166: Extra: When Akutagawa came to the original world (9)

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Extra: When Akutagawa came to the original world (9)

Using the power of science, Osamu Dazai travels to parallel time and space for the first time ever.

Whether this technology is scientific or not, he doesn't want to delve into it. His own world is deep, and the technology tree of scientific research madmen has been completely skewed. Before civilian technology can keep up, these people went to build time machines.

The place where he landed was full of malice from Saiki Kongsuke.

—in the water.

Without a "plop" or a sound of exclamation, Osamu Dazai was directly sent into the water, and his surroundings became a transparent scene. The water drenched his clean clothes and scrapped the cash in his wallet at once. .

"Gululu... oooo..."

Why is it in the water.

Should he thank the other party for not arranging him in mid-air when he jumped off the building?

Osamu Dazai tried his best to adjust his headlong posture, held his breath, and wanted to climb ashore alone.

Someone on the river bank seemed to be shouting, "Mr. Dazai——!!!"

A landlubber went to rescue Osamu Dazai without hesitation.

In short, Osamu Dazai not only had to swim by himself, but was also troubled by Ryunosuke Akutagawa who jumped into the river and had to bring one more person ashore. Few people know that Osamu Dazai is very good at water, and he has learned many practical skills from suicide all the year round, such as the skill of holding breath for a long time, the technique of stopping the heart, the technique of stretching the neck and bones...

Osamu Dazai's brown hair was sticking together, he took a breath in embarrassment, and spit out the choked water.

He went to see Akutagawa who was coughing desperately beside him.

Very good, so reckless, it really is the missing kid in my own family.


"Mr. Dazai, I'm sorry, I saw you in danger, so I jumped off without thinking."

Akutagawa Ryunosuke knelt on the shore, bowed, and begged the other party's forgiveness, the iron does not mean he is stupid, this time it caused Mr. Dazai to swim and bring one more person ashore.

"Why are you here?" Dazai asked coldly.

"I came with you..." With the thickness of his hair unable to be distinguished, Akutagawa Ryunosuke mistook him for Mr. Dazai from a parallel time and space, "For some reason, you disappeared."

Osamu Dazai's expression changed.

Oops, Saiki Kongsuke sent him to a parallel time and space, and at the same time exchanged another self.

This is the principle of the exchange of rocket launchers for ten years!

Based on Osamu Dazai's cognition of his aggressive personality, the "Osamu Dazai" in parallel time and space will definitely not choose to reveal his identity, but will use his identity in the original world to explore information, and will not take the initiative to expose it until he loses interest. It's also Osamu Dazai, who doesn't know who, can the other party not be curious about his lover?

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