Marabunta (I)

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The fourth floor was somewhat peculiar. The enemies, despite being level 38, were less dangerous than those of the previous floor. They were ants barely twenty centimeters tall, whose greatest danger lay in their jaws. However, that didn't mean it was easy. The problem was in their number.

"This's hell," Kruloz protested.

"Well, I find it somewhat funny," Krongo contradicted.

"Ha, ha, you're a brute," the mage laughed, while the warrior scratched his head and smiled uncomfortably.

"They're a bit annoying, but they aren't a big deal," Kroquia argued.

"Of course not. They don't even scratch you with your armor," her brother protested.

Everyone was trying to use the skills and area spells at their disposal. For example, Kruloz relied on an exploding mana arrow, which was the first time he had used it in combat. His affinity was low at the moment, and its use limited to the available mana. Despite this, it was a good opportunity to practice.

Krongo seemed to enjoy Spinning Axes, which involved spinning with both axes and slicing approaching ants. The only problem was that it consumed a lot of energy, so he could only use the skill occasionally.

Krinia had a couple of area spells that she was more or less familiar with, like Lightning Storm. However, her affinity with them was low, as she didn't often have the opportunity to launch them.

Kroco, for his part, concentrated on healing his allies, and landing a Staff Strike from time to time. Most of the time he was protected by his sister, who advanced by Dragging her shield and the enemies it was blocking. Once stacked on top of each other, the ants were easy prey.

As for Gjaki, she alternated between taking out ants individually, either with her daggers, whip, or martial arts, or doing it in group. She preferentially used the different martial arts if there was no imminent danger, in order to train them.

Dark Wall was useful for defending the perimeter. If Kroquia stood right in front of it, just by blocking the ants inside the Wall, the damage it did to them was more than considerable.

Darkness Pillar was occasionally useful, when the warrior managed to gather enough ants. Her mana was limited, so she had to make the most of it.

The only thing she regretted was that those ants gave less experience than a normal being of that level. It was needed at least a hundred to get what she should have gotten with one. However, it wasn't difficult to kill hundreds of them. The greatest danger was being overwhelmed by that marabunta.

It took almost an hour, and a lot of energy and mana, to get from the entrance to the rest area. Fortunately, the end of the path was clear, as another group had left shortly before.

Everyone entered except Gjaki, who summoned three Blood Hounds, and commanded them to get rid of as many ants as they could. Only when she ran out of mana, and they disappeared did she enter the room.

"It's a good opportunity to practice area attacks, or any other, there're many targets available. I can make sure that we can always withdraw safely," she proposed.

Nobody objected. In fact, they had been discussing something similar. With the help of the vampiress' scouts, the danger was low, and they could practice as much as they wanted.

Suddenly, a group entered the same rest area, thus forcing Gjaki to cover her face. Their level was similar to Gjaki's party, although their number was higher. In total, there were nine.

"Oh, a bunch of rookies. Perfect. We'll teach you. You'll take care of the bugs that we tell you," the one who must be the boss announced.

Gjaki glanced sideways at her group, who seemed about to explode. Evidently, they didn't like being told what to do, being taken as subordinates. In fact, if the newcomers had known that they were the sons of the counts and their friends, they wouldn't have dared to speak like that.

"We're not interested, we'll go on our own," the vampiress refused before the others could.

She had disliked them as soon as he had opened his mouth, so she was more than willing to be the one to openly oppose them. They couldn't cause any trouble for her in the future.

"Didn't you hear what the boss has said? Who do you think you are!? You should be thankful that we let you work for us!" a muscular warrior who was armed with a huge hammer yelled.

He was over two meters tall, and it was evident that his physical strength was imposing. Without a doubt, he was used to intimidating his opponents because of it.

"Are you stupid or are you deaf? What part of 'we aren't interested' did you not understand?" Gjaki replied, after looking him up and down, and shake her head with disdain.

"Who're you calling stupid!?" he exclaimed. He was angry at both her words and her attitude.

"To the stupid musclebrain who has to ask the obvious. Mind your own goddamn business and leave us alone," she disdained him, with clear contempt in her voice, while arrogantly indicating him to leave with her hand.

Needless to say, the vampiress was knowingly provoking them. She wasn't afraid of them, least of all there. Meanwhile, the rest of her group were looking at her with rather curiosity, since they had never seen that side of her. They didn't censor her, since they all shared the annoyance at the attitude of those people who wanted to use them as their pawns. In fact, they even encouraged her in their hearts.

"You... You better get down on your knees and apologize, or you'll suffer the consequences!" the adventurer demanded, beside himself.

The adventurer's companions, most of them reptilians like himself, glared at the vampiress hostilely. Despite that, they were trying to calm their companion, as any type of aggression was strictly prohibited there. However, their efforts could hardly bear fruit if Gjaki continued to provoke him.

"Really? I'm so scared! Can't you see how I'm trembling? You know what, musclebrain, leave with your friends before you hurt yourself," she mocked.

"Damn salamander..." he mumbled.

Immediately, he lunged at her. His clenched fist was aimed at the face of the daring vampiress.

"Wait! No...!" his companions tried to stop him.

Gjaki's, on the other hand, watched the scene with stupefaction and contempt. Not everyone knew the reason for the ban, as was evident by the attitude of that group of adventurers, who looked more like thugs. Gjaki and her party did.

Suddenly, the assailant's momentum seemed to turn against him. He fell back, and his nose was bleeding, as if he had taken a direct hit to his face.

"Wow, that must hurt!" Gjaki exclaimed, while bringing her hand to her mouth as mockery.

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