A stop along the way (I)

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Surprise, anger and frustration was what Krovledi felt upon feeling Pokmu's death. She had warned him, but he trusted the security mechanisms that guarded the borders of his land. Even through the air, it was difficult to enter stealthy.

The vampiress herself had to admit that it was no easy task to get in undetected. That if someone had hostile intentions, they would be discovered upon entering. While it might not stop them from doing it, measures could be taken after being alerted.

However, none of that had happened. No alarm had been triggered, but he was dead.

When she informed her two remaining children about his death, they were terrified. They locked themselves in their mansions, determined not to come out for a while.

As for Pokmu's county, it was in chaos. Pokmu's vampire children had felt his death. They felt terrified and weak, they didn't know what to do. Some fled to neighboring counties, not a few of whom would be executed as spies. Others locked themselves in the mansion, scared and confused.

Even the most powerful, those who were supposed to take the reins, didn't dare. They feared they would be next. Also, some of them had died after Gjaki left the mountain, once the gate had ceased to be a problem.

The rest of the inhabitants felt scared, uncertain about the future. However, they weren't terrified. Some had witnessed a vampiress come out of the mountain. She had eradicated their former lord's servants, but she hadn't done anything to the people. In fact, she had even healed some of the wounded.

Soon, increasingly exaggerated rumors and stories about a legendary silver-haired vampiress began to spread throughout the land.

For her part, Gjaki activated a Gate and appeared in her room in the mansion. She immediately logged into the system, to check that everyone was okay. At least, those she could see. There was no surveillance in bathrooms or personal rooms, but there was in the common rooms.

She couldn't help but smile when watching several of them training, Chornakish among them. She stared as sweat dampened his fur, as his supple but not too ripped muscles worked nonstop, as his yellow eyes gleamed with determination.

It took her a while to realize what she was doing, and looked away in embarrassment. She then left her room, and went straight to the kitchen, where Diknsa was. She was looking forward to hugging her, and maybe convince her to make her some cupcakes.

It didn't take long for word to spread that she was back. No one missed the little welcome party at lunchtime, nor did anyone fail to be amazed at her change. It was evident that she had regained all of her power.

It wasn't all good news, as she planned to leave the next night. However, Gjaki could now return whenever she wanted, and she had enough power to defend herself, to face their enemies.

After finishing eating, Chornakish approached her while trying to suppress his feelings.

"Do you want to drink some blood? You said you liked it for dessert," he offered.

She had said it in the game as a joke, though everything was different then. However, she didn't hesitate to accept it, as it was undoubtedly a tasty dessert.

She brought her fangs closer, while trying to keep her mind clear, not to get carried away. However, when she bit him, the cow's feelings overwhelmed her, even without activating Gossip. She felt his passion, his desire, his nervousness. They were much more intense and clear than before. Not only had her perception improved, but his feelings had intensified.

She had barely tasted a bit when she stopped biting him and stared at him, her cheeks flushed. Her mind even betrayed her, by remembering for a moment the fleeting vision of two naked vampires embracing.

"What's wrong? Don't you want more? Isn't it good?" he asked, worried, almost panicked.

"I've eaten a lot. A bit of dessert is enough. It was delicious. Well, I have to go, I have things to do," she hastily said goodbye.

Diknsa and Coinin looked at each other. They knew something was up, but they didn't know exactly what. Although both wanted to continue talking to her, they let her go.

They waited a while for her to calm down from whatever had happened, and went to Gjaki's room. Diknsa and Coinin smiled at each other when meeting there. It was obvious that they had both had the same idea. They knocked on the door, but no one answered.

"Gjaki? Are you there?" Diknsa asked, and opened the door slowly.

"No one's here. Where has she gone? I hope she hasn't left without saying goodbye" the bunny-eared vampiress wondered.

"Maybe she's gone to her secret room. Should we wait outside it and surprise her? Oh, she has left the window open. I'll have to scold her again."

"Ha, ha. Poor Gjaki."

Chornakish had returned to his room. He didn't know what to think, and he didn't feel like training. Gjaki's attitude had puzzled and worried him. He was afraid that he had done something to upset her.

"Gjaki..." he murmured to himself, his voice almost imperceptible, as he hugged a pillow tightly.

"That's me," a voice answered him.

He turned around, shocked and incredulous. On the other side of the bed, the most beautiful eyes he knew were looking at him, a deep red eyes. Her silver hair fell over her shoulders seductively. It partially hid the slight neckline that hinted at the start of her modest breasts.

He was unable to take his eyes away from there, from that promising and seductive scene, which left the rest to his imagination. Because of this, he couldn't see how she blushed more, how she smiled nervously.

The feline teenager panicked a little when she approached crawling over the bed. He was unable to react, to move, to look away from her. When their lips met, his mind went completely blank. To the demihuman, the rest of the world had disappeared. There was just her, her scent, the touch of her soft lips.

"It's a strange feeling, but it's not unpleasant. They say that with tongue is better. Shall we try it?" she asked seductively. She was hiding her shyness with boldness.

He nodded, unable to refuse, unable to think, unable to do anything but put his fingers to his lips in disbelief.

She wasn't thinking clearly either. She felt nervous and indecisive. Gjaki had never done anything like that, she had never kissed before. She hadn't even hold hands, or shared a caress or a few intimate words with a member of the opposite sex.

However, she didn't want to back down. If she did, the vampiress wasn't sure she could work up the courage again. So, her heart pounding, she brought her lips close again, still awkwardly, but determined.

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