A stop along the way

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"Hello, have you missed me?" Gjaki greeted the Oracle.

"Meetings happen when they have to happen. There is no reason to miss them," they replied with a neutral tone.

"Whatever... Hey, I've met some vampires. One had a blood knight. I then found more blood knights, and released them all. What do you know about them? What about the vampires?" she asked.

"There are many vampires. There are not so many blood knights. Those vampires were servants of an evil that must be eradicated. Blood knights are aberrations that should never have existed. Your service to the world is remarkable, but expect to be persecuted if your identity is exposed."

Perhaps, it was the first time since she was in that world that she felt satisfied talking to the Oracle. Although they hadn't given her much information, their praise made her feel appreciated, even though she couldn't tell if the being felt anything. She felt somewhat concerned by their warning too, though she soon forgot about it.

"Do you know what's it? I found it in the dungeon in Kronardhi. I took it, but I'm not sure what it's for."

"A necessary ingredient for a forgotten potion. It is unique, so it should be obtained in moderation. Some should be left for who could come later."

" Oh. You could've said it before!" she felt somewhat offended, as if she had been scolded for no reason. "Is there anything else you have to say? Some information?"

"There is nothing to say if there are no questions to answer."

"Whew. You're the same. I'm going now, I'm in a hurry. I have to get there before it gets light. Take care!" the vampiress said goodbye.

She stopped at the anvil to repair some weapons, but not the arrows. She didn't need them, and, as the Oracle has been told, she was in a bit of a hurry. Therefore, she went to the green circle, and crossed it.

No living being dared to approach the speedy vampiress, whose level was overwhelming for that place. She headed straight for the goblin cave, into which she sneaked. Gjaki wanted to check the defenses, which she easily avoided.

It is true that she knew the location of each of the traps, but still she decided to give them a bit of a scolding. Her plan was to stay there all day, and leave at night. A day without sleep was something she could handle easily, even if it hadn't been like that in the past. At the time, after playing all night, she would go to school somewhat sleepy.

She walked around the cave, in which little had changed. She cast Darkness alongside Disguise. That way, since Disguise hid her level, Darkness needed to hide less aura, so the cost was lower.

In the game, it was considered an exploit that the developers had been too lazy to fix. Now, it was just a very useful trick.

She couldn't help but smile when she discovered several stuffed Gjakis lying on makeshift beds in the kids play area. There were also some Likas, and other goblins she didn't quite recognize.

While she was sneaking around, a Bat spotted a sleepy Tili leaving her home. She was followed by an equally sleepy Tado. They kissed, and headed in different directions. What the female goblin didn't expect was that someone would surprise her from behind, and cover her mouth.

"Gjaki! You've scared me to death!" she reproached her.

"Hi Tilly! I couldn't help it..." the vampiress laughed

"When have you arrived?"

"Not long ago. I sneaked in, and I was just walking around," she confessed.

"So, nobody knows you're here?" the goblin asked, surprised.

"Only you."


The vampiress looked at her friend, who was smiling and showing her teeth. Her last question had had a mischievous tone that intrigued Gjaki.

It must be said that during some hours of the morning, there were quite a few strange events, in which Tili and Lika were involved. Even Tado. Although first, both friend and partner had to suffer the pranks of the two.

Finally, a few goblins put two and two together, and surrounded Tili and Lika, who were barely suppressing their laughter.

"Gjaki, you can stop hiding now, we know you're here" Tolo, a guard, called.

"You've had enough fun already. If you don't come out, I'll make Gjaki dolls with pink hair" Hili threatened. The tailor knew she didn't like that color.

Finally, the vampiress had to reveal herself. Although, just as she did, she burst out laughing. The other two couldn't take it anymore either, while the others looked at them very seriously. They had to make efforts to look angry and not to laugh too.

They scolded them for a few minutes, though all the pranks had been fairly light and innocent. After that, they kidnapped her. They wanted to listen her opinion about some dresses, her help with them, and also with some stuffed animals. They also punished her to take care of the children for a while.

It was a peaceful day, in the only place where she felt truly welcome. She didn't show her true level except to Tili and Tado, whom she met alone before leaving.

"Will it hurt?" Tado asked.

"No idea," the vampiress confessed.

"Oh, come on, bite me first," Tili was exasperated.

She was a warrior, so she was more used to pain than her husband. Gjaki had convinced them to let her bite them in order to put a Blood Link. That way, she could know how and where they were, and come to their aid if she wasn't too far away.

Others might have been reluctant, but the vampiress was their friend, and she had saved them several times. They trusted her. Therefore, the goblin turned her head a little to show her neck.

"Only a prickle," she assured.

"Ouch! It hurt," the carpenter complained.

"Whiner," Tili mocked.

"Can you leave us for a moment? I have to talk to her, girl things," Gjaki kicked him out.

Tili was surprised, but she didn't say anything. She only looked at Tado, who simply sighed and left the room.

"What's going on?" Tili asked.

"I'm not sure. When I bit you, I felt something. As if there was something else. Like another life, but very weak. Are you pregnant?"

The goblin's eyes widened. Then, she smiled widely.

"I wasn't sure yet. Really?"

"Well, that's what I felt. It had never happened before."

"Congratulations. You're going to be an aunt," her friend told her, with a wide smile, and sticking her tongue out at her.

The vampiress couldn't help but return the smile, as well as feeling flattered and appreciated. She has been named aunt despite not even being a goblin. It had surprised her as much as it has moved her.

"You know that I'm going to pamper my niece, or nephew," she threatened.

The two laughed heartily. Meanwhile, the father, who had heard them laughing from afar, was wondering what they were talking about.

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