pay NPCs or other players to make her what she wanted. Later, Gjaki just needed to ask Eldi. He might sometimes complain a little or be reluctant, but he always gave in, no matter how strange or absurd the request of either of his two companions was.

It is also true that they didn't take advantage of him either. They gave him whatever ingredients and materials they could find without hesitation, and even Gjaki had no problem creating designs for him. Rather, he had trouble accepting some of the designs, sometimes made expressly to make fun of him.

In fact, if he complained, it was because he sometimes wasn't sure if he was being teased, or if it was serious. Although he liked the challenge of crafting them, he also didn't want to waste certain materials on a joke. On the other hand, the teasing had never been excessive, never over the line. Well, hardly ever.

She sighed and stopped thinking about the past. Her scout had fallen into a trap again, probably the same one as the day before.

"Cobwebs, poison and can hide in holes. They also liked staying in the boss room. It shouldn't be difficult," she reviewed her memories.

So, confident but alert, she headed towards the level 23 spider that wanted to devour the scout made of mana and blood. She decided to send another one to watch over it as she approached, while keeping an eye on her surroundings.

From there, she saw how, after its prey disappeared, it hid behind a rock, next to its web, almost as if it were a normal spider. She smiled. It was time to hunt spiders.

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