Captive (I)

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The count had been seriously considering the deal. Years of conflict had resulted only in the loss of resources, which could have been used to reinforce other borders, or attack other neighbors. Furthermore, obtaining certain rare minerals in exchange for relatively abundant plants could help them improve their weaponry.

However, the mention of Jiknha changed things. He didn't know how the countess had found out that she was there, but it was a serious problem for an agreement. He knew of the relationship between the two, and he didn't think she would believe him if he denied it. It was evident that the question hadn't been casual.

He wanted her in order to obtain the secrets of her cousin, count Pokmu. His son wanted her as a concubine. He was attracted to her, although only physically, as with so many others.

The count was more than willing to let his son do whatever he wanted, as long as she wasn't killed. Hopefully, it would bend her will, and they could get the secrets he wanted from her. If not, they would torture her when his son got tired of her.

However, Pokmu's vampiress cousin had resisted in a way they hadn't expected. She had threatened to blow herself up if they touched her, which also made torture unfeasible, as they couldn't prevent her suicide.

Therefore, she had been locked in a room, without blood. They were waiting for her to weaken. Nonetheless, it had been several months ago, and she continued to resist, almost without moving, conserving strength. She was weakening, but very little by little.

It was therefore unfeasible to let the countess see her, to talk to her. Her reaction would be even worse than if he didn't let her meet her friend.

"I'm afraid that right now it's going to be impossible," the count refused.

"Count Kerhdal, I don't care if she's sick or indisposed. I need to see her," Kilthana insisted. Her tone indicated that she couldn't be dissuaded.

"Father, if there's no other choice, I can accompany them to her room, the red one," Kerthlon intervened, and then looked at the countess. "Just try not to make too much noise, she needs rest."

"Well, if there's no other choice," the count agreed to his son's plan.

The heir to the county led them down several corridors and stairs, to a secluded area. In addition to the escort, several soldiers followed them at a distance, although that was to be expected.

The countess was restless and nervous, while Gjaki was worried and alert, ready for any trap. Furthermore, she was controlling several Bats that were exploring the castle.

They had found several inaccessible places, though she only suspected half a dozen of them, the ones with surveillance. Therefore, when a servant that was pushing a cart with food approached, one of the Bats waited for her on the ceiling. As soon as she passed under it, a small, spidery-looking, headless creature fell on the servant.

The Blood Shadow had been riding the Bat. In fact, each one had two, and three of them had already served their purpose, without results.

"What was that?" she put her hands to her head "Have they already neglected to clean the ceiling again?"

Her hands searched for the dust or dirt that had fallen, but she found nothing, and neither was it on the ground. She didn't worry too much about it, and continued on her way. Meanwhile, that being had quickly descended from the top of her head. It had hidden in the back, among her hair.

Shortly after, Gjaki saw how the servant entered the room, and lost sight of her. The Bat couldn't follow her without risking exposure, and the shadow had no eyes. Now, she could only wait for her small summon to act or disappear.

In the room, there was a young woman sitting on the bed, her eyes closed. A bloody aura enveloped her, and threatened to explode and take her with it. Her face showed no expression beyond concentration.

"You should stop being so stubborn and accept the master. Otherwise, you'll only irritate him, and it'll be worse. I leave the food here... Mmmmh!."

Without giving her time to react, the small creature reached her mouth and entered it. A few moments later, there was a blank look in her eyes.

"Who're you?" Gjaki asked in the servant's mouth.

The woman, who was pretending to ignore the newcomer as always, was surprised by the question. Above all, the way she was speaking was strange, totally different, in a somewhat artificial way. It wasn't easy for Gjaki to do better.

She opened one eye, while wondering if it was some kind of prank or trap, as it had been on other occasions. What she found surprised her even more. The servant's face seemed devoid of all feeling, all expression, as if she were dead.

"What kind of joke is this?" she asked between surprised and indignant.

"It's not a joke. Please, tell me who you are," she insisted with that strange way of pronouncing. It was somewhat robotic, but they didn't know what robots were.

"You know that I'm Jiknha. What's this about?"

If it was a joke, it was the strangest yet. However, she didn't know what else it could be either, despite being strange in that servant. She had been attending her for the last few months, and was strict, surly, and loyal to her lord.

"I'm temporarily controlling her. I'm a friend of Kilthana. Get ready, we'll try to free you. Now, I'll release the control of her. She won't remember anything."

"Wait! Be careful! They're treacherous," she warned her.

The servant nodded, and soon after she recovered the life that she seemed to have lost. For an instant, she looked confused.

"What was I saying? Ah... Yes... I leave your food there."

After that and somewhat stunned, she left, because she knew that the vampiress wouldn't eat if she was there. In fact, she probably wouldn't eat at all.

Jiknha opened her eyes again, somewhat incredulous about what had happened.

"Will it be a trap to lower my guard?" she wondered suspiciously.

She had almost given up hope of getting out of there alive, so it was hard for her to believe in that strange message, in that strange opportunity. However, she didn't lose anything by being prepared.

Gjaki frowned as she followed the count's son. They weren't going in Jiknha's direction, so they could only be heading into some kind of trap. She needed a chance to attack, but right now it wasn't easy. Six soldiers stood between them, and others could arrive in seconds.

"I've found your friend. She's locked up, but seems to be fine. The problem is that she's not around here. This's a trap. Be alert," she whispered into the countess's ear.

Kilthana had trouble suppressing the joy and worry on her face. They were one step closer to her friend, or to hell.

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