In group: fifth floor

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As expected, the boss spider's room was packed with other spiders. She didn't want to face it until reaching level 40, and this was a good place to level up.

The archer and the mage helped from range, while the rest watched from afar. They weren't too worried about raising their own level. They had already achieved more than they had expected to get in that journey, since their initial objective had been to train and gain one level. Furthermore, by helping to take down various spiders, they had gained a considerable amount of experience.

Perhaps, they could help on the next floors, although less and less, but they were satisfied. The ezihuq knew that Gjaki's leveling up speed wasn't normal. They expected to reach the next one in some months, hopefully. It was enough for them to be able to accompany her, and see firsthand what was awaiting them when they got stronger.

The vampiress easily managed to reach 40, and single-handedly finished off the floor boss. The reptilians were somewhat surprised by the ease she accomplished it. She seemed to be able to read the boss' movements from the start, and so it was.

There were no big differences from the spider boss she had faced in the previous dungeon, other than a few extra skills. It is true that it was stronger, but so was Gjaki. Besides, she had gained even more skills and spells since then than the boss.

The Web Mantle was somewhat cumbersome, as it wrapped the area around the huge spider with several meters of cobwebs. However, sacrificing a hound was enough to break through. Darkness Blast could also help to immediately get rid of the surrounding webs, if she couldn't wait for Dark Aura to do so.

As for Laser, a spell that allowed the boss to fire a beam of mana from any one of its eight eyes, was only useful if it could target its enemy. It also needed to keep its eyes, which was something the vampiress soon made sure it was no longer true.

Like she had done in the other dungeon, she put up Dark Walls, so they would damage the spider when it used Smash. She was also damaging its legs, or dodged and put herself out of range of the huge spider's more dangerous skills.

She ended up winning the fight as if it were a routine job. The only danger for her would be if she were not alert enough. Nonetheless, that mistake wasn't going to be made by someone who had faced hundreds of bosses. Also, she had learned after truly arriving at that world that the punishment for being distracted was much more severe than in the game.

Therefore, they soon moved on to the next floor, the sixth, an allowed Gjaki to go first. It was becoming dangerous for them to be there by themselves. While they could defend themselves, and even defeat an enemy, they had to be very careful.

Gjaki had switched to a level 40 gear after leveling up, which had bolstered her defense and attack, plus some bonuses.

Also, she had recovered Servant, a blood spell that can create a lesser vampire servant after biting someone, which she wasn't planning on using. The idea of ​​creating servants didn't appeal to her in the reality. Rather, it was sinister.

She had also re-obtained Surplus, a skill that allows to temporarily increase the blood that can be drunk. This makes possible to have a larger reserve for a few minutes, which is especially useful when biting a victim and bleeding them dry. Over time, the remaining blood not consumed in spells or skills is lost.

The enemies of that floor were enormous level 40 mosquitoes. They were a little less than a meter long, capable of sucking the mana of their enemies, fast and agile, and relatively fragile.

Since strength wasn't their main virtue, Kroquia was able to block them. However, it wasn't easy for them to attack those beings, except for Gjaki. When they were at full mana and energy, she would let them practice with one, while she watched.

They could have faced more than one consecutively, but it was safer not to force. Probably up to three or four, although not at the same time. It was important that they were in their peak, in case one escaped from Gjaki, or was lurking in one of the corridors while she was facing another. It only happened a couple of times, but a single slip would be enough to end a life.

For her part, the vampiress was simply faster. As they were surpassed in their main virtue, those mosquitoes didn't represent a big problem, although they served her to train her Martial Arts. The combination of a flying kick, followed by a knee, a second kick, an elbow or a punch, was very effective.

So was the whip, especially with Stiff, Grab and Dribble, to damage the wings and render them almost defenseless. She could have left them for her companions, but she had more efficient plans in mind. For now, the fastest way was for her to level up and reach the lower floors.

It was a bit overwhelming for the reptilians to see the amount of tricks she had at her disposal. In fact, there were more. The illusion spells and many blood skills were useless, since they had no effect on the mana beings that inhabited the dungeon.

On that floor, there was another door, another seal, a female blood knight.

"The place of the dead is not the world of the living. It is time to go to the other side. As the master of the contract, I release you from your bonds, and I open the gate to where you belong."

"You were one in life, be one in death."

Her weapon, a hammer, disappeared with her, though not her memory. Despite being already the third time, she still left a strong impression on the vampiress.

Her companions continued to marvel at her leveling speed. It only took her a couple of days to reach 41.

Darkness Ring was the spell recovered. Although it wasn't very useful against those mosquitoes, it could be summoned against others beings to keep her companions safe.

She was more excited about unlocking Advanced Martial Arts. In the game, it didn't have much meaning, but now it was different. With the control she had just gained, she could damage an enemy's bone without damaging its flesh, or execute two strokes at the same time.

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