Ch. 8-Tears

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Hey guys! It's me.....Vienna. I just want to say that in this chapter there will be swimsuits, teasing, water, food, and laughs. It's all in good fun however.

Also in this chapter, AH101 a good friend of mine, I seem like a goody goody. I just want to stress that I am not. Please be quiet Josella! *clears throat* You will see what I mean below.

Please Comment and Vote after you read. If I get a lot of votes and comments, Ash plans on taking me out to dinner. We don't do that often and I think that would be really nice. That is of course if I remembered to give him his medicine today. Oops I have to go! Enjoy! 


Thalia's POV

   I wake up and see Caleb sleeping peacefully. How did I get here? I had dinner, remember taking a shower alone, crawling into bed, Caleb left sparks on my skin, and we went to bed with a sweet kiss. I rub circles on Caleb's chest and look down. Why am I only in my underwear? Oh yeah, it got too hot and we didn't want to open the windows because of mosquitoes.

I look down and notice that my leg is on top of Caleb's. How did I sleep like this? I bring my leg to my side and find Caleb's arms around me. How am I supposed to get out of this? I kiss Caleb's lips gently and he doesn't stir. I kiss him again but get the same result. His eyes should be fluttering open with undying love and devotion toward me.

This is why I wanted a Disney prince as a mate. 'Let him sleep,' Cleo says and I sigh before getting a headache. Someone must be trying to reach me through the werewolf bond. "Are you up," Josella asks through the bond. "Now. Are you," I ask. "Yeah I'm cooking breakfast. Come over if you want some. You don't have to get dressed. Everyone's in their pj's and robe's," Josella says before the bond grows silent.

Breakfast is what I want but someone doesn't plan on waking up. How can I have fun and make Caleb move? I wrap my arms around his neck and put my leg on his thigh. I let my thigh rub Caleb up and down and get a low growl from him. "No tricks Thalia. I'm tired," He says. I'm starting to notice that Caleb is not a morning person.

I lean into his ear before whispering, "I'm having a little problem. Cleo is whimpering and I was only wondering if you could help out. I'd do anything to repay you." "Anything," Caleb asks. "Anything," I whisper before kissing his neck. "Alright. I'll help you in twenty minutes. Go back to sleep," Caleb says before releasing me and turning over.

I groan and get out of bed. I'm free but this isn't what I wanted. I get ready before walking out to put my robe on. I'll just let him be hungry since he doesn't want to be pleasant. "If you want me to bring you something back. Say something now," I say in a hushed voice. If Caleb was alert, he would hear me. Caleb just rolls over to a more comfortable position.

I put on a pair of sandals before walking out of the house. "Hey Thalia right," Sylvia asks from behind me. "Yep," I reply and turn around. Sylvia yawns before catching up to me. "Nice Spongebob," I say while looking at her slippers. "Thanks. Jon left me so I hope all the food isn't gone. How's being mates with Caleb," Sylvia asks. "Nice. Have you been here before? I thought Josella was only here for little over a month," I admit.

"I came with Jon and my parents when Josella first arrived," Sylvia says. "Are your parent's Haylynn and Drew Brentwood," I ask. "Yeah and I'm fifteen. How did you know that," she asks. "Josella talked about them. You must be a close family," I say before walking through Josella's doors. "Very close even though my father doesn't get along with Uncle Vic, Jose's father. What about your family," she asks.

Well I don't want to seem weird so I say, "My parents are on a trip. I was heading to my grandma's with my brother and was attacked. Caleb helped me out and it turns out we're mates." "That's kinda like a twisted Little Red Riding Hood," Sylvia says and I laugh. I guess when you thought about it, that's how my relationship seems.

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