Black Wolf: heroe

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Over the next several weeks, Krovledi immobilized preys several levels above her lover's, and he killed them. At first, he had felt a little humiliated for letting a woman help him, but she had easily persuaded him.

She had fed his ego, by reminding him how strong he really was, and that she was only helping him take back what was his. She had also told him she knew that he was the strongest.

The breaks were passionate, although the vampiress lamented the visitor's inexperience. His physique and stamina were fine, but he only cared about his own enjoyment. However, the pleasure was secondary, and perhaps she could teach him. For now, she was just pretending to enjoy it, and hinting some tips.

She had some resistance to sunlight, so it was enough going covered during the day, and claim that her skin was delicate. For now, she didn't want to show him that she was a vampire, just in case. However, since they could both see in the dark, they were often leveling up at night.

The last few levels were more difficult, but the vampires had enough resources to make it easier. Besides, Krovledi's father had plans for his visitor, so he was willing to invest in him. It included betraying some allies who were no longer useful to him, and who could expose his identity. Their sacrifice served for his investment to reach the highest level.

"Do I just have to save them to be king?" he wanted to make sure, somewhat incredulous.

"That's right, my love. It'll take some time, but you'll be. It's your destiny," she replied.

She was hugging his neck seductively. The vampiress didn't hesitate to kiss him to calm him down, as if he were a small child. She had been with him long enough to know how to manipulate him.

"I don't understand... But if you say so..."

He kissed her back, got up, and headed towards the fortress that was under attack. If things continued like this, it would end up being conquered by its enemies, and the path to Goltrenak's kingdom would be open to the invaders.

As soon as he turned around, the vampiress spat on the ground. His fur was perhaps what she disliked the most about him. He might also be rude, inconsiderate, selfish, narcissistic, conceited, possessive, childish, somewhat stupid, loudmouthed, impulsive, or gullible, but to her, those were prized qualities. They made him easier to manipulate.

There was no point in explaining the situation to him in detail, especially since she didn't trust him so much. Her lover and puppet wasn't good at keeping secrets.

The truth is that the vampires' agents and allies had pulled the strings to get to that situation. They had created the opportunity for an invasion, and had been stating for a long time that a strong leader was needed on Goltrenak.

Some did it because they were undercover vampires. Others, for ambitions or bribes. Some had been forced through extortion or other types of threats, to them or their loved ones.

Over time, they had created the right climate and situation for them to create a hero they could control. Precisely, Blackwo was the ideal candidate, since his power was indisputable.

While wearing his adamantine armor, he jumped into the middle of the invading ranks. He landed in a Crater several meters in diameter, which killed several dozen of them. Although the most important achievement was the commotion that had been caused. Immediately, he charged at the nearest group, which he brutally attacked.

The natural toughness of his skin, coupled with his level, his armor, and skills like Steel Skin, Regenerate, Energy Armor or various passives, made it extremely difficult for lower level soldiers to seriously injure him. Besides, Bloodthirsty was especially suited to those kinds of situations.

That skill made the blood of his opponents transform into energy and temporary power. Thanks to it, he could fight non-stop, and become stronger while he did so. Together with Berserker, they made him more than fearsome.

It is also true that, if they had been organized, they could have parried his onslaughts with shields. After that, he could have been overwhelmed with spears and arrows. They had the numbers to confront the difference in level.

However, he had taken them by surprise. Besides, from the fortress, they were counterattacking, supporting his savior, and creating more chaos in the enemy ranks. In addition, in the shadows, Krovledi and some infiltrators took care to contribute to the general chaos.

It should be said that, although he wasn't especially skilled in strategy, Black Wolf was by no means inept in combat, at least in the game. However, since his arrival in the world, perhaps this was his first serious combat, except for the boar he had faced upon arrival.

Until now, he had barely done more than finish off pinned prey, but that didn't diminish his confidence in himself, in how he viewed himself. Furthermore, that setup only required his brutality.

Soon, the invaders fled in terror at the unexpected brutality that had come unbidden to the center of their ranks. Krovledi had helped him land right on top of their commander, who had died instantly. That had made any chance of reorganizing against the new enemy even more difficult.

He continued to massacre those who were fleeing. At first, it was due to the effect of Berserker and Bloodthirsty, and then simply for pleasure. Feeling superior, squashing them like ants, made him feel powerful.

After that, he was tossed up in the air by the defenders of the fortress. Even an uninhibited female soldier ended up throwing herself into his arms, and spending the night with him. After all, as a demihuman, he was attractive, and was also the hero of the moment. All this only increased his conviction that he was the best, the strongest and the most handsome.

Krovledi didn't care, quite the opposite. In fact, she had insisted that it was normal for him to have other lovers, and that she would always be there for him. Actually, it saved her from having to babysit him, and helped her to do her job more easily. Besides, as lovers, she had better ones.

Still, the vampiress had to make sure she kept him under her control. He was too valuable to be neglected. Surely, he could be useful to her in the future.

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