Dungeon, third floor

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The darkness of the dungeon was a blessing now, for the glow announced when another Flash was approaching. It was detected even before bouncing on the wall and reaching that part of the tunnel.

Next was to anticipate its trajectory, and move fast enough not to be hit and her skin scorched, if her armor failed to protect her. She had to dodge it by just a few inches, while placing the dagger with Dark Touch in the path of the Flash. So, that it passed through the weapon, and was cut and corroded.

It wasn't easy. She needed agility, concentration and a some luck. At least, she was now managing to dodge most of them. Barely one in ten hit her, and she damaged almost half of them. At first, it had been far worse.

The best part was that she didn't need to move from her place, in front of the rest area. The Flashes were going around the entire dungeon, and it didn't take long for one to appear after the last one, so there was no time to get bored.

The dagger itself did little damage, as that being seemed to be made of light. Nonetheless, Dark Touch was doubly effective. So far, she had managed to take out two, but she wasn't sure how many had been hurt.

Gjaki caught a glimpse of another Flash. It was brighter above than below, so she just ducked. When the Flash appeared, she barely had time to raise one of the daggers. It just inflicted a small scratch as it ran away.

A stronger glow. They were two. Therefore, she picked up the shield that was leaning against the rock wall, also with Dark Touch. Two at a time were too hard to dodge, so she just took cover behind the shield. One impacted and bounced back. The other went on its way.

They were extremely fast. Luckily, the damage they did was low. In fact, against one, she could just let it die by hitting her own body continuously. It would deal damage, but not enough to kill someone on the same level.

However, there wasn't just one. In fact, it was impossible to know how many there were. They were crossing the tunnel again and again, and it was impossible to distinguish one from the other.

There was another flash that indicated it was in the middle, though not whether it was going up or down. Soon, a Flash appeared, bounced against the wall, and returned the way it had come.

The next one went towards her. She didn't have time to dodge it, but she could greet it with a dagger, and receive a burn on her hand. Again.

Tentacles were ineffective against something that moved so fast, while Dark Walls obscured her vision, thus worsening her reaction time. In fact, she could choose another strategy, but she had wanted to get used to them.

"This's my limit. With my current abilities, I can't do much better," she assumed.

After that, she used all her mana to place six Dark Walls, and went back to the rest area. The Flashes would need to fight against the Walls, while she was eating and resting. She also got depressed because there was barely any food made by Goldmi left, and her stock of goblin sweets continued to dwindle.

From time to time, she went out to confront them, but most of the time she just left some Walls. Little by little, the number of Flashes level 22 was being reduced, until the last one succumbed. In total, there had been seventeen.

Since there was no more, she began to explore the floor. The vampire advanced through the tunnels, until she found a new glow coming from a crossroads that was a little ahead.

It didn't take long for a Flash to cross in front of her, and other, and other, and other.

"It seems they use a different circuit. I guess I can put up a few Walls," she told herself.

Just as she said, Gjaki covered the crossing with Dark Walls. Then, she went ahead, to explore a little further, while leaving behind the tunnel through which the beings of the dungeon were circulating.

There were more tunnels, more crossings, some through which Flashes circulated. Soon, she had no free paths left to explore, so she decided to go back the way she had come. Gjaki reached the first crossroads, and started creating new Walls as she regained mana.

Meanwhile, she took out her magic tailoring platform, ready to retouch some models. In the game, they looked good, but in reality they were a little uncomfortable, they were too revealing, the loose parts could easily catch on branches, or she just didn't like their colors.

In fact, she was now wearing a suit with a tie and blazer, a miniskirt and leggings. It was comfortable for moving around, although she had taken off the tie shortly after fighting with some Flashes. As she moved around, it was a nuisance, not only because it had been burned.

In reality, she was wearing the armor, to which she had given that look. Nonetheless, she was also capable of crafting the full suit.

At the time, she was remaking pajamas in the shape of a bear. Specifically, the inside was being replaced for the extremely soft material obtained from spiders, with which she had fallen in love. The vampire wondered if she could ask the goblins to raise them, though it didn't seem easy.

She also made a stuffed ball. It bounced, rolled and could be squeezed, even hugged. It was soft on the inside, as well as waterproof and relatively tough on the outside. She had designed it with the idea of ​​giving it to the goblin children. She hadn't seen them have anything like it, and was convinced they would love it.

The tailor also designed harder ones, more like a soccer ball, for the simple reason that she wanted to find out if it was possible. There was also the fact that she liked to play it, although many times they hadn't let her.

The result wasn't bad, though they weren't tough enough to withstand a Flash attack. When testing it, the ball had ended up in the middle of the tunnel through which they were circulating, and it had suffered serious burns.

She finished the design of a hat to protect herself from the sun, and looked towards the tunnel. She hadn't seen any Flashes in a while, so it was time to move on again.

Gjaki was a little surprised not to see any of those glowing beings after arriving at a crossroads where she had seen them before. Therefore, she ended up assuming it was part of the previous circuit.

She also wondered if this dungeon floor wasn't too easy, even more than the previous one. However, she soon remembered the floor boss.

"If it's like in the game, it'll be fun," she told herself, with anticipation and some uncertainty.

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