Last Boss (I)

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She found the floor boss before reaching level 26, but decided to level up first. It cost her another day.

She had unlocked Discern Illusions, a spell that allows what its name implies. It makes it difficult to be fooled by illusions if it is active, unless they are of a much higher level.

As a skill, she had regained Intermediate Martial Arts, with which she deepened her knowledge about them. Not only did Gjaki have new moves from the game at her disposal, but she felt that the inherited knowledge from her home world could be extended with it. Also, she could now easily link two moves almost without thinking, without having to train them. Somehow, the vampiress knew the best way to do it, just as she had done in the game.

Until now, despite being able to do it consciously, she needed to train every combination to achieve that proficiency. Now, said information was inside her as if she had always possessed it.

As usual, the final boss of the dungeon was a giant version of the inhabitants of that floor. The four-meter-diameter sphere floated inertly in the center of the cavern, with fourteen spikes protruding from it. If it were a cube, it could be said that they came out of the faces and the edges.

It was definitely intimidating, but its size was an advantage to the vampiress rather than a handicap.

It is true that the force of its attacks could intimidate a player with the role of a tank, even when carrying a powerful shield. However, the destructive power didn't matter if it wasn't able to reach her.

Gjaki approached her enemy while hiding in Darkness, until suddenly she used the whip to Grab the base of one of its spikes. It was slippery, but two Fleeting Dagger had previously stuck to that spike, and prevented the whip from slipping.

With the help of the weapon, and as if it were a swing, Gjaki jumped on the huge hedgehog. She pushed herself on one of the spikes, and reached where the daggers were stuck.

The final boss had started to rotate on itself, but hadn't yet picked up speed when the vampire had hold on her foe with her nails, by using Scratch. She held just long enough to retrieve the level 25 daggers and plunge them into the spherical body.

She used the two level 20 daggers with Surprise Dagger to stab them with her feet, and then Hardened them to kick them in deeper. The silver-haired vampiress also carried Dark Aura, which continuously damaged the being she was holding on to.

It started to speed up, while she took a sword and stabbed it deeper and deeper to get a better grip. She then picked up one of the daggers and started sticking it in and out, moving it up, down, sideways, rotating it or using Double Edge, The weapon always added the Dark Touch damage.

"I'm getting dizzy," she said worriedly.

The sphere was rotating faster and faster, which was beginning to be unsettling. Her grip was solid, and she could withstand the centrifugal force, but her body was beginning to suffer from it. It seemed as if a gravity several times the usual wanted to pull her out. Even Self-Regeneration had to act, thus threatening to empty the already meager blood pool.

After leveling up, the capacity and quality of the blood pool had increased. Therefore, she had no more blood than what there was there, and it was only three-quarters full. Even so, she didn't let it go and continued to hold on the hedgehog as if it were a merry-go-round going wild.

"Now I know how spinning tops feel," she murmured.

Fortunately, the boss had no way of reaching Gjaki. Its only option would have been to hit the wall, but its own spikes would have protected her.

When its health finally dropped to 50%, it stopped to split in two.

Gjaki dropped, but she couldn't stand when hitting the ground, so she fell hard. Spinning for so long hadn't only made her a little dizzy, but had affected her sense of balance.

Although somewhat disoriented and feeling her head spinning, she soon used Darkness to hide. The blood warrior tried to get to her feet, but she was staggering. So, she couldn't help but crouch, while investing some of her blood reserves in creating two Bats.

Immediately, they headed for the two hedgehogs, which had started to rotate again, but hadn't accelerated enough yet. These spiked spheres immediately identified the enemies and rushed towards them to destroy them.

However, not only were the Bats protected by the bosses' own spikes, but her enemies were also spinning, thus making difficult to hit. Soon, the two bosses had pinned against each other, and kept pushing, thus piercing deeper and deeper.

Gjaki then created several Dark Walls and staggered away, while ordering one of her scouts to go down to those Walls. One of the bosses followed it, and the other was dragged away. With this, they weren't only hurting each other but also the Walls did.

She kept hidden. The only problem was that the Bats used up blood, and the supply had been steadily declining. When they split up again, she only had 5% left, though the bosses' health was at 25%.

She only needed those two Bats to continue serving as bait, so her enemies would pierce into each other again, to continually deepen their wounds, would go down to the Dark Walls. However, she couldn't keep the Bats for long.

Therefore, she came out of her hiding place and jumped on one of the hedgehogs, which were now just over two meters and a half in diameter. Without stopping, she began stabbing daggers and using Dark Aura.

Her presence was more powerful than the Bats', so she became their main target. Since her scouts were unnecessary, she unsummoned them.

Since they were pinned to each other, they couldn't move freely. Therefore, the other three hedgehogs pushed towards her, thus driving the one next to her against the rock wall.

The spikes protected her from their owner, but little by little they were being eroded, at the same time that they damaged each other. If they broke too much before the boss collapsed, she would be in danger.

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