Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Dani's POV

I woke up to the sound of knocking on the front door. I rolled over and saw that it was 8 o’clock. I slowly go up and headed to the front door.

“Who the hell is here this early in the damn morning.” I asked my self when I got to the living room. 

When I got to the front door I opened it and Ryan was standing there with some chick that looked like him.

“Um hi.” I said looking at them

“Hey Dani is Rose up?” Ryan asked

“No she is still a sleep, why?”

“I want you two to meet my little sister Becky.” He said pointing to the chick.

“Oh well come in and I will go get her.” I said gesturing for them to come in.

Once they were in I shut the door and walked them to the living room. After they took a set I went to wake up Rose.

I walked to her door and slowly opened it, she was still a sleep. I walked over to her bed and set down on it and got as close as I could to her ear and scream


She let out a loud yelled and pushed me off the bed. I was laughing so hard I had to hold my stomach.

“What the hell Dani.” She said looking over the bed at me

“Lover boy is here in the living room and he wants you.” I said while laughing

“And you couldn’t just tell me that instead of yelling my name in my ear. I don’t thank I can hear right now.” she said

“You can hear stupid.” I said getting up

“You don’t know.” she said crossing her arms

“Oh I know you heard what I just said.”

“Whatever I’m going to see what he wants.”

We both got up and headed out to the living room. Rose set beside Ryan on the couch and I set in my spot while Becky set in the chair  

“Hey baby I want you to meet Becky my little sister.”

“Hey Becky, it’s nice to meet you.” Rose said sticking her hand out

“Like wise.” She said shaking Rose hand

“Oh and Becky this is Dani Rose’s best friend.”

“Hi ya.” I said

“Hey it’s nice to meet you.” Becky said shaking my hand

“That’s what you say now.” Ryan laughed

“Hey what’s that suppose to mean.” I said glaring at him

“Becky is the good girl type that never does anything wrong and is sweet, kind and never mean, the total opposite of you.” He said laughing 

“So that means nothing.” I stated

“Well all I’m saying is by the end of the next 2 days you will have gotten on her nerves.”

“So I get on ever ones nerves.”

“Oh how we know.” he said

“Okay let’s stop arguing and go see what the other guys are doing.” Rose said

“Alright.” We all said

Rose and I changed in to normal clothes, and we all headed to see what the guys were doing. Once we got there I ran and jumped on the couch in the middle and propped my feet up on the table.

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