First floor's boss

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The first thing she did was send out a Bat to check how the boss reacted. Like the others, and like in the game, it attacked as soon as it got close enough, with all the arms that had it within reach.

It wasn't all at once, because the winged explorer didn't enter every arm's range at exactly the same time. It helped her to verify that it acted the same as the others. Those details weren't in the game.

"Its attacks are just as fast as the others, but they're longer and take more time," she valued in a low voice, while continuing to control the Bat.

It was a small and fast target, which was cleverly controlled, thus making the floor boss's powerful blows useless against it. Until, suddenly, the eight enormous arms began to rotate to create a kind of barrier of sharp edges.

The Bat, which was inside the barrier when it activated, was unable to break through. It was true that it could have tried not to cross it, but she wanted to check it out.

"Deadly Dance... It's like in the game. Its activation is just as evident as back then," the vampire valued.

She knew by heart the abilities and weaknesses of most of the monsters in the game, as she had read and reread all the information available. In fact, if Gjaki had put so much effort into her studies, she would probably have been one of the best students in the school.

In the first phase, she needed to dodge its attacks and avoid Deadly Dance. In the second, the arms separated from the body and attacked autonomously. It could cause many problems, as they attacked from different fronts.

However, their ability to maneuver was reduced while floating, so its movements couldn't be too abrupt. Therefore, for someone like her, they weren't much of a problem.

In the last phase, the arms stuck to each other and rotated as a whole. They became a kind of crusher, which was very difficult to face directly due to its great destructive power. Although, for someone specialized in dodging, it only made the fight easier.

Therefore, if there was no surprise, it was a confrontation without great difficulty. Nonetheless, it was long, since that being of mana had great vitality.

"How boring! Maybe I could... In the game, it was an exploit. The admins had threatened to ban whoever used it, instead of fixing it... Maybe they couldn't fix it?" she wondered, now that she knew it wasn't exactly just a game. "Well, I don't think anyone cares about it now."

It was something that few bosses were vulnerable to. Also, few could carry it out, and was almost impossible for a group. However, for her, it was extremely simple.

She summoned two new Bats to distract her enemy, to draw its attention while she cloaked herself in Darkness.

Both small flying beings were skillfully controlled by the vampire. They even caused some damage to her enemy, when it injured itself while trying to pierce them. It almost got her in a mess. If she hadn't managed to hold back her laughter, she would have been found out.

The vampire soon reached the huge being, next to its leg, and stood there waiting for an opportunity. To create such opportunity, she sent the Bats to just over the ground. There, it was difficult for its arms to reach them, but they were within range of its feet.

It tried to step on one, and then on the other. The first managed to dodge, but not the second. In fact, it hadn't been trampled, but had rather disappeared a moment before.

Since the first had also vanished, and it couldn't perceive any other enemy nearby, the boss simply returned to its original position. It placed its foot again on the passage to the next floor, the one that needed to be guarded. It didn't notice that someone had sneaked in.

"He, he. It worked," she smiled mischievously, already on the second floor.

She didn't take long in summoning two new Bats, which soon found the rest area. She began to walk towards it while controlling her scouts.

Suddenly, one of them disappeared.

"What happened?" she wondered.

She summoned another one again, and sent it to the place where the first one had disappeared. There was nothing there, just walls and rocks. An especially large rock took up a half the tunnel.

Suspicious, she carefully sent the Bat toward that rock. It inched closer, until, with great speed, a huge mouth opened in the rock and sucked the winged scout in barely a second.

"Oh, Lurking Rocks. That makes it easy."

They were one of the most dangerous dungeon creatures if they caught you by surprise. Fortunately, they were one of the easiest when you knew you were facing them.

Their suction power was terrible, but they were static, and only had one mouth. She sent another Bat to check that, as in the game, they were harmless from their blind spot, where her scout soon arrived.

It got on top of the rock and even attacked it, though it wasn't able to do but minuscule damage.

The rock didn't even flinch. They only attacked if their prey was in front of their mouth, although it wasn't easy to know where that mouth was.

They were also very resistant to magic and physical attacks, although bludgeoning damage was moderately effective.

Therefore, Gjaki stood behind and took out a hammer, with which she began to hit the level 21 rock. On the fourth blow, it began to crack, as if it were a real rock. The cracks widened with each hammer blow.

It took her more than ten hammer blows to finish it off, which was tedious, but she had destroyed it safely.

She sighed. That floor was going to be terribly boring but safe. She not only could attack them without danger, but she could retreat without difficulty, since those rocks couldn't move.

"I hate farming," she complained.

However, she had no choice but to resign herself to it. Her plan was as simple as leveling up to 21, and finding the floor boss. If it was like in the game, this time she couldn't bypass it. Just thinking about it made her sigh. That boss was extremely tough.

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