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At 73, she had obtained Stand Still!, a curse that causes pain and reduces vitality if the affected target moves. Some enemies even died, as they were unable to stand still, or cast off the curse.

With Diagnosis, she could, after biting someone, perceive through their blood their status, diseases, even if someone was pregnant. Until then, she could feel it faintly. Now, it was much more obvious.

Dream World was a spell that Eldi made fun of, as he argued it was typical of succubus. That didn't mean that the ability to control dreams couldn't be useful in certain missions, when it was necessary to interrogate someone difficult to intimidate or bribe. Dreams could trick them into confessing.

Temptation is the opposite of Apparition. Instead of showing the most terrible fears, it shows the deepest desires. It can be very useful to distract or attract the target. On infiltration missions, it was quite convenient.

Blood Rain was one of her few abilities for big battles. With a large expenditure of mana and blood, blood droplets on the battlefield can be commanded at a distance of up to fifty meters, and thrown at enemies. The projectiles aren't usually deadly, but can be in the thousands. They can easily change the course of the fighting around the caster.

Blind uses dark mana for something as elemental as absorbing light. When it is placed on someone's face, it can blind them, unless they have night vision.

Curses at me? was a spell shared by many classes in the game, which removes a curse on the caster or an ally. Given her mastery in curses, the cost was lower for her.

Illusory Rain creates hundreds of illusory attacks. It confuses enemies, and some real ones can be hidden among them. Its main drawback is the mana cost, which increases with the number of attacks.

Blood Clone is a powerful summon that requires a lot of blood and mana. It is more versatile and powerful than Blood Hound, but it also takes a lot more resources to create.

It could be said that Dynamic World, at 82, is the complement of Imaginary World. The spell allows creating moving illusions, even if they are repetitive and limited to a certain area.

The Weakness curse does exactly what its name says. The target feels weaker and slower, unless they have resistance, or are able to remove it.

With blood or threads, or both, a Cobweb can be created to trap some victims. It is more efficient when combined with Sticky Blood, as it practically simulates a real spider web.

Illusory Weapon creates fake weapons that can deceive enemies. It was considered a waste of space in the game, a joke by the developers. She only remembered one occasion when it had been useful, when she had had to stage a fake murder. Back then, having a fake weapon had been helpful, even if she could have managed it without the spell.

Numbness is one of the most annoying curses. It doesn't damage the target, but makes skills and spells much slower to cast.

Thanks to Dark Presence, illusions can be imbued with dark mana, which can deal moderate corrosive damage. It was especially useful against players who thought they were too smart and ignored the illusions, only to find themselves in for a nasty surprise.

Subordinate creates a greater vampire at the cost of the own experience, enough to reach level 80. In the past, she had relied on it to save the current inhabitants of the mansion, and had been forced to level up again.

Gjaki disliked the Dark Golem spell. It's a family of spells that every player had one or more versions of, but she found it useless. Her familiars were much more versatile than golems that could barely move, and could only be ordered to defend an area or stand still.

Magical Assimilation is a very versatile spell. Allows executing a spell of the original owner of the blood, at 80% of its effectiveness. The main drawback is that the blood is consumed very quickly, and that it is necessary to collect it again if you run out.

At 91, there was a terrible spell called Marabunta. It can summon hundreds of little familiars, which move as one. Individually, they aren't very powerful, but together they can be terrible. The cost of mana and blood is also terrible.

Vampires aren't only vulnerable to sunlight, but to purification spells. This passive allowed her to reduce that weakness.

Illusionary Army is more imposing than Marabunta, but what it summons are illusions incapable of doing damage, up to a thousand if enough mana is used. Controlling them isn't easy, so the summoner can't move while using it.

Effective against certain stealthy enemies is Lady of Darkness, which is only available to those capable of using Darkness. Just as this last spell can be cast, it can also be canceled, or similar ones such as Night.

Death Ray is fearsome, and not just because of the name. It involves investing all the mana pool into a single powerful death ray. Its drawback is obvious, because after casting it there is no more mana left.

Blow Up represents another offensive use of illusions. Allows them to explode, thus releasing their mana and dealing some damage. It can be dangerous if surrounded by hundreds.

Fusion was a spell that didn't work in the game, and it was shared by all classes, so all players had a useless one. It involved multiple players holding hands and pooling their energies. Gjaki was curious if it would work in reality. It was the only spell she had never been able to level up.

Gjaki's choice of many spells and skills hadn't been casual. Her main target had been a risky gamble, the Premonition spell, which is actually a mix of skill and spell. It isn't easy to use, as it requires a high battle sense, but in the hands of the vampiress, it had been decisive in many combats. It allows creating illusions that only the caster can see, from a second in the future, and thus anticipating the actions of the opponents.

The penultimate spell is actually a passive that doubles the mana pool, so it is highly beneficial.

The last one was Gate, with which it can be established a magical tunnel with any Exit Gate that had been previously set. The tunnel isn't exclusive to its creator, so others can cross it, albeit with permission from its owner. The caster has to invest a significant amount of mana for each one who crosses it.

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