Ch. 21-Poor Alpha

Start from the beginning


Caleb’s POV

    Time. Nothing is adding up time wise in my notes. The dates are all wrong. It’s like a never ending circle of squiggly lines that I have to figure out where point A begins and point B ends. These notes are just so inconsistent. On one set of papers Ruby is claimed to be an immigrant from Ireland who became an American after marrying an American millionaire, Enrico Sr. In another stack she was born as an American citizen. In another stack it says that Ruby would be classified as an Illegal Alien. Now that’s just the beginning of my problems.

    I don’t have accurate birth certificates, photos of the family, or proof that she was even alive. There is always an older woman in the pictures that I assume is Ruby, but I can’t be sure. Why can’t anything be consistent? Enrico Jr., the Enrico who’s alpha now, is only twenty three years old. I didn’t know that, but before he became alpha of the Ruvido pack he belonged to the Judgei pack in North Carolina. His uncle was the alpha of the Judgei pack during that time.  

     Enrico had an older brother named Gino who mysteriously died by a wild animal attack according to the humans. Maybe the sibling rivalry between the two brothers was taken to the extreme? Just a guess for now though. I don’t know why I’m digging so much into Enrico’s life. I should be trying to figure out who this witch from Thalia’s past is. Could it be something of importance?

    Maybe, but if something happens to Thalia because of me I would like to know about it. I don’t want Thalia hurt. I just can’t let go of this gut feeling that the witch is connected to Enrico. Wouldn’t the simplest solution be to go ask him? Yeah it would but I don’t plan on dying soon. If I do go, I’ll need serious back up, emphasis on the word serious.

  ‘Beta can be serious at times,’ my inner wolf says. Yeah Zeke should be fine and maybe Anthony. I can’t really trust Aston with his mood swings. Then again, maybe I should go alone. It will seem like I’m more trusting of the Ruvido pack. It might also help me learn more about them if I’m alone and unannounced. What am I going to do?

  “You don’t look to good,” someone says. I look over quickly and see Thalia closing the door with her foot. In her hand are two sandwiches and a coke. There’s a bag of chips in her mouth as she attempts to smile. My mate definitely knows how to make an entrance. I get up to ease the load on Thalia and she sighs in relief.

  “Having Sage almost attack me for this stuff made my job very difficult,” she explains. I smirk at her before kissing her cheek.

  “Thank you,” I reply. I turn around and walk back toward my desk. I still have a lot of things to consider. I lay the food out and take a bite of my sandwich. Thalia even put lettuce on the sandwich for me. Thank goodness she thought about my hunger because I could’ve been up here for days without food. That’s just how deep in thought I get when I’m working.

   ‘She’s still here.’ Oh? I look back and see Thalia rocking back and forth on her feet. She’s looking around the room with a bored expression on her face. Is something wrong?

  “Do you…need something,” I ask politely. I’m just genuinely confused. Thalia shakes her head no and continues to rock. Well if she doesn’t need anything, what’s the problem?

  “Just keep working. I’ll be fine,” she says. Okay… I turn around and eat while staring at the page. I can’t work because my mind is racing. What did I do?

    I didn’t kiss her mark recently, I didn’t pull a prank on her, and I didn’t take away her weapons. Those are the major things that set Thalia off so what is it? Is she mad that I punched her? No it can’t be. I apologized for that already. Should I have fixed her lunch? No, she would tell me to continue working. Damn it what did I do?

Promises from a Forswearer. The Hemerwig Series.Where stories live. Discover now