In group: sixth floor

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The floor boss was a huge mosquito over ten meters in length. Gjaki had always thought it was a joke or a bug in the game, but it was real.

Like the smaller versions, its great weapon was its speed. It was even faster than the normal ones, despite the fact that its size might lead one to think otherwise. The problem was that it was in a place that, although large, was insufficient to take advantage of its big size and speed.

"Well... So it wasn't a bug," she said to herself, while looking perplexed as her enemy hit the rock because it couldn't stop in time.

The tactic was simple. The first thing was to pay attention to the boss's Flashing Attacks. The second one was to dodge close to the wall so that it collides against it. Lastly, it could be attacked from range when that happened, as it became motionless for a while. The one who had dodged could attack at mele.

If there was a good tank, it could also be provoked to crash into their shield. However, Kroquia was three levels below, and her gear even lower, thus it was unfeasible for her.

Ranged attacks weren't very powerful, as the archer and the mage were a few levels lower. Therefore, Gjaki was dealing most of the damage. However, she could only do it for a short period of time, so it looked like the fight was going to drag on. Unfortunately, the boss regenerated its wings quickly, so attacking them wasn't a good option.

There was, however, an alternative strategy. Some nooks and crannies of the cavern could trap the boss for a few moments. The problem was how to attract it there, since the very shape of these places would prevent her from dodging and leaving before it entered.

One possibility was to use Intangible. However, that would leave her without her ace up her sleeve, not to mention the lost vitality, so she was reluctant to do so. Fortunately, there was a much simpler method.

A blood hound wasn't enough to attract the huge mosquito's attention when it was focused on the vampiress. Nonetheless, that was something she could fix with Darkness, after it impacted against the wall. Therefore, the boss turned to the hound that had just attacked it.

The hound ran towards the indicated position, followed by a faster enemy, but who needed to accelerate first. It disappeared after being crushed and sucked by the floor boss.

Six Tentacle traps coiled around its prey, which was already half trapped by the chosen ambush spot. Gjaki was soon there, with a hammer, to drive it from behind and in with each blow.

The rest of the group joined soon after. Although their level was lower, that didn't mean they couldn't help under that circumstances.

The hardest part was controlling Gjaki's fit of laughter, which was dangerously contagious. Upon reaching 50% of its health, the floor boss had grown. It had increased its size and embedded itself inside its prison. Now, it wasn't even necessary to push it anymore. When it reached 25% and grew again, more than one shed tears.

They had a good time laughing after eliminating it, and later on while eating in the rest area. There was another group of adventurers there, humanoid in appearance. It wasn't something usual, since most were reptilians, but it wasn't exceptional either.

They didn't say or do anything apart from a slight greeting as they entered, and as they left. However, Gjaki felt uncomfortable.

"I don't like how they looked at me," she said when they left.

"Yes, there was something in their eyes. They definitely wanted something, but I don't know what. Maybe it's that you're human like them. Well, at least you look like it," Kroquia agreed.

"I don't know if it's a good sign that they haven't said anything. Maybe they're waiting to find you outside," Krinia worried.

"Let them try," the vampire said defiantly.

That group were somewhat rough-looking humans, four men and two women. Their equipment didn't seem overly expensive, but functional. It hinted that they weren't noble or wealthy.

The most worrying was that their levels were between 40 and 43, which made them dangerous. Despite this, Gjaki wasn't afraid of them. Her experience had allowed her to find out the difference between her and others at her level. Even if they were two levels above, she was confident that she could handle them. Although six was too many, she was sure she could escape.

As always, Gjaki came out first and sent out her scouts. They were totally invisible in the dead of night, though not to the mana beings. Nonetheless, they couldn't be seen by the ones who were stalking around a corner, which Gjaki recognized as the levels 42 and 43 adventurers.

She frowned. It didn't look good, although she was intrigued to know where the other four were. However, her Bats were unable to find them.

She decided to approach, by taking advantage of the darkness of the dungeon. She was almost certain that they couldn't see in the dark. That they probably expected her party to approach with some kind of lamp, as they had when entering the rest area. However, she did have Night Vision.

Of course, despite her suspicion, she couldn't be entirely sure that their intentions were hostile. It is true that waiting in hiding wasn't very encouraging, but also that they hadn't acted against any of them so far.

Therefore, she approached to a safe distance and called them. She didn't fear only two of them.

"What do you want from us?" she asked suddenly, thus surprising them.

However, their surprise didn't last long. Almost immediately, they activated the trap they had set. Some kind of electrical grids came out of an artifact, much more powerful than someone of their level could achieve. They were equivalent to a spell at level 70, maybe higher.

"He, he. It saves us work that you came alone. Now be a good girl and be obedient. You can't escape, not even with the dungeon portal," one of them assured.

"What's this? What do you want?" the vampiress asked. Despite the situation, she didn't seem nervous.

"Do you know what it is to be with two couples all the time? On top of that, they left when we joked around a bit! As if that weren't enough, the closest thing to a woman in these damned dungeon are those lizards. We want you. Don't worry, we'll treat you well. I'm sure you're gorgeous under that hood."

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