Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Dani's POV

“RYAN.” I said shocked

“Look we can explain.” Rose said

“Okay what?” Jax said

“OH no I don’t think so your going to have to wait to explain.” I said

“What do you mean wait, why can’t she tell us right now?” Jax asked confused

“Because they are naked under that cover and I’m not standing here with them naked under that after they just did it. That’s gross and awkward. So let’s go and you two get dressed and shit.” I said pushing Saxon and Jax to my room. 

Once we got in my room I shut my door and walked to my bed and set down. Saxon and Jax looked around my room. Jax looked at my bed then smirked at me.

“I love the camo.” he said with a cute smile

“Thanks.” I said smiling 

“Look Dani..” Saxon was going to say something before Rose cut him off

“Okay we are ready.” She said walking in 

I got up and walked to the door with the guys behind me. We followed Rose to the living room. She set on the arm of the chair that Ryan was setting in. Saxon and Jax set on the couch while I stood up in front of the TV with my arms over my chest.

“Are you going to take a set?” Rose asked I looked at her pissed

“No I am not.” I said giving both of them a glare

“Why not Dani we need to talk about this please don’t be mad.” She pleaded

“Well too late for that I’m past mad, more like pissed to me.”

“Why are you so mad?” Ryan asked

“Because that was my spot, now I can’t set in it because you to did it on it.”

“Wait let me get this right. Your mad not because we had sex and are dating but because we had sex on your spot of the couch?” Ryan asked confused

“DUH why else would I be pissed? That was my favorite part of the whole couch.” I stated

Rose got up from the couch and ran to me making me fall.

“What was that for?” I asked once she rolled off me

“I thought you were mad because I didn’t tell you.” She said with a smile

“No I’m not, but how long have y’all been dating.”

“Well we liked each other before I came here, and then when Jax and him moved back one thing lead to another and then we were dating.” She said with a huge smile.

“Really? Damn I can’t believe I never noticed.” I said laughing

“Yeah me too.” Jax said

“WAIT so all those times you told me you were going to a friends house your were going off with him to do who knows what?” I asked

“Yeah basically.” Rose said

“Well I see how you are I will remember that next time.” I said with a smile

“Oh and since we are already telling things, um Dani don’t set in the back seat of my car.” She said with a small smile

“Why?” I asked

“Just because.” She said, as she started blushing

“EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW you did it in the car? That is gross. I’m never getting in your car ever again.

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