188: Extra: IF Line Leader Zai (16)

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188. Extra: IF Line Leader Zai (16)

June twenty-second.

The city of Yokohama today is slightly different.

Large-scale shopping malls canceled promotions, entertainment venues closed, and port trade did not stop, but there were no figures of those mafias, and the sirens of cargo ships from afar were like a distant mourning cry.

The mafia, which values ​​favor and face the most, held a funeral for their respected leader.

All members mourn in silence.

An organization that can compete with the country's military strength cannot develop to this point without the leadership of the leader. To put it in a rather depressing word, there is no second Mr. Dazai in the port mafia.

Armed Detective Agency, Hyakkimaru has no plans to go out, and Mr. Ranpo said that he would watch TV dramas with him, and complaining about the flaws in it is their latest hobby. It's just that during his lunch break, he went downstairs to eat, and suddenly saw a person, a strange... a young man with white hair like snow, holding a cotton candy in his hand, sitting in a daze on the seat of the coffee shop.

Hyakkimaru didn't see his face clearly, but just looked at his back, and felt that the black suit didn't match him at all. This person should be dressed in white clothes that were close to the color of his hair, so that he looked more like that.

In the coffee shop, after Hyakkimaru appeared, other people from Buteisha were ordering and greeting him.

"Hyakkimaru, do you want to bring food for Mr. Ranpo?"


Hyakkimaru ordered food for Edogawa Ranpo. Occasionally Mr. Ranpo likes to go downstairs to eat, but today the other party is a little listless, hugging a soft pillow and nestling on the seat.

Kunikida Doppo noticed Hyakkimaru's gaze, looked at the strange guest, and said, "European?"

The owner of the coffee shop lowered his voice and told the members of the Butei Club: "This guest ordered a cup of coffee and sat here all morning, with a gloomy expression on his face."

Kunikida Doppo thought: It is more like those clients who seek help from Buteisha.

Interest in business arose, so he didn't rush to ask, but ordered a good meal and went to the place of his companions.

When Hyakkimaru packed the food and was about to go upstairs, the white-haired guest who had been sitting by the window with his back to the others stood up and walked towards him. Hyakkimaru saw the opponent's face clearly for the first time, there was a discrepancy between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional, but this person...is too much like Bailan Jesso!

It's different, there is no purple inverted crown under the corner of the other party's eyes.

And, the white-haired young man was wearing a black suit with a white flower on his chest, as if preparing to attend a funeral.


Bailan Jesso's voice was habitually raised, and after his tone stopped fluctuating, he appeared much purer.

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