Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Dani's POV

“Dani get your dumb ass up.” Rose screamed from the other side of the door.

“Stop screaming and I will” I yelled back, she finally stopped.

I slowly got up and out of the bed. When I finally got to the door and opened it Rose jumped on me knocking me down.


“If you would get off me I could HURRY UP.” I stated

She finally got off and I got up and went to my closet. I found my favorite tee shirt that says “wolves rule” and has a wolf howling at the moon on it, and a pair of short jeans shorts. I got everything and went in the bathroom to take a shower. After I was done I got out and got dressed.

“I’m ready hooker.” I said as I walked in to the living room.

“It’s about damn time, took you forever. Now, let’s go.” She yelled pulling my arm, dragging me out the house to her truck.

“Why are we taking the truck and not one of the cars?” I asked 

“Because we are going to be getting a lot of shit, so we need the truck it has more room. Duh.” She said

We sang along to the radio as we drove to the mall in the next town. When we got there we parked and I jumped out. 

“Race you to hot topic.” I screamed as I ran to the front entrance of the mall.

 “That’s not fair you got a head start.” She yelled running after me

“So your point is.” I laughed 

When I finally made it to hot topic I waited out side for Rose to come up. About two minute’s later she came walking up laughing her head off.

“What the hell happen to you?” I asked 

“I….fell .” She said between laughter.

“So what are we getting in here?” She asked

“Well since your making me go shopping I am getting some new tee shirts.” I stated

I started looking around. Finally I came across a really awesome shirt.

“OH MY GOD, ROSE GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW.” I yelled at her from across the store. Everyone turned and looked at me as Rose came running up.

“What?” she asked

“Check this shirt out. I believe it's the coolest shirt I have seen yet.” I said holding the shirt up. It was a black shirt with “I don’t bite…that hard” in blue letters.

“I am so getting it and there is nothing anyone can do about it.”

“Okay get it you freak.” She said walking away 


After we got what we needed we went to sears to get stuff for the bed rooms.

“So what kind of bed spread are you thanking about getting?” I asked

“I am not to sure. I am thanking something that has black and blue on it, what about you?”

“I am not sure I am just going to look around and see if something catches my eyes.”

I walked around the store for about twenty minutes when I found what I wanted. I grabbed it and started looking for Rose. When I found her she was holding a bed spread that was black with blue dotes on it.

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