In search of a countess (II)

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Kilthana's level wasn't so low that she couldn't walk briskly for a couple of hours, but within ten minutes she was exhausted. In her defense, it had to be said that she had spent years locked in a room.

Gjaki considered piggybacking her, but in the end she decided on a hound. The countess looked at it suspiciously, but, finally, she agreed to ride it, though she feared it would turn back in anger. However, the mana being didn't flinch. In fact, it wasn't even really alive. It was simply mana in the form of a huge hound, which did the bidding of its owner.

She took her as close to the city as possible without being seen. They were going through the forest, not on the road that protected against the beasts. However, no being dared to approach the level 100 vampiress.

"Blonde or redhead?" Gjaki offered.

"Er... Blonde?" the countess answered, confused.

"Okay, don't move."

After a while, her metallic black hair was now a shade of blonde. Her fangs and pointed ears were camouflaged, and her skin had a bluish hue. Gjaki, for her part, was red-haired, and also bluish.

"This is... incredible..." Kilthana marvelled in front of a mirror, without recognizing herself.

"Let's go. We have to go in," the redhead urged her.

They went to the road, where they walked slowly until a cart with several peasants got near. The peasants were going to sell some grain, and kindly offered to pick them, in exchange for only a few copper coins. In fact, it was what they had planned. The two of them alone could draw some unwanted attention.

For the peasants, the entrance fee was ten coppers each, so they had no problem getting in. Shortly after doing so, they said goodbye to their companions, who had been talking throughout that short journey. That had been beneficial to them, since they hadn't had to give more than their false names, and let them talk.

"Do you know where the Golden Unicorn smithy is?" Kilthana asked.

"Yes, of course. Go straight until the fourth street. Then, to the left, and the second to the right," a young man gave the direction, while smiling, puffing out his chest and hiding his belly.

"We can accompany you. There's a well-known cantina nearby, we can buy you a drink," another offered.

"No need, thanks for the information," Gjaki interrupted, letting a bit of Bloodlust filter through.

It wasn't enough to terrify them, but it was enough to send chills down their spines. Therefore, they stepped aside and let them pass, while the countess smiled apologetically.

"They're all the same jerks..." Gjaki complained.

"It's your fault for making us so attractive," Kilthana answered, trying not to laugh. At first, she had found it awkward, but now she found amusing to see them frightened.

"How could I know?! I thought these big noses would be the opposite. Who could have thought...?"

It was the fourth time they had asked for directions, and the third time that young men had tried to invite them, and that Gjaki had scared them. At least, they were getting closer. They soon found the spot, though it had been to the left instead of the right.

"Jiknha said in her letter that she was next to a street from the blacksmith shop, in a house with red balconies. There it is..." she found the place, but shut up suddenly.

The door was closed in a somewhat precarious way. It was obvious someone had knocked it down, and then they had fixed it as best they could. Gjaki frowned, while her companion hurriedly knocked, anxiously. It was opened by a middle-aged woman, who looked at them suspiciously.

"Hello, is Jiknha here?" the countess asked, worried.

The change in the woman's expression didn't go unnoticed. She seemed scared, and slammed the door in their faces.

"No Jiknha lives here, don't bother me again," she said as she did so.

However, the door failed to close completely. A Hardened foot stepped in, preventing it. Immediately, a hand forced the door open, and Gjaki entered without asking permission. Kilthana followed, and carefully closed the door behind her.

"What're you doing!? Get out of here or...!" she threatened them.

"Or what? You better not make any noise," the now redheaded vampiress intimidated her.

She had drawn a dagger and put it to the woman's neck. She had nothing against her, but it was clear that she was hiding something from them.

"What do you want? I'll give you all the money! Please, don't hurt me," the woman begged.

Gjaki sighed, and put the dagger away. She felt bad for having threatened her, for having scared her like that. She felt like the bad guy in a movie.

"We won't do anything to you. We just want answers. Where is Jiknha? You know something," the countess asked.

"A... Are you her friends?" she managed to ask between sobs, even hiccuping, and making Gjaki feel worse.

"She's my friend. What's happened?"

Between sobs, hiccups and some anxiety crisis, the woman managed to explain that, three months ago, the palace guards had arrived, broken down the door, and taken Jiknha away. They had threatened her with reprisals if she told anything about it, and she had lived in terror ever since.

Gjaki listened with concern, but not as worried as her companion. The countess was very scared for her friend.

"Dammit. If the count's son is involved... That scum..." she cursed. "We have to save her! You have to help me!"

"Okay, how're we going to get in?" Gjaki agreed. She was always ready for new missions, even though it was no longer a game.

"We'll have to ask for an audience. It's a bit risky, but... Can you get us out if there's trouble?"

"Probably, but it can be dangerous. I'm not sure I can protect you inside the castle," Gjaki was sincere.

"I can't leave her there."

Unlike the other counties she had been to, instead of a mansion, it was some kind of castle, although there were no big differences. The main defenses were similar.

Both had removed their disguises, and the countess was wearing a formal dress. Gjaki, for her part, wore a bodyguard outfit, and a new, simpler disguise. A Blood Clone wore full armor to disguise its nature.

Gjaki hid her real level, but not the clone's, which exuded the intimidating aura of level 91. A small show of power and confidence was necessary, added to that they had reached the castle gates undetected.

"Who are you? Declare your purpose," one of the guards at the entrance stopped them, nervous. That level 91 armored warrior was very intimidating.

"I am Countess Kilthana. I demand an audience with Count Kerhdal," she declared with a solemn and powerful voice, while hiding her fear, and surprising the guard.

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