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    A kind man named Oda Saku appeared.

    After Osamu Dazai was silent for a moment, he turned around and saw Hyakkimaru who was walking further and further away.

    Throat is blocked.

    Can't breathe...a suffocation-like feeling.

    His thoughts were temporarily blank, and gradually returned to normal, as if the life organs in his body were calling for help, and all the screams were illusions, and he was pulled back by reality when he was drowning in the turbid water.

    —Ah, this is the reality.

    He heard himself like a coward, speaking in a hesitant and weak voice.


    Turn around.

    Who are you looking for?

    Didn't you find Dororo? Didn't you say that you love me?

    Why did you not see me... It took

    three days to split the sheep organization, and nine days to destroy the new Mafia members of the GSS organization. The blood on the face of the childish boy faded, and a ray of light in his pupils went out. His soul was haunted by sin, and hundreds of people lost their lives, destroying that precious pure whiteness of humanity.

    Dark and bloody.

    His hands are not dirty, but his heart is too dirty to wash.

    Suddenly, Osamu Dazai understood why the parallel time and space Hakugimaru didn't recognize him.

    He laughed out loud.

    For their own stupidity and ridiculous cognition.

    Because of the murders committed by the wicked and the Mafia in the Beebo Street, I thought that it would be fine if I didn't kill, and because of the change in Baigimaru's attitude towards Mr. Mori and Nakahara, I had a fluke mentality and felt that I didn't care if I changed. No matter what he looks like, he will be recognized, and the big deal is to find a way to make Baiguimaru forgive himself. Why can someone who has killed someone be treated leniently, but can't get special treatment from the other side?

    As a result, he kept talking about the person he liked, but he couldn't recognize him, and before he even had time to abandon him, he was left behind by a broken and unconscious puppet.

    What happened to this world?

    What you strive to pursue at the expense of prolonging your painful life... none of it exists.

    The wind blew across the river bank, and the fresh and clean boy in the white shirt took steps in the opposite direction and went back slowly. His half-dry hair was dry, the new bandages were soaked with blood oozing from the skin, and everything was the same.

    At the Port Mafia headquarters, Ogai Mori, who was busy, looked at the boy in the black coat who came alone.

    He put down his pen and smiled as if he saw Osamu Dazai as a student.

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