Betrayal (IV)

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Gjaki had decided to help, but that didn't mean she was going to show herself as she was. Therefore, the vampiress had taken on the identity of a red-haired adventurer named Kigja, whose attire was a ninja suit she had designed herself. Her armor looked now like that.

She even had the adventurer's badge, as she had used it to enter cities where a vampiress wasn't welcome. It was far from her only identity, but it was the most suitable for her current level.

In the past, she had made a secondary identity out of necessity. However, she had found it fun to have an alter ego, so a few more had been created over time.

She had even, on one occasion, used one of her identities to join Goldmi and Eldi on a mission. Knowing them, she had appealed to their kindness to get them to help her. When after finishing the mission, Gjaki had shown herself, thus making fun of them, she had earned more than one reproach, and lots of laughs.

It is true that she had tried a second time, but she had been found out. Although, even so, they had played along for a while to make fun of her, as a revenge. Because of that, there hadn't been a third.

With their attention and defenses focused in front of them, the vampiress arrived easily at the mage's back, and piercing his heart and neck at the same time. This caused the shield to collapse.

Krijo was hit by a Shield Bash, which stunned him, while a Lightning Bolt and an arrow attack reached his partner. She tried to defend from them, but she was also attacked from behind. This time, it wasn't lethal, since the presence of the vampiress was already known. Still, it was enough to distract her attention.

She parried Gjaki's Double Edge with difficulty, but an arrow pierced her shoulder as she did so. A Lightning Bolt forced her to turn her attention away in order to protect herself from it. At that moment, the vampiress attacked again. The desperate attempt to block her again caused Krongo's attack to catch his enemy by surprise, who finally fell.

The four of them turned to Krijo, who was being harassed and hit by Kroquia's shield. The warrior's offensive power was her weak point, but she could hold him. When the others joined, he had no way out.

"Wait! We can talkaaarghh...!"

He tried to beg, but was mercilessly pierced by a sword while he was trying to protect himself from the others attacks.

They all looked for a moment at the lifeless body who had been their cousin and supposed friend. They then turned to the mysterious adventurer who had saved their lives.

"Thanks for your help. I'm..." Kroquia thanked, but was abruptly interrupted.

"Leave it for later. Five more are coming from there. Hide."

They had no idea how she could know, but they weren't suspicious, there was no reason to distrust her. When reinforcements arrived, there were only dead bodies in sight.

"Krijo!" Kraga ran up to her brother, and took the lifeless body in her arms.

That was a serious mistake, because, unlike her four companions, she had forgotten all precautions. Therefore, she was the one who received the combined attacks of the warrior, archer and magician, while Kroquia blocked any counterattack, and Gjaki was missing.

Kraga didn't even have time to curse before her life was taken. Perhaps, they had lost the effect of surprise, but there was one less enemy, one especially loathed for her betrayal.

Now it was four against four, but Kroquia gave them a huge advantage. Although with her their damage decreased, her great defense gave them a place to hide, from where to attack safely, a means of nullifying opposing attacks. Although not everything was in their favor. Their biggest drawback was that they were tired, and their mana and energy were half depleted.

Their enemies attacked from range, while taking cover among the trees. They had two melee warriors and two mages, so hiding was their best option. If they could attract them, these warriors could spring into action.

For a while, the battle seemed deadlocked. Neither side dared to advance or use their full power, as they feared of falling into a bad situation. However, Kroquia side had an ace up their sleeve, a mysterious ace that they couldn't control. In fact, they didn't even know what the mysterious adventurer who had saved them was doing.

Gjaki appeared suddenly. She stabbed one of the mages in the back, Grabbed the other by the neck with the whip, and summoned two hounds to distract the warriors.

Her enemies believed that there were only four opponents, so her appearance had been totally unexpected. The first mage suffered a serious though not fatal injury, while the second suffered a burst of mana as his spell was abruptly interrupted. It had been premeditated.

The hounds weren't much of a problem for the warriors, who only suffered a few scratches, but it had been enough for Kroquia and her companions to arrive.

The wounded mage had stepped back and summoned a shield. He couldn't attack, but was momentarily protected. Therefore, he took the opportunity to drink a potion that partially cured him.

The second mage had been attacked by Gjaki and two Mirror Clones, while he was still held by the neck, and his spells were being interrupted by Disrupt. Despite the difference in level, the mage was at a clear disadvantage against an agile opponent who was specialized in close combat, who continually interrupted his spells.

Perhaps, if he had possessed instant spells, he would have had a chance. However, the mage had always fought in groups while protected by warriors, so he hadn't needed them.

Kroquia and Krongo each attacked a warrior, while Kruloz was supporting them from behind. Krinia kept an eye on the mage who was trying to recover. She couldn't use her spells when her companions were so close to her targets, so she was on the lookout for any opportunity.

The ninja-vampiress could have single-handedly finished off the mage, though she was helped by a couple of arrows. To the archer's surprise, she disappeared into the Darkness, only to reappear behind the warrior Krongo was attacking. Between the two of them and Kruloz's help, he quickly succumbed.

The other warrior tried to run away, but a whip Grabbed her leg. It tripped her, and left her at the mercy of her enemies.

Meanwhile, the mage had tried to back away, but had been surrounded by a Lightning Prison. He was trying to fight back, but he was hurt, and the pressure of Krinia's spells was relentless.

When the prison disappeared, he believed he had a chance, but it had only happened to allow the rest of his enemies to pass through. Unable to face all of them, he succumbed in a few seconds.

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